chapter 8.5

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"you- you're selfish!!"

My eyes widen, "Hunter I-"

"Save it Y/n! I don't want to hear it!"

And just like that, he storms off, brutally closing the door with great force.

Flapjack stared at me, and a single teardrop fell. I never meant this to happen!
"I - it's not like that...just let me explain...Hunter please..." I muffle as more tears fall down my face.
I picked up my Journal looking at it carefully passing my hands through its cover before throwing it across the room.


It's all my fault!! If only I had told him sooner!! But I couldn't, I was too much of a coward!!

I NEED TO FIX THIS! for the sake of Hunter and everyone else!!

I grab a paper, writing an apology before placing it underneath my pillow.

Flapjack approaches me, looking at me confused.

"Go, he needs you," I said softly, opening the door for Flapjack before taking my path.

Hunter's P0V

I buried my face in my knees, crying unto them.

How could they? not only did they lie to me, but they also brought great danger to the city!

I should have seen it coming, Belos taught me better, never trust anyone and never let your guard down - yet I failed those two guides! I thought I could trust them... that they were my friend, but I guess I'm was too stupid to realise that.


Flapjack flew towards my shoulder, trying to comfort me as he rubbed his beak against my cheeks, his feathers wiping my tears. We stayed quiet for a second before Flapjack began to chirp at me,

"You want me to hear them out?"


"But after everything they did! It's clear to me they have no good intentions"

"chirp chirp"

"fine... I guess I could at least hear their reason on why they decided to LIE TO ME and bring nothing but PURE CAOSE ON BONESBOROUGH"

As I stood up, Flapjack began to pull my hair, telling me to hurry up, "I'm going, I'm going, no need to rush me"

Hesitantly, I open the door, waiting for someone to yell at me or something but nothing... It was silence, with no sign of Y/n.

Across from me laid Y/n's journal. I made my way towards it, immediately noticing how the same pages flaw off the journal - pages that didn't match the texture of the other pages. I decided to ignore it for now and put it aside, I- I should just make lunch and wait for Y/N's return.


It's now dinner time - no sight of Y/n. I began to worry, at first I thought they just hid somewhere in the library, but Y/n didn't seem to be one to skip dinner or lunch. Maybe I really don't know them...

a glimpse of the journal caught my eyesight. Something in me telling me to read it - should I?

slowly, I picked up the journal and began to read the extra pages that didn't match the journal's_ original pages.


November 4th,

It's been a month and my papa hasn't gotten any better. But he promise me he would be, the only problem is that he says he needs my help, of course, I said yes! everything to get my papa better!

selfish // Golden Guard X reader Where stories live. Discover now