|Don't touch her!|

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~Y/N's pov~

"Don't touch her"!~Jungkook said to him. "Hey man what are you doing, give my girl back". Then he slapped my ass. Jungkook got angry and he punched the man face twice but the man was strong so he hit him back. Jungkook wanted to hit him again but Jimin grabbed his hand and said. "Come let's go home bro it's not worth it".
We went home and the boys sat down in the living room.

~Jungkook's pov~

I was with the boys when I saw Y/N on the dance floor. She moved her hips to the rhythm.
Then the stranger man grabbed her hips.
Was I jealous or what is this feeling? I stared at her but she noticed me. I looked up and down on her and smirked. The man started his hands down to her tight. I got angry. I stood up and went to there ,before he could continue I grabbed his hands away and I said: "Don't touch her"! "Hey man what are you doing, give my girl back~he said and I was angry. I punched his face twice but he was strong so he hit me back. Before i could hit him again Jimin grabbed my arm and he told me to go home. We went Hobi's place and the boys sat down in the living room. I came in last when I saw Y/N.

~Y/N's pov~

Jungkook came in last and I saw he wasn't okay, his lips was bleeding. "Are you okay"? I asked him. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry".~he said. "But your lips is bleeding".
"I said I'm fine Y/N"."I don't care if you don't want my help, I will help anyways so come with me".~he signed and we went to my room.
I cleaned his lips. "Is this okay"?~I asked him he looked into my eyes and nodded. We looked each other eyes, we stayed this for few minutes, when he started to speak."Don't you ever do that again"!~he said angrily. "What"?~I asked. "Don't dance with another guys". "Wait a minute. Are you jealous"?~I bit my lips. "I'm not and stop biting your fucking lips".~I was drunk so I bit my lips again.
"You are so annoying".~he said.
"You know i thought i never see you again"~I said. He looked deep into my eyes. "Just shut up and kiss me. Then my lips met his. His lips was soft like butter. He pulled me closer and put me in his lap. "I thought maybe we can do a little more than kissing"~he said with a smirk. He slowly reached under my skirt, but then someone opened the door."Jungkook I heard"~It was Jin but he stopped when he saw us. We pushed away.

What happened? Jungkook was drunk? He like me or just uses me? But then why was he a jerk before?

Jin went out and Jungkook turned to me. "Maybe I have to go"~He said.
"Please stay".~I said hoping he would stay.
"Okay if you want"~he replied and I blushed."Stay here I'm going to bath first".~he nodded.

I was in the bathroom taking a shower. I closed my eyes enjoying the hot water on my skin. I forgot to closed the door but I didn't know it.
Then I felt a strong arms around my waist making me turned around. My eyes widened when I realised who was it. It was Jungkook but before I could speak his lips were on mine. We kissed each other hungrily. My back hit the wall, his hand went slowly on my back when he stopped at my ass. I kissed him deeply that he knows I want him. We finished with the shower.

~Warning: smut~

He carried me out in his hands. He put me on the bed without breaking the kiss."Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop".~he asked me.~I nodded. Jungkook looked into my eyes deeply and he started taking off my clothes.
I was only in my underwear then he slowly took out my panties. "Are you sure"?~he asked again, I nodded."Use your words baby".
"Yes".~I replied with blushed. His finger suddenly dipped inside me. I felt him finger move languidly in and out of my body, a moan came out of my mouth."You are so beautiful".~Jungkook said when he added another finger. "Fuck Jungkook, that feels so good". I running my fingers through his hair. He kissed my neck and found my sweet spot, I moan loudly. I was close. I'm close Jungkook". "Hold it Y/N". He continues moving his finger in and out of me but he went faster then before. I was crazy for his touching, he was gentle.
"Cum for me baby'~he said. He pulled out his fingers and I did what he said. He kissed my forehead then he laid on my chest.
"Good night sleep well baby".~he said.
"Good night Kook".~I said him and he smiled.

Was this really happening? Was I dreaming? Then I saw Jungkook beside me and I smiled. He's cute when he sleep and I felt safe with him. And then i fell asleep.

 And then i fell asleep

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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now