|The stars above us|

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~Y/N's pov~

When I woke up in the morning, Jungkook wasn't next to me. I got up from the bed and get dressed. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I saw Jin make breakfast in the kitchen."Can I help you"?~I asked him."Yes Y/N
make eggs to the others. When I finished I told the boys to come and eat. "Good morning boys"~I said to them."Good morning Y/N".~they said to me except Jungkook.

What's wrong with him? Did he regret yesterday? He hate me or what?

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What's wrong with him? Did he regret yesterday? He hate me or what?

We finished with breakfast."Come on guys let's watch a movie".~Namjoon said. Let's watch a love movie~Tae said happily. I sat down between Jimin and Hobi and we started watching the movie. I saw Taehyung cry in the movie and i laughed at him. Namjoon, Hobi, Jimin and Jin were bored and Yoongi fell aslepp. Jungkook sat the most far away from me and he didn't look at me. Then i fell asleep on Hobi's shoulder.


Jungkook ignored all day. He sat with the boys so I went to them to talk to him. "Jungkook can we talk"?~I asked him and he nodded.
We went to my room. "What's wrong with you"?
"Nothing."~he said. "Tell me."~I got angry.

"Look Y/N yesterday was a mistake, it's didn't meant anything to me, I will never love you, I was drunk"~ when he said that my heart broke into two pieces. "Leave me"~I yelled at him, I didn't have to say it twice he left the room. I slammed the door and lay down in the bed with tears on my face.

~Taehyung's pov~

We sat with the boys when Y/N came in. "Can we talk"?~she asked to Jungkook and he nodded. Junkook was weird all day, I don't know what's going on. We started talking with the boys when I heard she shouted at Jungkook to leave. Then I saw Jungkook left the house without a word. I felt sorry for Y/N, so I went to her room. I saw her in her bed. I ran to her. "Are you okay Y/N?"~she didn't replied. "Hey look at me, what's going on"?~she looked at me and I saw her puffy eyes. "All right, what happened with Jungkook"? Then she told me everything that what happened yesterday. "I like him Tae",~she said and a tear came out her eyes.

I know he had a lot of girlfriend but they only used him. And now he did the same with Y/N, but she really likes him. He said he didn't believe in love but there is a girl he likes, he met with her at the shop. I know he likes this girl but I don't know who is she.

"Can you go out with me"?~she asked me."I would love to but before we leave I say to the others". When I told to the others I went out with Y/N. We went to the park, the stars above us were beautiful. "The sky is beautiful".~I told her. "Come on". ~and he laid down in the grass. I did the same and we started to speak about nonsense. Let's go to the bar~I said her and she nodded.

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~Y/N's pov~

We were very drunk when I saw Jungkook called Taehyung but he was in the restroom and I didn't want to pick up. Taehyung came back so we wanted to go home but we couldn't walk. Tae called Jungkook to take us home. He arrived and we wanted to leave. But before we left Taehyung slapped Jungkook. "Why did you do this with her"?~he asked to Jungkook. He ignored him and grabbed me out. "It's midnight, why didn't you went home"? "Just leave me alone"~I said him."No,Y/N I like-

I didn't heard what he said because my head started to hurt and everyting went black.

I didn't heard what he said because my head started to hurt and everyting went black

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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now