Chapter 9

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"So you know about this 'Golop?"

"It's pronounced Goolop" Eda says with a plain lool planted on her face as she stares at the blond guard before looking forwards "and yes I do, he's nothing but a trouble demon, My mother once told me about a man who trade his whole life for nothing but greed with a Goolop, apparently he had two sons and when he died he left both of them unsupervised and with nothing, sadly one of them died of hunger when he was only 14 and the other one was later on diagnosed with an incurable sickness after his wife left him"

Hunter hold unto his palisman tighter ,,that must have been Y/n dad,, he though. Luz stared at Hunter for a second, It didn't take long before she put dots toguether and realise that must have been Y/n family story, immediately Luz demanded that Eda reveal more info on this mystical creature.

"... Y/n did said something about asking to re-do their father's wish, hmmmmm, if I remember correctly to redo a someone elses wish, you have to exchange for something very valuable... Like a..... Like a life!" Eda's eye widen at her own words before zooming faster towards the forest with Hunter following behind.


"A SOUL!" The young brunette gasp, interrupting the owl lady in front of her, as the hard wind slam against her body the faster they flied. Hunter looked more terrified than before, he was about to lose his only friend - besides Flapjack - and its all his fault!! If only he had stayed! If only he took a moment to listen to what they got to say!

But he didn't, he didn't tried to think of their feelings - he acted did exactly what he thought Y/n did. He was selfish...

"EDA LOOK!! THEY'RE THERE!!" Luz yells as she points downwards, in the middle of the forrest,  where all trees stop growing, forming a circle around, right on the middle stood the monster with Y/n, and next to them was a tall young man in a suit, who was drawing something around them on the floor.

Eda immediately recognised the symbol design before zooming toward the small group ordering Luz to attack the man.

The blond 3'4 girl stare as her blue orbs shine in the direction of her lover. <3 (rwfrwgnrynqryntquntuq jk jk )

Without questioning Hunter tried to attack as well before all of them where pushed backwards by some pinkish barrier, forming a circular shield around Y/n, The Goolop and the man.

Eda tried to punch the shield but it didn't work, you could just hear the sounds of Eda's and Hunter's tapping ans yelling and the man humming a song as Y/n looked down on the grass with shame, avoding eye contact with her friends.

"Y/n please say something, come to us!" Luz yells placing both her on the barrier, pleading for her friend to at least shatter a world.

"If we don't get them out of there, Y/n will be trapped in the underground forever!!" Eda says. Hunter eyes widen before slapping and punching the barrier harder.

"Did you heard that? Get out of there! We can still save you!!  Y/n!!!.. Please" He cried sniffing as he tried to hold on his tears.

Finally y/n looked upwards, making eye contact with the boy, "I - I can't... Because of my selfish, idiotic decision I hurt all of you"

"But its not your fault!! Come on!! We can still fix it! Just get out of there!!!" Luz sobs as Eda nods in agreement "Please kid, you meant no harm so its not really your fault, we can help you!"
The owl witch shrieks.

"You can't, it's to late for me... I should have gone to you sooner but I was such a coward...." the h/c whispers.

"OKAY THEN! you all said your goodbyes its time to go!" The man laughs in excitement clapping his hands toguether. You could now take a closer look at his appearance; he was tall, abit skinny yet a bit ripped (with juicy biceps) raven short hair, sharp nose and ears, he was wearing a face mask and a top hat.
He had a pleased smile, showing small fangs as he made a circular shape with his finger before a purplish gas starts to surround the trio inside the shield.

Where as the rest; Hunter, Eda, Luz and even King (did he just appear out of nowhere? Yes) began to body slam the barrier harder and harder, yelling and crying, beging for Y/n to say something but at last Y/n just looks at them, a single tears fell down their eye.

"I'm sorry" they mutter before disappearing along with the monster and the man, nowhere to be seen, not even the symbol the man had previously drawn of the floor were visible.

Hunter drop on his knees, staring into where they had previously stood. His mouth open - he was flabbergasted, he wanted to scream and shout (and let it all out-), but he couldn't - not a single word left his trembling lips as tears fell down his eyes.

Luz covers her mouth to silence her sobs, her eyes shut closed as Eda embraced her in a hug, holding her own tears.

"Why are we just standing here? Cant we just try to make a portal to save them????" Hunter was the first to speak, tight fist as he approaches the other 3.

"We can't, only demons can open the door to the underground" Eda sniffs, "What about your rat demon??"
"Hey I'm like 5 years old, I can't even go out on my own" King barks as Eda just rolled her eyes at both of them, "I mean another kind of demon, more like the devils and titans ... Those are the one species you don't want to mess with and are extremely rare to encounter, I'm still not sure how Y/n's family was able to contact one, but either way if they truly wanna leave that place then its all up to them, there's nothing we can do"

Luz steps back from Eda as she wipes her tears with her sleeves, "Is the really nothing we can do? Nothing??"

"sorry kid, but yes, nothing other than hope they manage the courage to scape" she sighs patting the brunettes hair as she picked up King and her Palisman.

Hunter just stood there in silence, debating on what should he do, now that this quarantine is over he should go back to his job as the golden guard, working side by side with the emperor, but a part of him told him to forget about all of that and dedicate himself to search a way to save Y/n...

But why? Why did he felt the need to give up everything he worked so hard his entire life for for them? Foe someone he met a couple of weeks ago?

.... Because unlike the emperor, he didn't have to work hard for praices or affection, he already felt warm, loved and appreciated by their presence....

And thats how Hunter came to a term that maybe, just maybe, he fell in love with them that despite the fact that his time with them might have been short - for him it was a eternal memory that will live deep down on his heart and brain.



So that happened......

Anyways this is what the strange man looks like

He kinda looks like this (I felt to lazy to draw him so i did him on Picrew instead lol)

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He kinda looks like this (I felt to lazy to draw him so i did him on Picrew instead lol)

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