#Fairy has return!

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Jin : a bee! A bee!!!! Get that thing away from me!!!

His hand aggressively swings up and down in fear while clinging onto something... Or someone.

RM : get off me hyung.
Hoseok : what IS that thing??

A tiny blue light flying around and it stops right beside y/n's head. The light then turns into a tiny human with wings.

Jimin : that's not a bee...
Tae : an alien??
JK : no... A fairy...
Fairy : correct, young man.

Everyone starts yelling and running around in fear when the fairy suddenly talks... And she's speaking their language to add it up.

Both y/n and the fairy look at each other. Y/n panick and tries to calm her brothers down. She got a grip of Hoseok's pants, causing him to hit the ground. She gasps in horror and quickly tries to pull him up by his shirt with her strength before checking on him to see his red face.

Hoseok : i-i'm okay y/n-nie...
Jin : don't get closer!!!

Jin is still hanging on Namjoon like a koala, squirming around.

RM : yah get off me you're heavy!!!!
YG : she might be a demon!!
Fairy : this is getting out of control...

The fairy raises her finger and in a split second, everyone's body was froze in their weird positions.

Fairy : there you go. Now calm down. I'm no demon, I'm no animal and I'm no alien. I'm a fairy. A wishing fairy to be exact.

She then releases everyone from freezing, causing them to hit the ground. All of them look at each other and the fairy went beside y/n again.

Fairy : I've met your sister beforehand.
Tae : you know her y/n-nie??

Y/n nods. Jimin hesitately got closer to the fairy and examines her.

Jimin : oooh, now that I look at it, she looks quite pretty.
Fairy : my, thank you for the complement, young gentleman.
Tae : okay... So what's a fairy doing here all of a sudden??
JK : did you just said you're a wishing fairy??
Fairy : good ears.
RM : does that mean you grant wishes??
Fairy : correct.
Jin : well I wish for you to go away now!!

Hearing that y/n frowns and quickly went in front of the fairy as a shield. Her cheeks puff up, upset and angry.

Fairy : I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that.
YG : you grant ANY wishes??
Fairy : precisely.
JK : I still don't get it...
Fairy : the point is, I'm here to grant each of you three wishes. Until all of your wishes are granted, I shall stay here with all of you.

Y/n smiles excitedly and claps her hands. She did miss the fairy and when she appeared this morning, she feels so happy.

RM : what if this is some type of fraud?? What if there's some type of payback??
Tae : I wish for the tastiest dumpling!!

The fairy nods and shakes her index finger before plates of dumplings was set on the table, shocking everyone to death. Taehyung and Jimin's eyes widen so big and their mouth starts drooling.

Jimin : dumplings!!
Tae : yah those are mine!!
RM : Whoah...

Jin rubs his eyes with his fist and looks at the table again with wide eyes. He slowly turns back to the fairy in horror and quickly runs for his life.

Fairy : haiih...
JK : that's cool!! My turn!!
Fairy : hold on a sec. Remember, the wishes you made will have a price.
YG : three wish and one price??

The fairy nods.

Hoseok : what's the price??
Fairy : easy, you just have to sacrifice something. It must be beneficial for me or for the both of us.
Tae : that sounds bad...

Taehyung said with his stuffed mouth.

Fairy : it does sounds bad but it isn't. I'm not going to make you sacrifice like your life or something. Just something you treasure.
Tae : still sounds bad... Are you going to take Yeontan from me??

Yeontan who's just beside Taehyung shots his head up in shock and barks.

(Tannie : what?! Me?! What have you done hooman?!)

Fairy : I'm too tired to explain... You can take your time to make a wish. But be careful on what you wish for... And pls don't wish for something stupid...
Jimin : geez, you sounded like you've faced so much shi-

Namjoon quickly covers y/n's ears and she looks up at him confusedly.

Fairy : believe me I have...
Hoseok : any wish huh... Wow this could some overwhelming day.

Y/n went up to the fairy and gently taps her to call her.

Fairy : yes??

Y/n leans on and whispers to the fairy.

Fairy : aaah that's right...
JK : what?? Did y/n made her wish??
Fairy : no she didn't. She can't make wishes anymore.

Everyone's eyebrows crashed.

RM : why is she excluded from this??
Fairy : because your sister has already made her wish before.
YG : is that true y/n-nie?

Y/n nods at them.

JK : what wish did you make??

She scratches her nape nervously, shy to tell them.

Fairy : something very nice I would say.
Hoseok : well, clearly she wouldn't wish for something bad.
Jimin : I'm excited to make my wish! I should think carefully for this!
Tae : only three wishes for each of us??
Fairy : well, two for you since you've made your wish.
Tae : no fair! That was just a test!
Fairy : well, you made your wish.

- A fairy has made her appearance to the Bangtan brothers. What kind of wish will they make?? -

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