Ch 11

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Xie Lian

Xie Lian swallowed hard although his throat was parched from the heavy tension settling in the room. His heart was pounding and that was all he could hear. 

The room was deathly silent. No one, not a single living soul made a move. But he could feel that those people in the room with high expectations for tonight's event were raging angry, just as angry as the man who just bellowed. 

The people's eyes turned to the man who angrily protested and interrupted their fun. 

In just a matter of seconds, two large men held the man up by his shoulders and he was lifted five inches from the ground. The man who protested was firm on his opinion. "This is illegal!" he spat the words out as if he weren't scared. But the paleness and the sweat forming on his forehead were a testament to the fear he was feeling. "You subject these women to harm and that man's offers are evil!"

The man behind the curtain laughed humorlessly. "You came here, in my territory, without any idea of what really is happening," he accused. "The government always plays me dirty, huh? Police Officer Lang Qianqiu" The Officer's eyes widened and he visibly gulped.

Oh. So, did the Mayor contact him, or was he sent by the police? Xie Lian couldn't know for sure and knowing the answer wouldn't matter. 

Upon hearing what the man behind the curtain said, the people frowned even more and were killing him with their glares. Their glares were full of accusation and threat. 

Slowly, the man stood up from his seat. They could even hear his footsteps. The people were holding their breath from anticipation and even Xie Lian did. He just couldn't stop his heart from beating hard against his ribcage. The thrill was eating him up. He wanted to see him too. 

When the man behind the curtain stepped out to the light, there was a collective gasp. Xie Lian gasped too while Shi QingXuan just cursed under her breath. 

He licked his lips as he felt his blood rising to his face. He didn't even know why his blood rushed to his face! Why was it even there on his face!

It was San Lang! It was his friend whom his heart was yearning for. The man was before him, in flesh. He wanted badly wanted to reach out to him. He badly wanted to close their distance and just say hello to him. It didn't matter if San Lang's clothes were different nor did it matter that he stood confidently, boldly, and intimidating to others. It didn't matter if his eye was sharp and that there was a patch covering his other eye. It didn't matter when even in all those things, all he could ever see was San Lang. 

Xie Lian found him too handsome, not that San Lang before was short of that. It was just that how he carried himself and how the lighting hit his face made his jaw sharper and more accentuated. His lips were red as usual but it was drawn in a thin line from anger. 

Xie Lian, at the back of his mind, wished he could see the childish pout on those lips. He missed that so badly. 

San Lang was wearing silver pieces of jewelry, some looked heavy and some light. They went well altogether. Sure, San Lang did have a good sense of style. He was wearing a button-down red shirt with three buttons undone, exposing the expanse of his milky fair chest. Xie Lian partly knew how those pecs felt. Weirdly, he wanted to at least button up just one button. Hmp! Also, gone were the loose pants and shorts. He was wearing slacks that hugged his thighs well. 

He looked as if he was walking down from his throne. And all were in awe that they forgot the game. 

San Lang stayed on the stage as he spoke. "What am I going to do to you? Make you disappear forever?" A sick and barely noticeable smile appeared on his lips. So handsome. Xie Lian squirmed on his seat. 

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