#Shopping disaster

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The glass door slides open and two figures walk in, holding each other's hand. The little girl astonishingly looks around the huge place, where she can see all levels, stores are everywhere and many people are almost crowding the place.

It is definitely not her first time but the sight always makes her nervous and excited.

Jin : let's see...

Jin looks around and pulls y/n with him, entering what seems to be a grocery store. They both went ahead to the food aisle.

Y/n just stares at Jin as he picks a packet of paste and examines it. She holds her dress, swinging her body left and right, and looks around the aisle.

Jin : okay, we'll make kimchi fried rice today.

He nods to himself and places the paste packet in the grocery basket. He holds y/n's hand again and both of them head to the other aisle.

Jin : y/n-nie do you want to eat kimchi fried rice??

Y/n nods, smiling at Jin.

Jin : I should get sausage too.

After getting their groceries, both of them exited the grocery store.

Jin : we should do something fun together. Y/n do you want anything?? Ice cream??

Her eyes instantly shine as she looks up at Jin. She was about to nod but then something caught her eyes.

Jin : ah- y/n!!

Suddenly she lets go of Jin's hand and runs away. Jin quickly follows her and sees her running towards a man. He was shocked when y/n suddenly hugs the man's legs tightly.

Jin : y-y/n what're you doing?! You shouldn't hug a stranger's- Jimin??

The man turns around and looks down at y/n, surprised.

Jimin : y/n-nie?? Uih, hyung?
Jin : what're you doing here?? You told us you were going out??
Jimin : yeah??
Jin : why didn't you tell me you're going to the mall??
Jimin : if I tell you then you will ask me to buy groceries.
Jin : duuh!! Aish...
Jimin ; y/n-nie!! How surprising to see you!!

Jimin starts acting cute with her, doing aegyo and starts chasing her all around Jin.

Jin : are you here alone??
Jimin : I'm with my friends.
Taemin : jimin-ah! Yah help me with Ravi here!! He just won't- oh, Jin hyung!
Jin : annyeong Taemin!

Taemin notices y/n hiding behind Jin's legs.

Taemin : is that your lil sister Jimin??
Jimin ; yup she's my sister.
Taemin : waaah she's really cute!! Annyeong!!

He waves and y/n quickly hides herself.

Jimin ; what'd you say about Ravi??
Taemin : ah that's right!! Ravi-
Ravi : yah Taemin where did you go?!! Look, I lost the lottery because of you!!!
Taemin : how was I the cause of it?!
Ravi : cause you won't back me up!!
Taemin : you can't win!! Number 66 is not 99!!
Ravi : if you turn it upside down it's 99! If you defended me we could've win that brand new air fryer!!
Taemin : what do need air fryer for?!
Ravi : we can use it for something!! Argh!!
Jimin : yah don't fight! You're grabbing attention!!

Jimin holds them both apart and tries to redeem themselves.

Jin : *sighs* let's go y/n?? Jimin-ah thanks!!
Jimin : huh??

Jimin turns around and both Jin and y/n are gone, but when he looks down, he saw all the groceries bag on the ground.

Jimin : JIN HYUNG!!!!
Jin : now where should we go... Oh yeah we are- what's going on over there??

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