#Life with TXT

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Note : hey everyone, Mi_YuYuinie here. I deeply apologize for not updating for so long. My semester just came so I'm focusing ok my study. Thus, I couldn't really update my stories.

One more thing, regarding the little red riding hood chapter, lately I can't come up with the next plot to continue the chapter. So I decided to halt it for a while to generate some ideas to end the story.

Until then, I will update some other chapters. I'm so sorry for the long wait. Even now, I don't think I can update the story every week. It depends on my free time... And my spirits. Again I'm so sorry... Pls enjoy this chapter. Love you all!


JK : make sure to eat well.
Tae : call us if you're bored.
Jimin : or if something happens, tell us or let them know okay??

Y/n nods at every single of her brothers' reminder.

Jin : she must sleep on time. Don't ever let her stay awake after 11.
RM : and never give her soft drink, she can't handle them. She has to eat veggies regularly.
Hoseok : don't ever let her play outside on her own, she's-
Mrs BTS : okay okay that's enough boys.

Effortlessly, Mrs BTS pulls the boys' ears all at once and sighs.

Mrs BTS : you're all acting overprotective right now. Don't you trust your cousins??
YG : I do.
JK : it's just... We're just giving little remarks that's all...

Mrs BTS sighs again.

Mrs BTS : I'm sorry about that...
Mrs TXT : *chuckles* don't sweat it. It's adorable to see them really care for her.
Mrs BTS : but seriously, don't let her sleep late or she'll get bags in her eyes!
Jin : look who's overprotective now...
Tae : y/n-nie, we promise to be back after five days. Just call oppa if you feel bored or lonely.
Beomgyu : don't worry hyung, we will be sure to take care of her. She'll for sure enjoy here.
Jimin : okay, we trust you guys... But not too much fun to the point she got close to you guys!

Jimin warned, pointing his finger and glaring at the TXT brothers threateningly.

Mrs BTS : aish, let's go boys, this won't ever end if we stay!

Mrs BTS then pulls the boys' towards the car. The boys wave their hands, biting their tissues and dripping their tears dramatically.

JK : take care y/n!!
Tae : we will miss you!!
Jimin : oppa has left some cookies in your bag!! Enjoy them!!
Hoseok : remember us y/n-nie!!
RM : you guys are dramatic... Be safe y/n-nie!!!

All of them enters the car and y/n watches as the car drives away. She felt a weight on her shoulder, causing her to look up over her shoulder to see Mrs TXT smiling sweetly at her.

Mrs TXT : let's go inside hmm??

Y/n nods. Her tiny hands was hold by Mrs TXT as she gently gestures her towards the living room where the rest of the family members are. Y/n feels a bit nervous when eyes start locking on her.

Mr TXT : Omo she look so tiny indeed!

Y/n bows down to Mr TXT and looks at the rest of the boys there. She counts and there are 3 boys.

Mr TXT : y/n, meet your cousins. This is Soobin, Taehyun, Heuning... Where are the other two??
Soobin : probably at the kitchen eating again...
Mrs TXT : aish... Beomgyu!! Yeonjun!!

There was a few second of silence before y/n hears loud thumping noise from the kitchen. Soon, two boys came, standing in front of them. She saw their faces are dirty, smothered with some sauce.

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