Today (outfit 51) we were at RR I was walking with the boys Jack beside me holding my hand. The guys were singing the new song I know you know. As Ken started laughing about the posters on the wall. Gustavo needs to get new posters he said to the rest of us. There was Boy City, Angel, Angel, which was another girl only group that they didn't actually think was all that bad. And then we saw Boys in the Attic. Shouldn't Boys in the attic be you know in the attic by now? My brother asks us.
You know it is time for there to be a new poster up here James agrees as we walk on. And I think it should be Big Time..... Who are they? James asks us. As we see a new poster for a girl group called Kat's Crew. Which kind of makes sense in the animal world and with the theme of this episode and the title up there. Gustavo called the boys dogs and this new band is Kat's Crew in the play on word "cat." This would be trouble and they were singing our new song.
We ran in to hear them finish the song. They sounded good and I wasn't worried about it. It was my song Gustavo couldn't really do anything with it, they were good, they were pretty, they were talented, there was only 3 of them. A girl power group, the girl power part of me that craved them. I was the only girl of the group, and had very little girl friends. I was thrilled to see some more girls in RR.
Who are they? And why are they singing our song? The guys had asked in sync. This is Kat's Crew. Gustavo introduced us. The all new girl group and it's not BTR's song anymore it's theirs. Um.... Don't you kind of need my permission to give my new song to a new group? I asked him. No, it's my band and I can do whatever I want. He told me. Yeah, but it's my song, my lyrics. I argued back. Something that I didn't do a lot of especially with Gustavo.
I wasn't mad about the girl group, but it was upsetting that Gustavo was giving my new song. I only wrote songs for BTR. I've had a collaboration with Jordin Sparks for a song and if they wanted to sing it with us that was fine we could do a collaboration with them like we did with Jordin. But we had worked on that song together. It was part hers and part mine. And actually now that I hear it sang from someone else it sounds better sang this way.
Ok, I approve. I shrugged. I knew you'd see things my way. The girls teased the boys as they started singing our anthem song. The guys were scared. One that they were getting our song, two that sounded good, third that I approved and 4th I knew that they would worry that I liked them better and would join their group and leave BTR. Which was not going to happen I would never leave my brother and our group. I didn't mind them wanting to sing my song I just hoped in someway I could get a collaboration out Kat and her crew instead so we could all be happy.
I sensed confrontation and I don't like when people fight. It wouldn't be the first time someone else had helped me with a song to make it sound better. I wrote any kind of guy because of Jack and we had been trying to make it a solo song a slow song but he'd helped me figure out it was meant to be a group song and a sped up song. And when Jordin and I were struggling with our songs only to realize it wasn't a solo it was a duet. And now Kat and her crew were singing my newest song and I liked the way it sounded that was it period end of story.
The guys didn't like this and brought Kelly and I into another room complaining about what they just saw and heard. She wanted them to calm down but they had our song and poster and they loved the new song. Thanks guys I'm glad you like it. And you.... How could you let them take your song your wrote it for us?! Ken asked me. Ken calm down it's not like that if nothing else that's it I just like the way it sounds it's better tight now to agree with Gustavo until I can figure out the whole scoop and maybe just like Jordin turn it into a collaboration, that way instead of singing our new song and Gustavo giving him my song we sing it together.
That might actually work. Kelly agreed with me. We demand an explanation Kendall told her. They're not even signed yet and Gustavo just put their poster up to make Kat and her crew excited about coming to RR she told us. And they like Farrah's song too they're really just testing the waters things are going to be fine you'll see. So, what you're saying is that Gustavo's already forgotten about us and has moved on? James questioned as they hmmed in sync crossing their arms over their chest together.
Come on guys I encouraged. And we don't want you anywhere near them should you want to join their all girl group. Kendall pulled me to him away from Kelly. They all group hugged me as my head fell onto his chest as I was surrounded. There was no getting out of this unless otherwise. I gave Jack a "help me?" He shrugged at me. "Sorry." He mouthed back with a frown. Not that this was bad but I knew this was going to happen. Guys?! I said mummified. You have no worries. I complained.
Yeah right, it's only a matter of time before you like girl power girl group over BTR and leave us for an all girl group. Carlos told me. I knew the only way out was to do what I did best and that was torture them but not right now not in this setting so I just stayed put. Guys Gustavo isn't going to forget about BTR and unless otherwise Farrah isn't going to spend any time with Kat's crew. Kelly told us.
When we heard Gustavo's voice he tried to talk to us and forgot our name. Big Time.... Big Time.... Rush! Kelly cut him off as the guys gave her "see?" Looks. Right, BTR hang back a while because Kat's Crew is on fire. He said doing James's face jazz hand thing. And you, he pulled me to him. I need you to hang out with Kat's Crew see if you like them I'm thinking about evening up the score and putting you in their band. All my brother(s) fears brought to the light in .2 secs.
I want to work with them a little longer and not you. James screams and Gustavo pulls me along as I shrug at them with a frown. Want me to come with you? Jack called after me. I texted him. Me: No, stay with the guys please and thank you. Him: No problem. At 2J Katie was online talking to people online kind of skype or FaceTime or a recent one as of the new roaring 20s of 2020 called "Zoom." Mom thought she'd made some new girl friends but they were all male and all about between Griffin and Gustavo's ages.
Mom slammed the computer shut in disappointment. Mom that's my stock blog! Katie I love you but it's kind of odd that you don't have any friends your own age. What are you talking about? I've got Tyler. She says as the doorbell rings.... Question mark? Hiding a boy from an overzealous stage mom is not friendship mom says going to open the door while Katie got back to her Asian stock market stock blog thing. It was his mom on the other side of the door. When she left Tyler came out of the lockers that we had in our apartment for some odd reason.
Can't you at least find one new girl friend you're own age? Mom asked her after Tyler left. Then there was a crash sound coming from the kitchen area. It was Buda Bob fixing things. What about you? He asked mom. I don't see you hanging out with any new girl friends? He asked her. Maybe because I'm chasing 4 boys and two daughters trying to keep things sane around here. Plus Jack but he's not one of mine just my oldest daughter's boyfriend whose I guess more or less in the band.
He told them that without this kind of interaction they would be in something isolation and in English meant they would die old and alone with a bunch of cats and at that mom and Katie freaked out as Katie closed her laptop. And they left to go find themselves some nice girl friends. Meanwhile BTR + Jack were listening in on Kat's Crew singing our song while they had a private recording.
Keep out? But this is our studio?! James scolds. And we had a really cool idea for this music video! Carlos counters. It had been space themed where a bad guy had shot them down into space and tries to kill them with his death laser but they hit him with their secret weapon and destroy him which they all agreed was a great idea. Which is why it should be our song as Farrah intended because we sing way better than them and their poster is stupid! James said while the other guys agreed.
But Kat and crew heard what they said and came up behind them with me following behind them. One this is going to be our studio soon. Two we sing way better than you except for Farrah Kat smiled back me blowing me a flirty kiss she kind of reminded me of Cam the way she acted even if Cam is nicer most of the time. They loved me but come on everyone loves me. The guys, Gustavo, Griffin, rival bands, even rival record labels like Hawke. I just stood there not sure what to do. And 3rd.... All: Where's your poster? They asked in sync.
I'll make one for us if Gustavo doesn't. My loyalty is to my brother and our band and most of it mine anyways. The Logo, the songs, the name, my brother. They don't have anything without me. Farrah seriously not helping, we love you but please stop talking. My brother begged me. Logan? Ken asked him. Well, they're a little bit younger than us and their girls which means they can't beat us up and even if we tried Farrah he gestured to me always seems to have her remote on hand for us so we can't act up even if we wanted to.
So, the only thing left we could do was welcome them with open arms. But James was mad he wanted Kat and her crew to tell Gustavo to give us back our studio and they would think about it but the girls told them to forget it. Well we're better dancers than you. Carlos told them. Which is important for music videos which is exactly how we're gonna win our song. Ken told them. I loved that they were arguing over me or rather my song and me but I hated the arguing period. Then they danced at them.
But in the dance studio the X-man was back as they sang and danced to the song. Before he stopped it, Gustavo was in the room and made me be there too to watch them. They dance better than BTR and they will excel in a music video. Great ladies take a break and look around the studio which could be yours. He told them. After Gustavo and the dance guy left Kat took her claws and rolled her fingers over the keys of the piano making the guys pop out complaining as they covered their ears. Looks like the cats are taking over the dog house. They said in sync.
They meowed as they walked away. They're sassy James said. We're not good with sassy. They had taken me with them since that was Gustavo's order. For me to stick with them and hang out with them. But Ken was very convinced they were great with sassy. And meanwhile mom and Katie were having problems making new friends one group of mother and daughter didn't speak English except "Yes we are." Then there was a mother and daughter group trying to break into the circus business the daughter was a sad clown and her mom was a mime.
And it just got worse. The next pair were criminal masterminds with master plans and blueprints, talks about getaway cars while Katie would watch out for the police. At that mom picked Katie up and brought them to the front desk where BB was waiting for them to see how their search was going for new friends. It's going great we just need some normal people to move into the Palm Woods. Then a new family stepped in, a mom and a daughter looking for some kind of game they were told they could get at the front desk.
My mom and sister asked to join them with their friendly game and something about this sounded like it was going to go wrong. One of the groups would probably be too competitive and I'm guessing it was going to be mom and Katie. At RR we were all at least in the same lobby area the girls playing fuse ball the guys sulking. We're BTR we can take on 3 14 year old girls. Girls: You can't hit us!" Guys: We know! Just give us the song back it was ours first and Kendall's sister wrote it it's not even Gustavo's to give away. Carlos remined them.
Then they started going over their music video ideas and some of it was similar. As I got out my notebook and started writing everything down. James said there was a rap part that only Logan knew how to do and did it for them but then the girl on their team did it too. Because Logan started out doing just fine but it went downhill real fast. Kat took over for her team putting the guys in their place since Logan had been under a lot of pressure being put on the spot like that.
When they said they would end up like Boys in the Attic just another memory on the wall they walked away with me and left Carlos to ask my brother how they ended. So, they looked them up turns out BIA was Gustavo's first successful boy band but they got dropped and fell off the label after he signed with Angel, Angel. And that was just like us and they needed to know where they were now. They learned they were still in L.A. and working on their comeback album at their studio. And so they went to go pay them a visit and they turned out to be just like us minus me.
Apparently they had been expecting them. A guy dressed like my brother answered the door and they had a guy dressed like Logan and one like James and one like Carlos. At Palm Woods mom and Katie were playing their little croque esc game with the new pair of girls. And so far things were going fine. But as predicted at the score of 5:0 mom and Katie were too competitive and the new group walked away. Then BB showed up telling them they had came on too strong.
Then Tyler's mom showed up and before she could ask where he was mom said look we don't know where you're son is. Hasn't it occurred to you that he doesn't want to be an actor. And then she walked away from them huffing as she went. But then Tyler appeared and said they only needed to hide him from his mom for 8 more years before he ran off again. At the BIA attic they were really living in an attic as BTR sat with them. So, you really live in an attic? Carlos asked them.
And then they danced at them except the one reading a med book. Logan asked him why and their Logan said if the band idea didn't work he had always wanted to be a Dr. and would eventually go to med school if this didn't work out. Their James asked for a comb or sandwich as he did James fancy hand face jazzy thing while looking at himself in the mirror. So what happened to BIA? They asked them. But their Kendall told them the same thing that happened to them was happening to us.
Bottom line the girl group. And you? The lead of the band pointed at Kendall. Don't you have a sister? Yeah ?He questioned. Where is she right now? Gustavo wanted her hanging out with Kat's Crew wants to even the score put her in their band even though this is her band. Right see there's no getting her back. what Gustavo says goes and it's a girls group man girl power no girl can resist a good girl power girl group. You're little sister is gonna be gone just like that. The guys were scared.
And when they got back to RR they dressed up in suits and gelled their hair back and wanted to show G&K something about marketing and something about numbers and statics which I'm more than sure Charlie must've helped them put together minus the fact that Logan was smarter than all of us except Charlie and he couldn't do it all on his own so I knew they had extra help also Farrah texted me and questioned me about it and I'd had no idea they had done that. But at least I was there sitting with them.
But after hearing the boys pitch the girls popped up with their own sales pitch Kelly agreeing with us the whole time and Gustavo only really caring about money. And then the cats and dogs started fighting and I was glad to not be in the middle. And they were all warned to stop being stupid as G&K exited the room. Meanwhile at 2J BB was at our apartment again trying to fix mom and Katie. But he didn't really have his own friends either so who was he to judge?!
At RR the dogs decided to get rid of the cats by making a mess because cats hate mess so to the guys the plan was be as messy as possible so that the girls would want to leave. And make sure I would never leave them. But they made the wrong person mad and decided it was time for plan B to grease things. They were hoping that if they grease the dance floor they would slip and yell at Gustavo and want to quit. That plan didn't go so well either.
Next was the stink bombs stink up the place and then they would leave but unfortunately every plan they had was backfiring onto Gustavo. The last person they wanted to anger. And the girls had tricked them into thinking that the guys pranked the girls but it still was Gustavo. Leaving the girls in gas masks. So, they got chased out and BTR Ken called BIA Ken to set up a plan.
After they had a bath and something to eat. They told them egg them every time they came in and prank call them all night so that they were too tired to sing but that was bad because they hadn't cared about the music just getting rid of the group which is where they went wrong. Ken was trying to talk some sense into the group but they also knew that Gustavo only cared about money and if he signs Kat's Crew BTR is finished and Gustavo sticks me in the band with the other girls.
That way he gets money and me. And then they all started dancing again and so the guys ran away and back at the Palm Woods..... Mom and Katie lost another mother daughter pair and Tyler's mom stopped by told them they weren't very friendly then sat down and told them that she just wanted something special for Tyler since they all know he doesn't want to act. She decided that if Tyler wasn't happy here they would pack up and go home and Tyler came out of hiding.
They decided no auditions before 3 and that Katie was still going to hide him from her and BB showed up proud they made friends. At RR we all met back up with G&K and Kat's Crew. Sit down I have something to say to all of you. He told us he loved both bands at this table. But he was not about to go through what he did again back in the 90s. He said Kat's Crew was amazing that they could sing and dance and that he would love to put me in the group to even the score because everyone loves me as the guys put their heads down frowning.
Until he said the magic word but.... The dogs have always stuck by me and I have to do the same. And I could never think about putting Farrah in a different band without her BTR would not exist and I shouldn't had taken her song without telling her about it, she makes the band flow and doesn't get on my nerves and everyone loves her. No matter how stupid the boys are minus her boyfriend because Farrah and Jack somehow always save the band's butts and would you look at them?! They are a great amazing couple.
Everyone turns to us as we hold each others hands on the table starring into each others eyes with big smiles on our faces while Jack leans over to kiss my cheek and after a few secs of waiting I kiss him back. Kelly told them they were great and someone was going to make them stars just not here at RR. But before they could go we all stood up and the guys minus Jack since he had nothing to do with this apologized for being jerks and wanted Gustavo to sign them.
They got jealous because of the poster and they didn't want to live in an attic dancing with gout. The 4 of us + the girls were all confused about that part and they said they would stay if we would sing I know you know. If you'll let us Farrah because its been fun hanging out with you and getting to know you and it's your song. Great! I was writing everything down like usual for the music video and I think I know how we can get everything you guys wanted. Care to take a look?!
and when it was over before we left to give G&K some piece and quite they revealed our BTR poster. Do you like it guys? Farrah helped us design it. I thought you were hanging out with the girls? My brother asked me. I was but when I wasn't I was putting this together myself G&K just made it happen. You are the best! My brother told me kissing my forehead. What would you do with out me?
What about our poster? Kat asked. What about it? Gustavo asked them but there they were BIA graffitiing the poster. Probably end up like that. Carlos pointed out. They're making a comeback. Ken told him. I've heard he told us. After that we all left and Jack had gotten to be in the video too I was dressed like one of the cats while he took my place as one of the guys in the video as we had twirled in and out of each other's arms and it took no convincing once so ever.
