Chapter 6.5 (special Chapter)

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"I'm pregnant"

"No your not"

"and how would you know? 🤨"

"look at yourself!"

"what's that supposed to mean??!?"

"no offence, but you're clearly a virgin, hunter"

Hunter scoffs, rolling his eyes at the (h/c), but also he couldn't help but blush of embarrassment...was it really that obvious that he can't get laid? Or get a single date?... The answer is yes, this man may be young but he is basically Belos in a room full of teenagers - a total boomer.

The young (e/c) teen chucles as the blondy made his way to sit next to them on the floor, enjoying the appetising fairy cupcakes.

"okay, what's really up Hunter?"

"ugh, jusy been thinking, I'm really bored" Hunter replies plainly, letting himself fell down onto the floor as he head lays on Y/n lap,

"well what have you been thinking about?"

They ask, as they starts caressing his hair, humming softly and the guard let's out a sigh.

"Well you know... The future and some random scenarios"

Despite being one for the drama, Y/n didn't want to really bug him about his future plans or even his past. Y/n has always been one to go against some of the emperors rules and with Hunter being the golden guard AND his nephew, Y /n didn't want to badger him and ask about anything that could be personal - in order to avoid any huge arguments/ disagreement.

"what kind of scenarios?"

"Well what would you do if time stopped right now?"

"I would go out and explore"

"really? Why? "

"Well, despite living here for free, I still need to work to provide food and all... So i never have time to reallyyy explore the outskirts. what about you?"

"... Same, Im always to busy as the golden guard, so i never have time to play around and explore like any teenager"

"well then... Hunter?"


"if time ever freezes, would you like to adventure with me?"

"I do"
You smiled at Hunter, before looking at the set of braids you did on his hair.

"Do you think im gonna die a virgin?"

"PFFFFF what brough this up?"

"you told me i look like a virgin! And you are kinda of my first friend sooo you know, do i look like someone who would die alone?"

You couldn't help but laugh at him, wiping of your tears as Hunter pouts at you,

"tell you what, if in the future, leys say in when we are 30 to 40 years old, if we are both single, lets marry each other, so neither of us die alone, AND maybe if you look hot, then you would also not die as a virgin"

Winking at him, as you nudge him with your shoulder. Hunter look away, blushing a bit as he mutters something under his breath.



You look at him in confuse as he lift up his pinky finger up, before giving him a wide smile



"oh maybe after we get marry, we could get Flapjack a litle sibling!"

"okay, now you sound excited to marry me"

"That's because I am"

"well but remember, you said in like 14-24 years we would get marry IF we are still single"

"Yh I know, which means you should really hope i don't find anyone beofre then, or else you migjy really die a virgin"
You joked,  which annoyed Hunter, but could he blame you? Between the two of you- you were obviously the hotter one so if anyone where to find someone first it would be you.

Flapjack just stare in pity, agreeing with y/n yet cheering him up that at least Hunter will have him. "Thanks budy, glad to know that at least SOMEONE will be by my side"
"Hey, I will still be by your side, along side a hot dilf/milf - Hey don't look at me like that! You're just jelous i have a higher chance i can get with someone who is drop dead gorgeous!"

"aee you sure? Last time i remember I would be the one marrying you, so your jealous i can get with someone prettier than anyone you will ever be with"

Hunter smirks at you, Turing around and leaving a red tomato Y/n, who just stare at him in shock yet with adoration.
'I really hope we are both single in the future-+' they think for themselves before following Hunter from behind, towards the kitchen to prepare something to eat before sleep time.

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