Chapter 2

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"I'm a powerless witch, I can't do magic...not anymore," I said, whispering the last part so he couldn't hear it.
"oh, i-" The golden guard opened his mouth but immediately closed it shaking his head before putting his mask on as he made his way next to me, "here, let me help you with that," he says softly, taking the bandages from my hand and helping me with my left arm (or right, in case your left-handed)

"you know, I don't think I have ever seen you before, what's your name?"
"it Y/n"
"I think I heard about you before but I can't- wait weren't you like that young (h/c) thief or something????"
"me? A thief? Never!!!"
"yh right, I remember you now, you got away coz Lilith felt bad for you"

Even tho I couldn't see his face, I imagine him rolling his eyes as I laughed at the memory. Lilith has always had a soft spot for kids, and out learn you were a powerless witch with no parents, she couldn't bring herself to arrest you and would always end up paying for the stuff you have stolen, and occasionally leaving some snails for you.

"anyways, looks like that beast isn't leaving any time soon, so you might have to stay-"


"ah!!!! Wtf was that!" I look around, alarmed by the sound before looking down, seeing a red Lil bird, "flapjack, right on time, now excuse Mx, but my Palisman and I have to go"

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said as I glare at him as if he was suicidal.

"Well I think it is an amazing idea!" he yells as he made his way out.

A few moments later

"You were right, that was an awful idea" I stared at the golden guard with a palm expression, leaning against my door as I watch Goldie pant with his Palisman resting on his head - also tired. Both of them were injured from whatever happened outside which im not going to ask what happen.

"oUCH! BE CAREFUL" the guard whines as he lays on the floor as I treat his injuries, "this wouldn't have happened if you stayed golden-locks!" I lecture him, if only he has listened to me, he wouldn't be this injured!

"there, all done, are you hungry?" I asked before throwing some instant food on his way and grabbing my own.
"instant food? Dont you know how to cook?" he complains
"no... I mean kinda off but im too lazy" I laid back before feeling my food being taken away, "give me that! After all that fight, our bodies need a better suitable food!" he says as I whined, I just genuinely not one to care on what I eat! Besides, it's my body! My body, my choice!!!
- - - - -

"omg this is so good, it's better than I expected!!" I yelled as I grab a full spoon of whatever this is
"Thanks, wait- what were you expecting?" He said, lifting his mask up only relieving his mouth to eat.
"I don't know, like worms, gummy bees and fairies" I respond while munching on my food, "first of all ew, those ingredients don't go together, sweet and salty- disgusting, 2nd don't speak with your mouth full- know your manners" tho I couldn't see his face properly, I could tell he was making a disgusted face which I chuckle at the thought "sorry your highness" laughing teasingly before putting finishing my food and putting my dish away
"well that food hit the jackpot, I'm full like a gryphon"
"thanks but where are you going?"
"I'm doing some research on the Monster, there's gotta be something to get rid of it"

"Could I help?"

Golden guard P0V----(shocking, I know)

"Could I help?" as soon as I ask the question, Y/n tensed up, before yelling at me "NO!!"
We stare at each other. shocked, she slap her mouth before moving her hands around "I mean no, it's gonna be sooo boring! Besides you look very tired, oh yes! You should rest after all you did fight a dangerous unknown creature and so your body needs some rest! Yes definitely! GOOD NIGHT!" They speed away while chuckling nervously.

So weird, are they..... Hiding something????

Whatever, I am indeed tired, so I'm taking that offer to sleep and sleep in their bed. I laid down and before I know it, I pass out.

Y/n P0V---

"Uugh! There's nothing! I already cheek every book in here, and there's nothing!!!!" I groan as I push the book away. I was about to punch the table before hearing a tweet, looking towards where the sound come from the golden guard's bird - it looked like a Northern cardinal bird from a human book I once stole - it had a scar where his left eye, red feathers with dark red wingtips, a dark red beak, dark brown feet, and a black face. It tweet at me again, sticking my hand out, the bird stood on it before looking at me and tweeting again. "did you follow me, little guy? WAIT DID I LEFT MY DOOR OPEN" I panic before the bird flies up a bit, peeks on my forehead and stood on my hand again.

"ouch!!! No need to peek at me, you could have just told me to shut up"
"oh right, you can't... Hmm you're goldie's Palisman aren't you"
"I'm taking that as a yes, anyways do you know anything about this monster??" I ask as I lifted up a drawing I made of it.
"chirp chirp chirp chirp"
"you know I can't understand you, no matter how many chirps you make"
The bird looked at me annoyed before pointing his beak towards a door,

"oh no, no, no, that's like stuff only! I'm only a freeloader"


"Still can't understand you, but whatever, I guess I can have a tiny look inside, maybe it has what I'm looking for, but tomorrow, right now I'm tired" I sigh.

Heading towards my room, with the Lil rascal on my head, I found a certain someone sleeping soundly on my bed, covering their entire body with my blanket, while a small mattress lay beside the bed, waiting for a certain someone to sleep on it.

I stared blankly at the guy, poking his covered head, "hey get up, that's my bed, you're sleeping on the floor"

No response, I poke him again and again with him only whispering "five more mins"

I sigh "you left me no other choice" with all my force, I pushed him off my bed, which immediately woke him up,



And just like that, he drop face to face against the mattress, still rolled up in my blanket "HEY!!" he yelled
"You sleep with your mask on? weirdo"
"don't change the subject! Couldn't you have asked nicely for me to get off your bed instead of pushing me off?!"
"I tried, but you were knocked out like a dead slitherbeast, except you were snoring louder than an angry slitherbeast, didn't he little buddy!" I laughed as I nudge Lil rascal and it tweeted alongside me, probably laughing since I'm so funny.

"Heyy!! I do NOT snore that loud" he protested
"sure, and I'm a giraffe" I chuckle as I watch his ears turn red with each sec.
"Anyways I'm going to sleep, good night blondie, good night bro," I said as I head pat Lil rascal, "his name is Flapjack"
"oh, so it's his your pasliman?"
"yh, so what of it?"
"you should take better care of it, he almost got eaten by a rat"
"JK JK!! Good night princess"
"don't call me-
" GOOD NIGHT PRINCESS" I yelled before drifting to sleep, and so did the golden guard.

I'm gae <3

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