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"Y/n?" Hoseok knocks on the door and enters the room to see y/n asleep on the floor. Surrounding her, there are papers and crayons scattered all over. Seems like she has fallen asleep while drawing.

"Omo what a mess..." Since he prioritizes cleanliness, the sight slightly triggers him. Regardless, he can't be angry at the little girl, for her sleeping posture and tiny snoring is adorable to be furious at.

He helps her up, tucking her on the bed before he start cleaning up the mess. He picks up the papers and one drawing catches his attention.

A drawing of a little girl holding hands with a princess in a big white dress and a diamond crown on her head. Standing beside the princess, there's a man wearing black suit, while next to the little girl, there's a man in a casual attire.

Hoseok tries to figure out what the drawing means, until he remembers a story that was told by one of his brothers.

"Let's see... Aish..." His tongue clicks in frustration as he twists the map he's holding, trying to navigate the destination he was looking for since hours ago.

Meanwhile the little girl walking beside him, none other than y/n herself, watches her brother's action in confusion. She grabs his pants and he looks down.

"Oh I'm sorry y/n. Are you tired??" She nods and both of them stops walking.

"We should find a shade." The sun is out, the sky is clear. It's afternoon and both of them don't have any refresher for themselves.

He sees a bustop nearby and holds y/n's hand, making their way there and sit down. Y/n takes a breather while the brother takes another good look of the map. His face is very close to the map, he might magically get sucked in it like in those movies.

"Ouk!" Out of nowhere, he falls off of his seat. If you were wondering which BTS brothers is it, yup, it's Jimin.

Y/n eyes him, not really knowing what to do with his problem of falling off his own seat, regardless a chair or a glued bench.

Jimin rubs his butt and decides to just stands up, thinking it's for the best to not embarrassed himself publicly.

"I think I've been holding the map upside down..." He muttered and twirls the map once again. Y/n roams her eyes around the area, kicking the air lightly.

Where are they going, you ask?? Well, Jimin has been wanting to visit this exhibition that was hosting since yesterday. The exhibition is going on for a week and he was informed that the exhibition is about a skincare product he is familiar of.

They're giving off free samples and even have shocking sales. He doesn't want to miss the opportunity and needs to go there asap.

'Why is he walking with a map when he can just drive instead with a navigation?'


A few days ago, Jimin told the rest about the exhibition and invited them to tag along this weekend. But due to planned schedules, they couldn't come along. Thus, Jimin decides to just take y/n with him.

And on the same day, Taehyung approached Jimin with a dare.

"I bet you can't make it there by walking with only a map." Jimin is always up for a dare, for he always feels challenged by Taehyung. Thus, here they are now, lost in the middle of the city.

"Aish I shouldn't have agreed to the stupid dare!! The exhibition might end soon!!" Jimin groans angrily and grips his hair.

One thing y/n learned from Yoongi, is that if she sees any of her brothers raging, she should either hold their hand for comfort or...

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