|Let go|

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~Y/N's pov~

Then we're done.~he said and left me alone. My knees were weak. My back slid down the wall and tears came out of my eyes. Few minutes later the doors opened and Hobi came in. I was still on the floor, when Hobi saw me. He ran to me and hugged me tight. "What happened Y/N? Why are you crying"?~he asked with a worried voice.
"We broke up, he said he just played with me"~I sniffed. "Y/N-ah, I know he loves you, everything will be fine".~Hobi said and wiped away my tears"I will be always here for you, I love you Y/N please don't cry".~he kissed my forehead."Thank you, I love you too Hobi"."Take a rest, I make you a cup of tea".~he said and i nodded.
I went to my room and slowly I fall asleep with puffy eyes.

~Jimin's pov~

I played with Suga in the living room, when Jungkook came home. He ran up to his room and slammed the door behind him. Suga was tired so he went to sleep. I stood up to the floor and went to Jungkook's room. I knocked but he didn't replied. I opened the door and I saw him crying the other half of the room. I went to him and wiped away his tears. "What's wrong bro"?~I asked him. "I cheated on Y/N"~he said and more tears came out of his eyes. "She will forgive you"~I said. "No, she loves Taehyung not me".
"Where did you get this bullshit Jungkook"?~I asked. "She slept with him".~my eyes widened.

"Look Jungkook, I know she loves you

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"Look Jungkook, I know she loves you. Talk to her".~I said. "I can't, I messed up. I said her I was just playing with her. She hates me".~Jungkook said. "I have to let go"~He said to me. "Don't give up"~I said.

Jungkook doesn't cry for anyone. I know he loves Y/N. And yes he messed up but she will forgive him. I hope he didn't give up.

Jungkook slowly fall asleep on my shoulder so I laid him on the bed and went down to Taehyung.
"Hey Tae".~I said. "Wassup jimin"?~he asked.
"Do you love Y/N"? "What"?~he asked confused.
"I know you slept with her Taehyung"~I said.
"Yes but not because I love her, I did't want her to think of Jungkook. She still love him".~he said back.

~Taehyung's pov~

Jungkook is my brother I wouldn't take her from him. And Y/N is my best friend, of course I love her but just as a friend. After I talked with Jimin I went to my car and started drive to Y/N. When I arrived, I knocked on the door and Hobi opened it."Hey hyung, what are you doing here"?~he asked."Y/N is home"?~I asked him."Yes, come in" I went in and I saw Y/n in the kitchen. She saw me and rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry Y/N-ah"~I said and bowed my head. "Just leave me alone Taehyung"~he said. "Please"~she cut me off.
"I said leave me alone" "Okay, I'm sorry".~I said again.

When I left a tears come out of my eyes. I hurt my best friend, I messed up. I drove away from Y/N's house with tears in my eyes.

 I drove away from Y/N's house with tears in my eyes

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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now