#Flashback, welcome to the family

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She wakes up to find herself in an unknown room. She smells some weird fragrance, an unfamiliar cologne causing her to feel scared. She quickly sits up, falling off the tall bed, resulting of hitting her butt to the ground.

She whines in pain but quickly gets up to rush to the door, seeing it is slightly opened. She doesn't know where to go but she just follows her instinct and goes to her left. She meets the stairs and is stuck there, for she has never faced a stair before.

She grips on her shirt, about to burst into tears when she suddenly hears voices from downstairs. She peeks a little and sees a group of people in the living room. There are a lot of adult men.

She feels scared and quickly rushes back to her room. She closes the door and hides at the corner of the room. She sits down and hugs her legs in fear. She starts tearing up and cries silently, not wanting anyone to hear her or find her here.

"What?!" One of the brothers shouts in disbelief, unknowingly he jolts up from the sofa when he hears the news from his parents.

Mr and Mrs BTS only manages to look down, frowning in disappointment.

"Aunt Ha-eun ran away?!" Jimin rephrases their words, breathing heavily at the news. The parents nod.

"She went out of the country... She left y/n alone?!"

"Boys please calm down..." Said Mr BTS but the boys seem to be panicking and furious with the news. They can't sit still.

"How can aunt Ha-eun do that?! But... It just doesn't make sense!! Y/n is her daughter!! And she left for her boyfriend?!" - Jin.

"What about y/n?? What's going to happen to her...??" Asked Taehyung lowly.

"We tried to contact her... But she has cut all ties with us..." Jimin huffs out shakily.

"I can't believe that..."

"So can't we..." Both Mr and Mrs BTS went to Ha-eun's house this morning and found the house empty. All of her things are gone. It seems that Ha-eun has known that they will be coming there so she left a letter for them.

[ I knew you would come here... By the time you did, I was already at the airport, to depart... I'm really sorry but I can't lose him... ]

"She's just gonna leave y/n, her own daughter here while she's in another country?!!" Taehyung snaps and yells angrily. "And her boyfriend, he's okay with that?!!"

"Boys, please keep it down." Mrs BTS can't even imagine the rest of the brothers who are absent; Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi would react to this. Currently they're not home, only Jin, Jimin and Taehyung are present.

"I know it's hard to digest. Both of us can't believe this as well..." She said, looking at her husband sadly.

"We have to be strong." Mr BTS takes over, holding his wife's hand for comfort. "For now, all y/n has is us. We have to take care of her. She needs us... We have to welcome her and make her feel love..."

"She's just a little girl..." He said the final words lowly, feeling severely sad for the little girl.

"But mom, dad, both of you are busy with work, you guys always away." Said Jin, thinking that they can't be there for y/n due to work. It will make the situation worse for y/n since she won't be having a parent figure after this.

"We know..." Mrs BTS sighs.

"That's why, we beg you. Boys, please take care of her in our absence. We couldn't be there for her, so you guys should. Please love her with all of your hearts and make sure she feels safe her. Makes sure she feels like she's I'm the family."

"This is my request for you... Will you do it??" The boys look at each other, the task seems to be so sudden for them. But looking back, the little girl is being vulnerable right now. If they treat her like a stranger in the house, she will feel isolated and depressed.

"Alright mom... You can count on us..." Said Jimin and they all nod.

"Maybe it's a hightime for us to have a girl in the house." Taehyung said brightly. "We will have a little sister now!"

Mrs BTS smiles at them. "Thank you boys. I'm so proud of you..."

After that, Jin told the rest of his brothers. They are all severely devastated by the news and agreed to treat y/n well, like their own sister.

It was awkward at the first phase, and to gain trust from the little girl is really hard, since y/n is now facing adult men on her next days. She isn't used to having a male figure in her life, since she's always with her mother alone.

But slowly and gradually, she thankfully was be able to be comfortable and trust her brothers. All of them love her with all of their hearts, showing her various types of affection, love and bond she has never experienced before.

Her first ever brother, her first ever relationship with males. Many adventures and new things she will learn from them, and they also learn lots of things, living with a sister for the first time in their lives.

Thus, that is how, their life with little y/n-nie starts.

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