#Just guy's things

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The birds are chirping, the sky is blue, and little y/n is in the bathroom, brushing her teeth. She's struggling to stay awake in front of the mirror. What makes y/n so sleepy first thing in the morning??

Last night, she watched movies with her brothers. Yes plural. She watched more than one movie that she ended up sleeping after past 2.

But she isn't going to complain about it, for the movies she watched was very interesting. Seems like adventure is her genre. She likes to see all of those actions and adventures the characters are facing. Many obstacles that are nerve-wracking and heart thumping. She likes the feeling of adrenaline.

Sometimes, she also wonders if she could ever be in that situation. For example, being lost in the forest and tries to survive massive animals that tries to kill her. Come to think of it, she would love to go camping one day.

After doing her morning routine, y/n heads downstairs. She hears music from the gymnasium. Intrigued, she pushes the door open and sees two of her brothers, Jungkook and Namjoon exercising.

Jungkook on the treadmill while Namjoon doing weight lifting. Feeling excited, y/n suddenly feels the desire to join them, since she likes physical activities.

She comes inside, instantly grabbing Namjoon's attention. "Good morning y/n!" Greets Namjoon with a groaning tone. "wanna join us??"

As if he has read her mind. Y/n nods and looks around the room, to find what to start with. She sees a small pink dumbbell at the corner of the room and grabs it.

It's a little heavy for her size but she still takes it, for it was the smallest size in the room. She brings it to the middle of the room and starts lifting the dumbbell up and down.

It didn't take a second for her hand to feel sore by the weight. She stops lifting it and places it down on the floor, rolling it around.

Feeling bored, she heads towards Jungkook and stands beside him, earning his attention as he smiles and waves at her. "Good morning!" She waves back with the same smile and watches Jungkook running at full speed.

She wants to try it, the treadmill is the second most used equipment for y/n. Jungkook stops the treadmill and decreases the speed. He gets off the treadmill and gestures his hand forward.

"Go on. Try it." He helps her get on the treadmill and y/n starts skipping at the speed. She couldn't hold the handle since it's too tall for her so instead, Jungkook holds both of her hands from behind.

Y/n looks over her shoulder and points at the buttons.

"You want to speed up??" Asked Jungkook and she nods. "okay."

He increases the speed and y/n starts to run. Her breathing becomes fast, along with her heartbeat. She loves the feeling, tired but adrenaline is rushing inside her.

She doesn't have to tell them when she gets tired, because Jungkook already can sense her limit. So he carries her up in his arms and y/n's head collapses on his shoulder, breathing heavily.

Jungkook places her down and y/n sits down on the floor. She ends up just laying down with arms wide open.

"You okay y/n-nie??" Asked Jungkook and she nods with a thumbs up. She sits up a few minutes later and tries other exercise equipment she can use.

Y/n, Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung are at the living room. Y/n is playing with her toys while the rest are watching the news.

One of her toys falls of the sofa. She gets down and picks it up. When she was about to sit down, she notices something about her brothers. Eyeing one by one, she realizes their sitting postures.

Their legs are spread open, and their backs are slouching.

Her eyes blinked. She hops on the sofa, eyeing Yoongi beside her and did what she saw - spreading her legs and slowly sliding her back on the headboard.

"The right way to sit??" Indeed, when she did that, she feels much more comfortable and loose. Maybe it IS the right way to sit down.

Thus, the following days come, and y/n has now adapted to that sitting posture.

"Let's see let's see... What should I try today??" Said Hoseok giddily as he looks through the clothes in the brand clothing store. Y/n tails from behind until she finds the kids clothing section.

She went away and entertains herself with the dresses and skirts. As her eyes roam around, it falls upon a sweatpant. She realizes she has reached the boy's clothing section.

She remembers her brothers always wearing sweatpants. It looks really comfortable, and since she always sees them wearing it, she begins to get intrigued and interested to try it on as well. It does look comfy plus cool.

While she was checking out the sweatpants, she doesn't realize that Hoseok is already having his eyes on her from behind, quite in disbelief on what he's seeing.

His head turns side to side, looking at the girls section and boys section repeatedly. He touches his chest and eyes y/n once again with furrowed eyebrows.

"What is she doing there again?!" He whispers and points his finger questioningly at her.

"She has never even gotten close to the boy's section! What in the world is this?!" He whispered again, slightly pitching his tone.

He peeks closer, to see her checking out the sweatpants. "Has she been interested in sweatpants?!"

Y/n who always has her eyes on girl's clothes, suddenly diverts them to BOY'S clothes!!

"Umm y/n-nie..." Hoseok hesitantly calls for her and y/n turns around. Upon seeing Hoseok, she takes this opportunity and shows the sweatpants that caught her attention towards him.

She shows him the one with the colour she's attracted to... Grey.

Hoseok gasps silently, gaping his mouth wide open.

"She never touched anything with this shade!! What happened to pink?!"

"W-what is it??" He forces a smile and bends down. Y/n then shoves the sweatpants to him, lightly jumping at one place.

"Wait... You want it??" And when he saw y/n nods, he felt like the background just shattered into pieces. He felt like he was talking to someone else, not y/n who adores dresses and pink shade.

He continues to stretch his lips upwards, while slowly standing straight and reaching out the shopping basket for y/n to put it inside.

"I shall host another meeting with the rest... We have another problem..."

Jin walks through the hallway, he stumbles upon y/n's room. The door is open. He peeks inside, and his eyes widen when he sees the messes in the room.

The bed is well made and arranged, but what shocks him is the pile of clothes gathered in the corner of the room instead in the laundry basket, snack crumbles on the floor with the empty packaging, and instead of seeing her toys as usual, he spots a dumbbell in the room.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" He lets out a scream, as if he has seen a ghost. Jimin who hears the scream, comes in a hurry.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Jimin sees Jin with both of his hands in his mouth, his face is pale.

"Hyung, are you seeing a ghost or something?!" He pushes Jin to the side and looks inside y/n's room to see what's going on. And when he did, HE goes pale as well and gasped loudly.


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