chapter 12

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Just wanted to show how Flinn looks likes, Y/n may or may have not mess with his hair a bit to make him look less like Hunter :)

A/N! Just wanted to show how Flinn looks likes, Y/n may or may have not mess with his hair a bit to make him look less like Hunter :)

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(Gotta hate how wattpad ruins the quality)






"Finally you're awake, if I hadn't woken up from a good dream, I would have left you for the bisten"


"you don't wanna know"

Okayy then..... Standing up you brush off the dust off your outfit, before running after Mr. Rafrog who already started to walk off.

"We should get there about an hour, you better be ready to face him"

"why? Is he that scary?"

"no, he's just very immature"


"yeah, around strangers he acts all serious and intimidating, but his true nature is like a child, he acts so playfully, he thinks all of this as his game, he used to have a wife you know?"

"And what happened to her?"

"she got destroyed in one of his games-yet there's still so many who still wished to be with him, asking him to destroy them as well- it's honestly ridiculous and very immature" (I'm calling out myself rn)

As you continue to look around, your couldnt help but shift your stare at Flinn who has been nothing but quiet through the whole time.

"Hey, you 'kay?" you whisler

"oh, um yeah, just thinking"

"oh, about what"

"Well, once you face Mr. Sadist and all, you will... You know... Leave...and I can't go with you... So I'm gonna be by myself...."

"wha- what do you mean? Aren't you like an illusion from my mind that it's going crazy??????"

"hahahaha about that..." he let's out an awkward laugh, avoiding eye contact as he continues,
"I'm actually a demi- demon, I have the power to read people's memories - I was quite lonely before you got here, the other demons don't really like me since I'm not a full demon like them, Im not insanily powerful like them.... So I tried to pretend to be Hunter to hang out with you... I was kinda observering you since you got here... "

" first of all... Stalker much" you say lightly punching him on the shoulder as you let out a small giggle "second of all, why can't you just come with me?"

"I- I can't tell you, at least not now, but I will miss you a lot when your gone, and don't worry, I'm not 100% a loner like you, I still have my family to hang out"

"rude!" you two continue to laugh and chat thought out the whole trip.

"we are here! If you can see, that over there is him, nobody knows his real name but we do refer him as 'Abigor', now just just follow my lead"

I gulp, nodding as we slowly made our way towards Mr. Abigall jsiwiqqi I mean Mr. Abigor.

"good evening Sir"

"AH! Mr. Rafrog, what brings you hear? And what's with... Is that... Gorgie's horn?"

"umm yes sir, this kiddo over here kill them, a they would like to give the horn back in exchange of something ..."

The man In front of us let out a small sob, cleaning his non existing tears before scoffing, "well that's a shame, they were my favourite.... So what can I do for you, darling?" he says, letting out a charming smile.

"Well i- I wanna go home"

The man looks me up and down, racing an eyebrow, he was about to say something but immediately shut his mouth and turn his gaze behid me,

And what about you kiddo? Aren't you a demi-demon? What is it that you want? "

" nothing, other than I want the demons from my village to like me! "

" very well then! Now before I make your wish come true, you two might wanna say good bye, since you will never see each other again - hopefully" the Abigor says, taking the horn from me and giving me some space to talk to Mr. Rafrog.

"so this is it, haha" I chuckle awkwardly, before continuing
"this sure was a small journey"

"it really was, tho I would still miss you"

"yeah same"

"it's kinda funny tho"


"Well like I told you, I have been observing you, so while you know me for like a few days, I know you for like months! Hehe he"

"yeah, I can't believe I never notice you tho!"

"what can I say, I'm good at hiding"

I smile at him, leaning towards him embracing him into a tight hug, "I will really miss you Flinn"

"I will miss you too, and before you go, my name is actually Devon"

"Well time to go!" the man yells, clapping his hands, suddenly a mist starts to form, my body starting to face a little as my body soon began to lift by itself, my feet getting futher away from the floor, yet I was still holding unto Devon.

"don't forget me!" I yell

" after every thing, I doubt I will be able to!"

We both let out a small chuckle, few tears began to form and before I fully disappeared from there underground, Devon smiled at me, giving me a generous sweet smile before saying

" Oh and for the record Y/n, I have always liked you a lot! Maybe - maybe in your next life, you can visit and be with me, yeah?"

"Yeah, of course"

I smile, wiping off my tears and before I knew it

I was back, knees and hands on a grass, I was finally back...

I was back in Bonesborough.

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