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Hua Cheng's

Hua Cheng blearily woke up. It wasn't uncommon for him to wake up in the middle of his sleep, and it was probably something that would forever be part of him. But there really was rest whenever he had his beloved beside him. 

He had known true rest with Xie Lian. He'd feel sleepy. He'd fall asleep deeply. Overall, he felt safe around the man. It was not rocket science why he did. 

With his eyes still closed, Hua Cheng reached out for his lover to wrap his arms around him, pull him close, feel his warm and soft skin against his, and just overall touch Xie Lian. When did they go apart in their sleep anyway?

However, his hand only felt the soft duvet. Where Xie Lian was supposed to be was empty. 

It was even cold. 

He frowned. How unusual. Hua Cheng opened his eyes; indeed, the room was empty and quiet. And cold. Too cold. Usually, he'd panic, but he tried to calm himself down. They were inside his room. They just made love. They were safe. Xie Lian was safe with him. 

So, what could go wrong?

Hua Cheng rubbed his eyes and sat up. He decided to check the bathroom. 

Just to check the time, he glanced at his clock. It was five in the morning. 

"Gege," he called for Xie Lian. 

He knocked on the door to his bathroom but nobody answered. So, he opened the door and was met with an empty space. 

That was when Hua Cheng's heart started beating painfully hard against his chest. 

No. He's supposed to be just beside me. He's supposed to wake up with breakfast in bed! 

Not again. Not again. 

Hua Cheng's mind raced back to the day when Xie Lian was forcefully taken right under his watch. It ended up so bad that he hadn't forgiven himself yet. And it couldn't happen again. It just couldn't. 

He almost lost Xie Lian that day. If it weren't for some miracle, he would've lost Xie Lian, and it seemed that he hadn't learned his lesson. 

Hua Cheng was pacing inside his room. His hands were numb. Maybe, he just woke up and was thirsty?

No, I prepared a pitcher of water. 

Hua Cheng had no time. 

The necklace! Hua Cheng ran to where his phone was. He quickly went to the app that helped him track his gege wherever. But it pointed him just inside his room. 

"Fuck." Hua Cheng checked under Xie Lian's pillow and the necklace he gave him was indeed there. He walked back and forth again as he dialed Yin Yu's number. 

There was no way this happened. No way. Having Xie Lian last night was bliss. It was heaven, but right now, he felt as though he was punished. He felt like his one foot was buried, dragged to hell, and if he wouldn't find Xie Lian within his property, he might be as well in hell. 

One ring and Yin Yu answered. "What-?"

"Yin Yu, I need you to lock all the exits of the manor."


"NOW!" He bellowed. 

"Right away," Yin Yu responded hurriedly, realizing how serious he was and how urgent his demand must be met.

Hua Cheng wasted no time. He threw his sweatpants and hoodie on. Jaw clenched and eyes determined, he opened his drawer and took out his guns. 

Hua Cheng didn't even bother to cover his blood-red eye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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