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This is not just a feeling that leaves you grounded in place

This is an instinct that takes control of the veins

Not just the veins but it manifests deeply in the brain

It causes the senses to freeze

This is what it's like to be paralyzed

The lack of air being circulated to the lungs

That is enough to leave anyone numb

The pain of not being able to feel the fingertips

But to hear their faint cry telling you to "snap out of it"

To get with the times and find a way to hide

If the fight or flight stance is no longer a way to help survive

Get a move on to get out alive

Although the muscles are stiff and won't move an inch

The brain yelling but its voice begins to hitch

The heart begins to race

Finding a way to get out of this dangerous place

Pounding against the rib cage again and again weakening it with every strike it makes

All of this to help the body snap out of this state

A state the removes all fear from the eyes

To make sure the host does not go off and die

Being paralyzed can be helpful

But can also be the thing that can cost lives

Overthinking the outcomes instead of taking the first stride

The fear that can be petrifying coming to kiss us a gentle hello and will never say good-bye

Being paralyzed can also leave many traumatized

The remembrance of the situations that ate us alive

Maybe not externally but in the mind

Slowly decompensating and contemplating whether the decision was right

Maybe there was more that could have been done

What if's flooding the mind

Constantly thinking to turn back time

This is the cost of being paralyzed 

Pain and SerenityWhere stories live. Discover now