Hello my name is Swag

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We were doing some kind of band check in. Gustavo thought we had come along way since when we were first starting out. But that we as a band still had a long way to go before we could sell out a concert worth 50,000 seats.

We were all lined up he started with me (outfit 43) first, that I was still perfect, both still talented, obedient, beautiful, and even gotten better at dancing since I'd gotten here. That as for James, he was still self centered and conceded, as if to prove it James was wearing a T-shirt with his face on it, and held up a mirror and referring to himself as being two different people.

He said Carlos still lacked direction, and to prove this he was turned around. Turn around Carlos. He did a full 360. He said that Logan still lacked swagger. Yes however, if you need a colored pencil as I usually typically do he's the first person I call. And Kendall, needs to stop talking back to me after everything that I say!

And Gustavo needs to take a.... Not another word! The rest of us motion him to shut up, but with a big smirk on his face he finishes.... Chill pill. Everything goes quiet, Gustavo gets angry, Kelly puts a pair of headphones on then tosses me a pair. Instead of yelling steam comes out of his ears which is a new one entirely. Then we all run off.

We ran up to 2J, and climbed to the top part above the swirly slide, Gustavo knocked in the door and yelled at us to get down there. But we weren't coming down until he calmed down, and then he started looking for the knives and Carlos told him where they were. And then Buda Bob came out of the bathroom.

We begged him for help, and then he went up behind Gustavo and gave him some kind monkey pinch thing and then turned his neck, somehow that had calmed him down. But was this a good thing, in the moment we sure thought so. Now focus on what needs to be done instead of what angers.

He looked up at us, and calmly told us that he needed to work on the New Town High soundtrack and would call us down when he needed vocals and then he left the room. And when we came down we thanked him for saving our lives and then he told the boys we should listen to our boss more, that he'd be less stressed and won't want to kill us as much.

As for you.... He turns to me. Would it kill ya to be a little bit rebellious? Have you met our boss? Besides that's what I've got Jack for, and my brothers ok mostly my brothers. They all look at me. Why do you look at me when I say it plural? They shrug and turn back to him. He leaves, and Ken decides that he's right, that Gustavo works his butt off for us and then they all decide they could work on the things he's upset with us about.

We decided to follow Buda Bob's advice and work on those things. Starting with Carlos he had to get better at direction, and he went into the lobby where he saw a parrot. Carlos asked for some direction and the parrot said to heed his voice and that he knew all, he asked if he should ask the new girl who was out of his league on a date, and it said it was his lucky day. And he asked her and she said ok, and to meet back here around 8.

Logan and James were helping each other with their tasks, James had switched out his own T-shirt with one of all of us on it, and was gonna have more eye contact with us. Meanwhile, Logan had invented a swagger app that had the latest treads on everything to help him have more swagger. I knew from just that, that this was gonna be a long day and not go well at all.

And when James said he could help him, that either had swagger or he didn't Logan changed into something cool, and James said now that he looked cool he'd give him that, but that it was something that came from within not on an app. But then Logan did some kind of strange dance move and coolly left the room.

James was worried that he was messing with forces he didn't understand and when I was helping Ken with his task and we went back to RR we only found Kelly, and we told her what happened and she was worried that he wasn't here working on a new song and that this soundtrack for the show would be big and really good for our band. So, where is he? I asked. IDK, beats me I thought he was trying to kill the boys.

She told us that some big time producers were coming tomorrow to hear his great song and then got onto the computer to track his cell phone and made us promise we wouldn't tell him that. But we were strangely ok with it. He was at Palmwood's Park and he was asking Buda Bob for help cause his mojo went away when he got back to work and then he had left to come find him.

Buda Bob said he was stressed and told him that he never was and then gave him really strange advice for Gustavo to interpret as he will, he thought that he needed to trim the excess of his stress from his life to have everything be balanced, that he needed to unclog his mind, and that he needed to stay away from all the nuts in this town. Not at all what Buda Bob had said but he was like yeah ok sure.

We found him, Kelly told him what he needed to do and then he told us that Buda Bob opened his eyes to a world he never knew possible, and then left us. I mean, I write all our bands songs, he really just takes the credit for them. But, he said he wanted to come up with the song for the show soundtrack on his own. We asked him what he did to Gustavo but he had no idea who that was.

Inside of the hotel Carlos came down in a suit and Katie walked in, she asked him what was going on and then he told her all about the parrot. How he had a date and wanted to know if the parrot liked his outfit cause he didn't like the other one. When he asked the bird it told him he would be successful. Katie was hoping that he was seriously not taking advice from a bird.

But he wanted some direction and that everything so far the parrot had been right about everything, and then he asked about getting himself mints from the vending machine and the parrot thought it was a good idea and he went to do that. Something happened with the machine and he ended up getting a lot of money and the mints.

Outside at the pool, James met up with Carlos that the clothes worked but he needed to teach him how to walk the walk. But while James was trying to help because he was trying not to be self centered Logan got all he needed from the app and walked passed people following the instructions and then James started coughing. After the walk down, James asked him if he could talk the swag talk and the app told him how to.

And James voice cracked. After trying it out a girl said she wanted to date him and that a guy wanted to be him. Then Cam showed up, and asked since when did Logan have more swagger than James and James said he didn't and then turned and a boom box had appeared and people surrounded him like they were having some kind of party.

James started coughing again started to not feel very good. At RR Ken was all relaxed, Kelly was freaking out, and I wasn't sure who to agree with and Buda Bob was Gustavo's new song writing buddy, but Ken wasn't worried about it at least not yet because Gustavo hadn't yelled at him in 3 hours. And then Gustavo came out and said he finished the song and Kendall said that was great and wanted to know if he realized that he hadn't talked back at him all day.

But Gustavo was like oh Kendall, Farrah I know you guys are gonna love this new BTR song. We said we couldn't wait to hear it, because how bad could it be, but when we heard it, it was so bad. Kelly said the producer was coming tomorrow and would hate the song, but we just smiled through our teeth agreed with Kelly and gave him a thumbs up.

Inside, Carlos was ready for his date he had gotten the approval of the parrot and everything was good until he said that Carlos had only 24 hours to live. Ken and I returned to the apartment it was the next day (outfit 18) and told the guys that Kelly needed us for an emergency band meeting since Gustavo's new song was terrible, and this was the first time we'd seen our friends since we'd gone to go start our new tasks and Logan said he wasn't going cause he was taking his app out for a spin.

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