#Drunk brothers

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Dear diary,

Oppas are scary after drinking
green bottles.

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Once upon a time...

It was a quiet night. Crickets are singing, the wind is blowing...

And the brothers are drunk.

"YaH! GIve mE aNoTHer BoTTlE!!" - Hoseok.

"Somebody GET ME a banana!! BANANAAA!!" - Namjoon.

"When you wish upon a star~~ uwwuuu~" - Jimin.

"Hey... If there's a fall season, then there should be a rise season!! Where is that?!" - Seokjin.

Y/n hiding at the corner of the room, watches her brother in slight horror. Their faces are red as a tomato, their behavior is beyond alien, and the room is reek with a horrible smell.

All of them are talking to themselves. Some are hanging upside down on the sofa. She doesn't even want to mention who just took his clothes off.

Jungkook and Yoongi fell asleep as soon as they finish their how-many bottles of alcohol.

"YAH QUIET!!" Oh Yoongi is up.

"Ugh..." And... He's back to sleep...

"Guys enough!!" Taehyung who seems the only odd in the peer. His face is not red and he seems to be himself. Y/n scans him for a minute, watching what he's going to do.

Taehyung snatches the bottles from his brothers aggressively and slams them into the garbage bin.

"Taehyung-aaahhh~ gimme back the beer~~" sings Jimin and bawls his eyes out seconds later.

"Mom and dad are going to kill us if they finds out about this." Taehyung groans in frustration.

"Aww cMoN TaetAE... StHAp beInG sO dRAmaTiC and hicc! CoMe hERE anD givYurBrurTher a HoiG!!" Hoseok reaches his out in a baby manner, smiling at Taehyung. Taehyung scrunches his face in disgust and backs away from him.

"Omo?? Y/n-nieee!!" Namjoon who has been tilting his head here and there, sees y/n at the corner and calls her out.

Y/n flinches and quickly hides herself behind the curtains. Taehyung is shocked to find out y/n is here. Quickly he comes towards her but y/n runs away.

"Ah- y/n!" - Tae.

"Catch her!!" Suddenly Jin yells strongly and gets up, and everyone, as if they got an order from a captain, gets up from their seats.

Taehyung's eyes widen when they all starts running to where y/n has left. Quickly he chases from behind.

Y/n's face turns horror when she turns around and finds her brothers are chasing after her in a weird creepy manner.

Jimin is sliding his back on the floor, Jin is sliding on the wall, Jungkook is hopping, Hoseok is dancing his way, and Namjoon and Yoongi are behaving like zombies, even making noises of it.

You might think it's funny, bit try imagining it creepily - like them plastering such wide disturbing grin and having their eyes half open like dead creatures. Not to mention some of them are laughing like ghosts.

And not to mention y/n has such tiny body. She's being chased by bunch of titans right now.

She cries out loudly, fastening her phase. Taehyung chases from behind, trying to went past them but they're blocking his way.

"Aish I have no choice!!" He runs away from them and minutes later, he comes back with Yeontan in his hold.

"Tannie, do your job!!" Don't know where the turning key is, but he's twisting something on Yeontan's back with a ticking noise.

Yeontan suddenly gets angry and growls. Taehyung puts him down and Yeontan barks angrily. In full speed, Yeontan immediately runs up to the brothers.





Bite, bite, and bite on the butt. The BTS brothers are wiped out on the floor, with their pants ripped on the butt.

Yeontan yanks the ripped cloths from his mouth and walks away. He passes Taehyung and barks at him.

"I told you no touchy on my butt!! How despicable!! Hooman!!"

Taehyung just simply bows as an apology, knowing Yeontan is in displeased on what he did. Yeontan then disappears from his sight and Taehyung looks at his brothers.

They're snoring on the floor. He huffs out smokes from his nose and leaves them there to look for y/n.

"Y/n we're so sorry..."

"We didn't mean to scare you..."

"Please look at us. Look, I have chocolates!!"

The next day comes and the brothers are apologizing at y/n who's cornering herself at her bedroom. She's crouching on the floor while facing the edge of the wall.


"Aish Yeontan-ah move away!!" Said Jimin frustratedly but only to get another furious bark from Yeontan who's guarding y/n from them.

"Y/n, please talk to us..." Jungkook begs and y/n shakes her head on the wall. Her body is still shivering. She's too scared to face them, afraid that what she saw yesterday night will appear again.

It was a nightmare indeed.

"Guys give it up." Said Taehyung with folded arms. The brothers turns to him with a frown.

"Mom and dad is coming home today." Their eyes widen. Taehyung smirks at them and pulls out his phone from his pocket.

"I got all the recording from last night. You guys are all dead now~"

They hear the sound from the main door.

"Everyone!! We're home!!" Their blood went cold upon hearing their mother's voice.

"Oh no... Y/n-" Jin turns to y/n but only to find the spot empty. They turn around and sees her figure dashing out of the room.

Their face gone pale.




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