Forgiveness: Leonardo

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It was the next day, you have left Leonardo alone to think and give him space. Donnie apologized on his behalf as Leo was the type to view something the wrong way sometimes especially misunderstandings.

And with how they are mutants with insecurities sometimes being an issue can lead to problems, but nonetheless Leo would come around and most likely apologize to you is what Donnie calculated. But you still weren't satisfied so you wanted to find proof anyways.

You were looking through you messages but didn't see any of you mentioned you were cousins as that would be kinda of weird to just say in the middle of a text message to your cousin. 'Hey cousin aren't you happy we're related?'.. yeah no.

So you were looking through family photos to look for anything with your cousin in it, but it was difficult than expected.

Thankfully after an hour of searching you found a birthday photo for a friends birthday party and saw your cousin in it when you were all younger, finally some proof and it had his name on the back along with the friends names and who wrote the names.

Thank god grandma always signed on the back of the photos to place a time, names in the photo, and who took the photo. She was such an organized woman. You took a photo of the photo and sent it to Leo like a happy girl getting asked out to prom. And a double plus you found an old photo with your aunt, cousins dad, and C/N

You even sent a side by side photo of your cousin from then to now, to show the similarities to the facial structures. And sent your cousins family photo to him as well since he knew your aunt which would definitely verify that what she was saying was true.

Leo saw it as it said he read it and he started to type, *'i'll be there in a moment'* he sent to you.

Then after 30 minutes he finally arrived at your place and crawled through your window. You opened it and let him inside and tapped your foot expectingly.

He rubbed the back of his head and sat down, "I admit I shouldn't have acted the way I did by not hearing you out...I out right accused you of something you didn't do and I deeply apologize for how I acted.." he apologized. "I know nothings perfect and neither am I...I just hope you can forgive me" he hoped.

You went from stern to a relieve and relaxed smile on your face, you pet his head to comfort him. "Yes I forgive you...lug head" you mused and gave him a nickname.

He chuckled a bit and hugged you in response, "I'm glad this doesn't affect our relationship" he said happily.

"Me too" you responded happily

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