|Give me a chance|

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~Y/N's pov~

I woke up with a bad headache, I felt something on my hand. I saw Jungkook's hand on mine. He was with me all night? But why is he nice to me? And what happened yesterday? I slowly took my hand off his hand, but he wake up. "Oh hey Y/N you wake up". "Are you okay"? "Can I help you"? "I'm fine Jungkook"~I said him softly. Then the bts other members came in. "Y/N, I'm glad you're fine".~Namjoon said with a big smile and he hugged me. "I bought you a plush"~Tae said. "Aww Taetae you are so cute".~I hugged him. "Y/N ARE YOU OKAY? I COOKED FOR YOU"~Jin said and we laughed. "Thank you Oppa". Jimin and Yoongi also hugged me. "Hey sis I worried about you".~said my best friend Hobi, then he kissed my forehead.

We have to go now Y/N because something came up but one of us can stay

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We have to go now Y/N because something came up but one of us can stay.
"I will stay"~Jungkook said. "Are you sure Kook"?~they asked him. "Yes I want to take care of her". They nodded and left the room. They left us here alone. I wanted to get up, but my head still hurt. "Go back to sleep, I'm right here". "You need to rest, you're weak".~Jungkook said. "I will make you lunch before you wake up". Then I slowly fell asleep.

~Jungkook's pov~

I was happy when the others allowed me to stay with her. She tried to get up but I told her to go to sleep. I wanted to make her lunch after she fall asleep. I don't know why but I wanted to be with her all day. I noticed she was sleeping so I kissed her forehead and went to make lunch for her. She was beautiful. I asked to Hobi what is her favorite food and it was kimchi. So i started to make her kimchi.

 So i started to make her kimchi

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~Y/N's pov~

I wake up and my head didn't hurt anymore. I got up and went downstair when i smelled the food. IT WAS KIMCHI? I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen, when I saw Jungkook. He cooked kimchi for me? Did he really do that?
"Hey Y/N let's go to eat. I cooked your favourite".~he smiled, he looked like a bunny.
We started to eat and i asked him confused: "Why did you do this? Tell me.~I asked him and he stopped to eat. He looked into my eyes and I felt butterflies in my stomach. "I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean to say that. I was confused because all the girls just uses me and you're not. I didn't want to let you near me, but I think I like you". ~he blushed. "I know I messed up, but give me a chance please". He looked my eyes then my lips. "Kiss me"~I said him.

 "Kiss me"~I said him

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~Smut warning~

He pulled me in closer as his hands ran down my body. He slowly kissed my lips and then he moved to my neck. Jungkook grabbed me to my room without break the kiss. I bit his lower lip while weaving my fingers into his dark hair. I moaned loudly when I felt his fingers where I needed the most. "Fuck, that feels so good Jungkook".~I moaned at his ear. "I think thats the first time I've heard you moaning my name...it was like a fucking melody".~I smiled at him. "There's something much more I'd like to eat right now"~he smirked."Then do that"~My heart beats faster at his words. Jungkook started kissing my body but he stopped at my stomach, he looked deeply into my eyes and slowly spreads my legs not breaking the eye contact. "Just relax for me, I'll make it feel good". Then he started to eat me out. When he finished he took off his pants, so he was only just his boxer. But he took off that too. My eyes widened when I saw his member. "Hey baby my eyes are here".~he said and I blushed. He came closer to me. He placing his hand on my shoulder and said: I"ll be gentle, I'm gonna go in slow let you adjust but after I'm going faster.
And with that he put his dick inside me. "Holly shit Y/N you are so tight".~he moaned my name and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He thrusted in more and I bit my lip, trying to adjust to his size. We both breathed heavy when our eyes met. He started to move in and out."Jungkook please, please". "Please what baby, I already told you to use your word".
"Please Jungkook fuck me harder". I moaned. "With pleasure".~he smirked and he went faster.
"Shit Jungkook, I'm close, keep going".~I moaned loudly "Wait for me baby".~and he went more deeper and faster. We moaned loudly to the pleasure. Then we both came, Jungkook pulled out and he lay down next to me. "You are so beautiful Y/N", he pulled me closer to him. "Good night Y/N".~he said and he kissed my forehead. "Good night."~I hugged him and we fell asleep each other's arms.

"~I hugged him and we fell asleep each other's arms

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