|Date in the rain|

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~Y/N's pov~

I went to the bathroom to wash my hair and brush my teeth. When I finished, I grabbed my phone and called Taehyung to help me. We spent a lot of time together,he is also like my best friend. He arrived and he chose my outfit for today. "You look beautiful, he will like it".~Tae said."Thank you Tae".~I smiled.

I heard a doorbel, it must be Jungkook

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I heard a doorbel, it must be Jungkook. I went down and opened the door. "Wow Y/N you look beautiful.~Jungkook said and slowly kissed me. He held my hand and we went to the car. "Where are we going"?~I asked. "It's a secret."~he said with a smile. After twenty minutes later we arrived. "Do you trust me"?~Jungkook asked. "Yes, why"? "Then close your eyes"~I looked at him confused.

I didn't understand why he said that, but I closed my eyes. We started walking.
"Open your eyes, we're here". I opened my eyes and saw this:

 I opened my eyes and saw this:

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"It's beautiful, Jungkook".~I smiled. He looked at me and said: "Yes you are".~I blushed. He sat down and he put me in his lap. I kiss him deeply and he kissed me back. It started to rain. "You must be freezing! Here, take this".~he gave me his jacket. I started to run. "Hey, where are you going"?~Jungkook asked. "I want to enjoy the rain"~I said him still running. He ran after me and grabbed my arm. He looked into my eyes.
Jungkook leaned closer and kissed me softly.

The kiss that leaves a tingly feeling for and makes you want more

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The kiss that leaves a tingly feeling for and makes you want more. "Sleep at my place tonight".~ he said. "Okay".~I said him back and he hugged me.

"I love you".~he said and looked into my eyes.

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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now