#Wizard disaster

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(A/n's note : in this chapter, let's imagine y/n is a normal teenage girl. I know, even I agree it's a bit weird but I just want to make the story works 🤣👍 without further Ado, let's move on to the story!!)


Purple smoke covers the whole house after a very loud, shaking explosion. The people inside cough and wave their hands to fan the smokes away from inhaling it more.

One of them open his eyes and looks at the front as the smoke slowly fades. Not long after, everyone was able to see the center of the room, and in a synch, they all gasp in horror.

JK : o-oh no...

The youngest said, he had his eyes wide open, almost gonna pop out of the socket. His wand slowly slides down from his grip and hits to the ground.

Jimin : oh my god!!
Tae : what have we done?!! Y/n shrunk!!!

Apparently, the three maknaes asked their most trustworthy sister, y/n to help them working on their magics so they'll pass the test to become proper wizards.

But things turned upside down when Jungkook misspoke the spell and accidently turned y/n into a little girl.

Jimin : Yoongi hyung is going to kill us!!!

Jimin panicked, gripping his hair, making the little girl scared as she cautiously scans the tall, well built men surrounding her. She slightly takes a step back, away from them in fear.

Tae : what did you do Jungkook?!!
JK : idk!! I just said the spell she told me to!!
Jimin : you're suppose to make the plant grow!! Not turn her into a baby!! How did you even end up aiming the wand at her?!! And what's with the explosion?!!
JK : I said Idk!! We have to reverse the spell!!!

They all stop shouting when they hear sniffles. Taehyung panick, seeing the little y/n is shaking in fear.

Tae : oh no... Don't be scare-

Seeing him approaching her terrifies her as the wand she's gripping suddenly glows. Taehyung widens his eyes seeing lightnings coming out of the wand and quickly backs away.

Tae : oh shi-


And another loud explosion corrupted, shaking the ground again. All the books on the shelf are on the floor now. The house was cover in black smoke including the three maknaes.

JK : we're dead...

Jimin looks at y/n. He dusts himself and carefully approaches her.

Jimin : Hey it's okay... I won't hurt you...

He slowly reaches his hand out at her. She looks at the big hand hesitately, before slowly landing her tiny hands on his.

Jimin smiles and gently caresses her back. Once she has calm down, Jimin carries her in his arms and wipes the smoke off his face.

JK : nice job Jimin.
Jimin : now what do we do?? How are we going to change her back??
Tae : we don't know the reverse spell!
JK : aish I shouldn't have blurt out the spell like that!!

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