#Good deed list

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"Alright class, here with me, I have a fun homework for you to complete this week. It is called 'my good deeds list'." The teacher lifts up a pile of printed papers. She distributes the paper to everyone and y/n looks at the paper.

"As you can see, there are task that you must finish for the week. Once you have done the task, you can tick the tiny box beside it."

"Now, whoever finishes the good deeds list within this week, they will be rewarded with this 'good kid's batch, and a hamper of candies!" Y/n looks at the tiny hamper display on the teachers table. Her eyes immediately catches the chocolate bars visibly sitting inside the hamper. Not to mention it's her favourite brand, and there are two of them.

Her eyes sparkles ever so brightly and instantly, she feels determined to finish the good deeds list within the week. She wants the chocolate.





She sees Mr Bob at the front gate and runs towards him. Mr Bob greets her with a slight bow and opens the car door. But before y/n enters, she shows Mr Bob the good deeds to do list. Mr Bob examines the content.

"I see. I will help you to fulfil the task." It makes y/n smiles and she hops inside the car to go home.





The next day comes, it's Saturday means no school day. Y/n seems to be waking up earlier than before. She feels somewhat energetic today. Getting up from the bed, she approaches the door, passing her table when she notices the good deeds list.

She thinks it's the good time to start the task, so she grabs the paper and heads downstairs. She looks at the first to do list.

[ Make chocolate peanut butter sandwich and milk for everyone. ]

She stops for a while, feeling difficulty ahead of her. She doesn't really know how to make a sandwich, the term sandwich sounds difficult to her, even though she has made chocolate spread on toast many times already.

She sees Mr Bob at the kitchen and runs up to him. Mr Bob looks down, "good morning young miss." He isn't expecting y)n to be up so early. Y/n reaches the paper to him, showing him the first to do list.

Mr Bob nods. He takes out the chocolate and peanut butter spread, and the loaf of bread. Y/n quickly gets the stool and stands on it to level herself with the tall counter.

Mr Bob gives her the plastic knife and y/n begins to prepare the choc peanut butter sandwich. She finishes making an amount of ten sandwich. She notices a milk is yet to prepare. Mr Bob is quickly to notice and takes the big carton of milk, along with colourful plastic cups.

It was then y/n remembers that some of her brothers dislikes drinking plain milk. She wonders how to make it up for it. She looks at Mr Bob, gesturing a bitter drink with her tongue.

"Coffee??" She nods. Mr Bob blinks his eyes. He approaches the cabinet and takes out the coffee sachets. "Do you want to make coffee for everyone??"

Y/n pushes the stool towards the coway, nodding in the process. She remembers vividly how the brothers make their coffee, by opening the sachet into the cup and pour water in it. She did as she remembers, and Mr Bob notices her about to use the water. He becomes worried if she might hurt herself by the hot water and comes to her aid.

Y/n declines the help, pushing his hands away and whining in injection. Mr Bob backs away, and he sees y/n pouring the cold water instead. He couldn't say anything anymore because y)n wouldn't let him help, and he simply cannot tell her to use the hot water alone. He just watches her with a tiny frown.

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