#No kiss, her revenge (hyung line)

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Y/n thinks her brothers are pranking her too much now. She feels unfair and wants to get back at them.

That's when her small little brain generates an idea for revenge. Her lips stretch themselves into a small cheeky grin.

"I shall not kiss my brother's cheeks."

So here's the plan, each time y/n wakes up early and sees her brothers going out, whether to work or just a normal outing, she will give them a goodbye kiss on the cheek as a routine.

[Namjoon and Hoseok]

Namjoon is at the door, fixing the strap of his sling bag on his shoulder. He wears his shoes and is about to hold the doorknob when he sees y/n coming down the stairs.

Upon seeing her, he stops his actions and turns to her with a smile. "Good morning y/n-nie." Y/n greets back with a smile and tilts her head at Namjoon questioningly.

"We're going hiking today!" He said and y/n is confused by the term 'we'. Just then, he hears footsteps from the stairs behind her. She turns around and sees Hoseok, all dressed up like he's going camping.

"Good morning y/n-nie!!" He greets, squatting down in front of her with an anticipating smile. Y/n smiles at him and waves.

She suddenly remembers her revenge for them and quickly altered her happy expression to serious. Hoseok who witnesses the sudden change of expression, is startled in confusion.

Y/n glances at Namjoon and walks away from the two, heading towards the kitchen. Both Namjoon and Hoseok are dumbfounded by her actions. Hoseok stands up and both look at each other, blinking their eyes in perplexity.

"Did you see that??" Hoseok said and Namjoon nods.

"Is something wrong with her?? Did we do something that upset her just now??"

"Probably you, since she was facing you the whole time." Said Namjoon, blaming Hoseok because y/n turned cold after looking at him.

"Maybe because of what you're wearing right now." Hoseok scoffs dramatically.

"Excuse me?! FYI, she loves my style in fashion okay?!" He said, sassily raises his hand up with pouty lips.

"Did you break her stuff again??" Now Hoseok is pouting fingers at Namjoon.

"I haven't broken anything until now okay!!" Namjoon defends, offended.

"Or did YOU break something that's hers!!" Namjoon suddenly attacks Hoseok with that theory.

"How am I the one with the breaking ability now?! I take care of things properly okay!!"

"Then what made her suddenly mad??"

"I don't know!" Hoseok yells in frustration and Namjoon suddenly remembers something. He looks at his watch and his eyes widen. "Crap we're gonna miss the bus!!"

"But-" Hoseok looks back, hesitating to leave since he didn't get his usual goodbye kiss from y/n.

"We'll settle this when we get back! Let's go!!" Namjoon pulls Hoseok with him out of the house. Y/n who's hiding behind the kitchen wall, giggles in amusement.


"Y/n-ah!! I'm leaving now!!" Jin yells for her as he ties his shoelaces. Y/n comes out from the living room and stands behind Jin as he turns around to her.

"I'm heading out now." He said with a smile and y/n smiles back. She nods and walks away after waving at him. Jin's smiles drops and his face stretches down, bewildered and dumbfounded.

His eyes blink many times before he yanks his shoes harshly and goes back inside the house.

"Yah y/n-ah!!" He yells and y/n who's back in playing with her toys, flinches at the loud yell. She turns around and sees a pair of furious eyes on her.

Jin folds his arms at her, raising his eyebrows angrily. "Ehm." He clears his throat roughly. "Missy, I think you forgot something!"

Y/n is liking the situation and decides to act oblivious, tilting her head to the side. "Excuse me?!" It ticks him off.

He harshly points at his cheek. "You forgot a bbo-bbo(kiss) on the cheek missy!!" He said angrily and bends down in front of her.

Y/n stares at him and shakes her head, dropping his face to the ground. "What??" He pauses for a second, trying to think of what he did to make her behave this way.

"Did I do something wrong??" He said lowly. Y/n shakes her head with a smile, which confuses him even more.

"Then why no kiss?!" She shakes her head once again, more firmly this time. Jin feels frustrated and stands up still, hands on hips.

"Ooh I see what's going on." His eyes squinted. "Alright then, no chocolate for you little lady!!" Y/n eyes widen and she quickly stands up. She panicked and desperately raises her hands up to reach for him.

Jin laughs at her vulnerability and carries her up, instantly is welcomed by multiple kisses on both cheeks.

"That's right." He places her down and y/n stares at him, with anticipation. Jin raises his brows, notices her figure still focusing on him.

"Still no chocolate. You'll get it tomorrow as we promised." He said and y/n frowns badly. Jin snickers and runs away from her, exiting the house, making y/n angry.

Not only was fooled by his tricks, but she also failed to prank him. Guess pranking the master of pranking is a boss level.


Y/n sees Yoongi at the door with his big bag. She thinks he's going to the studio for work.

She approaches him, gaining his attention as he turns to her. Both of them say nothing but stare at each other. Yoongi slowly bends down to her level and y/n takes this chance to walk away from him without looking back.

His eyes widen in shocked, taken aback by her actions. He stands up, eyeing her figure confusedly.

"Did something happen to her??" The back of his mind questioned. He turns to the door.

"Maybe she didn't get a good sleep. I should let her sleep in my room tonight."

He exits the house and gets inside his car. He starts driving. "Or maybe she's in a bad mood because she hasn't gotten any chocolate for a long time... It's Jin hyung's fault. I shall get her a bar after this..." His eyebrows slightly crashed.

He orders an Americano at a cafe and sits down at the seat provided, sipping his drink. "Or could it be that someone teases or pranks her again?? Did Jungkook hide her toys again?? I will ask him..." His mouth slightly opens up with his crashed eyebrows (You know that face).

He reaches his studio room and sits down in front of the monitor. His face scrunches in disturbance. "Or did I do something wrong to her?? What did I do??"

He wears his headphone. His face shows nothing but stress and his hands on the monitor just pause there, couldn't focus on his work at all. "C'mon think! What did I do to make her upset?! Think Yoongi think!!!"

"Aaaghh why didn't you give me a kiss in the morning?!! And what's with that blank face and cold shoulder just now?!!" He holds his hair, messing it in frustration and ends up on the ground from moving too much on his seat.

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