|Will you?|

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Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

He knelt down in front of me with a box in his hand."Y/n, I love you so much and I can't imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?"~he asked and opened the box. I saw a beautiful ring. I was nervous because of the baby but i said yes with a big smile. He put the ring on my finger. Then stood up and kissed me slowly.
I heard the boys clapped, they were happy for us.
"I love you"~Jungkook said."I love you too"~i said and hugged him. Hobi ran to me and hugged me."I'm happy for you sis"~he said and kissed my forehead. When we finished we went home.


Tomorrow will be Jungkook's birthday. I wanted to tell him on his birthday that I'm pregnant. I felt better than in the morning, so i grabbed my stuff and wanted to leave to the plaza. I went down and I saw Tae in the couch."Hey Y/n, where are you going"?~ he asked."I go to the plaza, you wanna come with me"?~I asked.
He stood up and grabbed my hand."~we wanted to leave but someone said my name.
"Y/n, where are you going"~it was Jungkook.
"We go to the plaza"~i said to him.
"Can I join"?~he asked but I didn't want him to see his gift."I wanted to go with Tae, sorry".
Jungkook looked at me and I saw sadness in his eyes. I hope he's not angry at me, I will tell him everything tomorrow. He nodded and we left.

When we arrived Tae wanted to go to the Gucci store. He bought himself a Gucci pocket. It was expensive, how much money did he have? Then we went to the baby shop. He looked at me confused but i just smiled. I saw a cute baby shoes and that's what i wanted to buy him. I don't know is a baby girl or boy but this color is good for both. I bought the shoes and we finished so we can go home.

 I bought the shoes and we finished so we can go home

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When we left the plaza Tae grabbed my hand.
"What"~I asked."Look Y/n I-"~he stooped.
Was he shy or what? "Yes"?~I asked."I think I'm in love with you. I wanted to say something but he cut me off."Wait, let me finish...I know you fall in love with Jungkook, but can I kiss you for the last time"?~when he asked that I froze . I don't know why but I said yes. Slowly his lips met with mine.

Jungkook's pov

I don't know why she was cold with me but it hurt. I went after them , I was jealous because I knew Tae like Y/n. I stayed in my car waiting for them. Few hours later I saw them come out of the plaza. Tae grabbed her hand and said something to Y/n. I didn't believe in my eyes Tae kissed her and she let him. I didn't notice i was crying until it flowed down on my face. I was hurt. The love of my life cheated on me. I went home and I saw the boys in the living room. They saw me crying and they hugged me."What wrong Jungkook".~they asked me."Taehyung kissed her".~I said still crying. They looked at me confused.

I went to my room. I took a shower and went to the bed. I didn't want to speak with Y/n, so I wanted to sleep as fast as I could.

"Y/n's pov"

We arrived and I went to the boys in the living room. I said hello to them but they didn't responded. I was tired and I wanted to sleep with Jungkook so I stayed at their house and went to his room. I saw him sleeping on the bed so I took a shower and then I lay down next to him. I kissed him and he woke up."Hey"~I said him but he ignored me and turned around. What's wrong with them? I asked to myself. It was cold without Jungkook. Few hours later I fall asleep.

 Few hours later I fall asleep

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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now