#Workplace, tag along

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"We are here!!" Said Hoseok as he finished parking and takes off his seatbelt. Y/n watches the wide parking lot. The place is almost empty, with only a small number of cars here.

She follows along, taking off her seatbelt and gets out of the car, instantly her nostrils meet a smokey smell.

Hoseok comes to her side after locking the car and holds her hand, pulling her to walk towards the lobby. Y/n can't stop touring her eyes around the place until they reach an elevator.

Hoseok presses a button and both of them enters the elevator. Y/n sees mirrors around her as she enters, but the bottom half of the wall has a blurry mirror.

She stands besides Hoseok, with her hand still holding his. The elevator goes up and y/n watches as the red light displays a number that is slowly going up.

The elevator suddenly stops and it opens, revealing bunches of men with mask. They enter the elevator and y/n quickly gets closer to Hoseok. She lets go of the hold and reaches her hands up to Hoseok.

Hoseok carries her up in his arms and they're now cornered in the elevator. Y/n can finally see her reflection from the clear mirror. She feels shy and hugs Hoseok to hide her face in his neck.

Later then, she feels the elevator stops and Hoseok walks out of the elevator. She lift her face up and is meet with a wide glass window, displaying the towns talk building and the blue sky.

She squirms around and Hoseok places her down. Quickly, she rushes towards the wide glass and looks out at the city.

"Hyung!" Hoseok sees Taehyung approaching his direction with a wave. Y/n also hears it and smiles widely. She scurries towards Taehyung and hugs his legs. "Hi y/n-nie!!" Greets Taehyung happily as he carries her up in his arms with a strong peck on her cheek.

"How's school??" He asked and y/n nods, indicating it's good as always. Her eyes then diverts down, noticing Taehyung is rather wearing an extravagant clothes today.

"Hyung, the shooting is starting, you should go and change quick." Taehyung informs and Hoseok hurriedly goes away.

"Omo?! Y/n-nie??" Yoongi is the first to notices y/n as Taehyung comes inside the shooting room with her. He skips towards her happily and holds her.

"Oppa is in a good mood today." Thought y/n as she sees Yoongi is showing his gummy smiles. It's not rare but rather not frequent for her to see such smiles. And she knows it means he's really ij a good mood and something good must've happened.

"Why is she here??" Asked Yoongi to Taehyung.

"Hoseok hyung said that he wants to bring y/n here since he couldn't drop her home." Taehyung explains and Yoongi just nods.

Y/n also notices the rest of her brothers in the room, getting make up by make up artists. She sees everyone is also wearing extravagant clothes like Taehyung.

"Alright everyone it's time to shoot!!" Said a man, slapping a paper roll on his palm. Her brothers replies to him and Yoongi places y/n down on the ground.

"Y/n, let's sit here." He gestures her to a set of black chairs where there's also other middle aged men and women are seated.

Y/n feels shy and nervous, she holds Yoongi's hand tightly and shakes her head at him, knowing she will be left alone with these strangers.

"It's okay. We will come back after shortly. Just stay with this lady." He introduced a woman in a pink cardigan, who's the make up artist. The woman smiles at y/n as Yoongi politely asked her to look after his sister.

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