arrow be mine

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A straight line

A narrow road

I guess that is what we consider life

Constantly stumbling of past mysteries

Only to be left deceived

It seems so strange to me that there is an arrow in life

One that considers choices off of what is wrong and right

Although pulled in a straight line

It curves once its free to fly

To be one with the sir it cuts through

Even if it's for a second of time

An arrow is so free to be what it wants to be

The expectations are not high

Everyone around just wants to see it glide

To hit the target in record time

Oh, how to be free from an empty eternity

A life full of stress what ifs and if onlys

An arrow is so free to live in bliss and glee

Thin and flexible but with a sharp blade

Not a frightening tool unless its blades catches skin

Then that's when the worry will set in

A worry-free life

Where expectations can be paralyzed

To maneuver so freely and find a new trajectory

Arow be mine

Show me the ways of life

The ways that you live by

Show me how to ricochet

Live a life so timelessly

To be someone that finds peace in a battle scene

Please be mine and show me your ways

Arrow be mine and stay by my side

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