Dating for publicity

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Today at the Palmwood's we were all just going about our usual sorta kind of lives, but at the same time Mr. Bitters was narrating. He said something about voiceover work, voice lessons or something.

And with that came bad news for my brother. Something about Jett being "the only man" for Jo. Wait *record screech* say what?! Whoa, whoa, I believe there's got to be some kind of explanation for all of this. It sounds like he wasn't supposed to see this, and that this had something to really do with her show.

That it should be on a billboard, Ken didn't like this, he tagged along to go with her. Want us to go with you guys? I asked him, pulling Jack to my side. No, it will be ok. I got this. Stay here, we'll be back soon. See ya later. Jo told us. Meanwhile Katie and Carlos were at the vending machine trying to get their favorite snack, but it turns out that Bitters changed the price, because "voice lessons are expensive."

Or something like that. And now no one could get what they wanted, that the closest convenience store was like a couple miles away, and they weren't about to do that, which meant that they had to pay the higher up price for the snacks that they wanted.

Meanwhile again.... Logan and James were online trying to order $5,000 pairs of shoes, but they only wanted them, not to wear, but to gain, and resell and to become rich. Yeah, nothing bad could come of that! And once again, well you know what I won't say meanwhile this time, but back with Jo and Ken they met with her agent person and her costar Jett and this was all for publicity.

That she said it was Jett's idea in the first place. That they wanted good tv ratings and that the show's fans wanted to see the hottest couple together on the red carpet premier thing tomorrow night. But when Jo said they weren't a real couple as if people care about what's actually real.... But then Jett was all like but we could be, and the next moment Ken wanted to punch him in the face.

Jo asked her about if she could just break up with Jett, but she said that if she did that the fans would sympathize with Jett and that her popularity would plummet. And we couldn't have that. Oh, and about that brother of yours Jo, we hear he's got a cute little friend in your hometown and we thought we'd set him up with her.

Hey, no wait, wait, wait.... Jack has nothing to do with this, and he's already got a great girlfriend. Yeah, but you two are twins and who doesn't like twins? Actually here's the thing, his girlfriend is my sister and she's my twin and me and my twin are dating the Taylor twins. And we're in a band, we're the "lead singers" in our band.

Then Jett was all like but Jo I mean have you seen Kendal's face? Ken was gonna totally kill him. The publicist lady didn't like what was going on, and didn't care about Kendal or who we were or that he had been her real boyfriend. And then Freight Train came to get him cause Gustavo needed him.

And he took Ken with him back to Roque Records. But before he did Jo said that's what drives her crazy about Hollywood the lies, that she'd rather walk the red carpet with her real boyfriend, and that Jack would want the same thing, that not only was he dating me, but that he was also the bands photographer. That's when she asked if any of us had any pics of any us making out or something, which we didn't have and didn't plan on getting for them.

Even if could, but Jack would never take those kinds of pictures even if we asked him, because its a privacy thing, we didn't need everyone seeing us 4 making out or whatever, besides kissing is fine as it is. We don't need to do more than that. If they saw us kissing together on the red carpet tomorrow night that would be a different story.

At wherever it was James and Logan were they had the shoes and signed a contract that they couldn't wear them, that they would keep them in mint condition and resell them and each get $1,000 or something like that. With Katie and Carlos now the snacks were brought up higher and also had a password code. And then there was something about wanting snacks for a nickel or something.

Where were Jack and I? At RR working through some song ideas. Right now Jack was nothing more than a distraction. And our siblings were having a problem. That if Jo fake dated Jett her fans wouldn't like that, and Gustavo liked the Taylors. And for now they needed to hang out in disguise, but that maybe later as themselves they could have some kind of double date together.

Jack was board out of his mind, and was supposed to be taking pictures of a day to day process of song making, to show that we really work hard working on songs that Gustavo was really supposed to be doing, but we knew he'd really be taking credit for the songs that I wrote, but Griffin liked my songs, and Kelly made sure he always gave me credit.

Aren't you supposed to be doing something? Yeah. So, why aren't you doing it? Cause we're not doing anything, besides its not like its some kind of photoshoot. Yeah, sorry you missed that one. Had you taken our picture of tigerbeat or whatever that was, then it would've came out less of a disaster. At least we didn't get any pictures taken of how Griffin had us.

They're supposed to be productive pictures, and since I'm working you could take pictures of that. Otherwise, I love you but you're being really distracting. Sorry. I roll my eyes and try to get back to work. You know if we were laying in the grass, and I had a book in my hands and you were the one with the magic powers we'd be Bella and Edward.

You watch those movies too much. I don't think they're just movies since they're real. Well ok whatever you say. At least you don't really have a final to be working on. Hey smart one, did you ever think maybe ours would be IDK maybe if we end up preforming at that red carpet tomorrow night. I really need to focus.

Now, I'll do my job and you do yours. With the guys they were told some company would take them for $3,000 but then low and behold are the shoes damaged? Of course they are. Do the guys have a problem on their hands? Yes of course. Does Logan now need to come up with a solution and fast so that they can still sell the shoes? Of course he does.

With Carlos and Katie they kind of looked like Robbin Hood but with hoodies. They were gonna free the snacks of the people if it was the last thing they did. But now because they went and did that he upped the snacks again, and the people were angry. With my brother and Jo they were trying to date without "dating" or whatever, but then things went downhill real quick.

G&K had to go deal with this scandal, this something about a possible cheating on Jo's part scandal and that her agent or rather the publicists wanted Jett and her to walk down the runway, and G&K wanted Kendall to walk it with her. All of this publicity stuff. No one cared what we wanted. But, no one seemed to bother Jack and I too much, probably cause they couldn't even get Tina down here fast enough. They said they liked twins, so that was a win.

But poor Jo, she wanted to date Ken, and wide in the open. She hates Jett. As does Kendall. He really wanted to punch Jett in the face, and Jo was gonna let him, but the lady said she wanted Ken to just disappear for a while. Which wasn't gonna happen, that this would've been good publicity for our band and for the show, and that they didn't need Jett.

The shoes were ruined, with the guys but with a bit of help from our moms makeup and nail polish, and Logan had a plan. With Robbin and Hoodie as Bitters was calling Carlos and Katie they somehow were able to get free snacks out of the machine, before Bitters could take them and up the price again. Now, that Jack and I were involved all we wanted was that we wanted to go on a double date, to the zoo like we'd planned in the first place.

Everyone wanted to get what they wanted, but if Ken walks with Jo her fans will hate her and she gets kicked off the show, but it would be good for the band cause publicity, but no one cared what any of us wanted, and how come that just this once Jo and Jett could walk together for her show and Jack and I could walk together for BTR he was an unofficial member of the group, just for taking our pictures.

But that would be upsetting to Ken and Jett would feel like he'd won. And so we 4 were coming up with a plan to make us all happy, and since the only other thing people like seeing was animals doing cute things, so we would need her people and our people and peanut butter. Apparently.

Somewhere along the way they decided that they would like fake break up or whatever, and get an animal to do stuff, and Jett thinks he's winning and we all still get to go on our double date to the zoo. Somehow everyone ends up getting what they want, with the pictures to prove it, and G&K came and found us all in some plan of Kendall's which we're not sure how was gonna end up or whatever.

The guys were dealing with the shoes, and something about getting $1,500 each, and Bitters getting beat by a bunch of teenagers in a bunch of hoodies and brought the snacks back down to their original price, and more or less screw the voice lessons, Bitters is bitter, but that's probably why he got that name. Unless its his real name then wow what a terrible childhood he must've had. But everyone won something today, and we would be preforming our songs at the red carpet. This had been a very long day. Just like usual.

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