lost then found

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Lost but not in the sense everyone thinks

Not lost in thought

Or an effortless reality

Nor lost in the eyes of others that seem to dawn on me

But lost in expectations

Lost in a fictional ending

The pressure is beginning to reel me in

The person I am

Not the person I parade myself to be

The one that lays within me

Where the heart is found

Curled up in a ball in a corner of an abyss

The darkness about to consume me

Lost is what I never wanted to be

But an event that happened inevitably

Lost in thought

In past mistakes

Regret that gnaws at my heart

Feeling that overwhelm my senses

And doubt that chains me here

This is the prison that I have built for me

Lost in the process of it all

How could I be so far gone

But I can be found

Not on my own but by others that are around

The ones that see me when I think no one is arounds

Lending me a hand to stand firm on land

How can someone be so lost but found?

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