|Baby girl|

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~Y/n's pov~

I woke up early because I had to go the doctor. Today i will find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. It was 6 in the morning but Jungkook wasn't by my side. I still felt sorry for him for yesterday but today is him birthday.  He will get the best gift. I went down and I saw him sleeping on the couch. I went to him and kissed his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes. I remembered what happened with Tae yesterday and I couldn't look into his eyes."Jungkook I have to tell you something"~I said softly."Yesterday Tae and I..."I know"~he cut me off."I love you Jungkook please don't be mad". "Hey Y/n, look at me".~he said and I looked at him."It's ok, I talked with Tae". He kissed my lips then my forehead. He pulled me closer to him but the couch was small so I landed on him. I blushed hard, our lips were inches apart. "Jungkook-ah I have to go now".~I said and run out with red face. Hobi didn't speak with me so I had to go alone.

15 minutes later I arrived. I went to the second floor. They said I had to wait, so I sat down and waited for them to say my name. Few minutes later I heard my name and went in."The baby is fine".-the doctor said."I'll be back in a few minutes later".~he said and went out. I'm happy for the baby but still nervous because of Jungkook."Congratulations the baby is a girl".~the doctor said and I smiled to him. We finished so I can go home. Before I went home I bought something.

I went home but Hobi still didn't talk to me. He was in the kitchen so I went to him. I hugged him from behind."What do you want Y/n".~he asked.
"Forgive me Hobiii".~I said with puppy eyes."Ah fine"~Hobi said and hugged me back."What the doctor said"?~he asked."Its a girl"~I replied.
"REALLY? I have a plan". He tell me his plan and run out. I laughed at him then called Jungkook.
"Hey baby"?~he said.
"Hi, do you wanna come over to me"?~I asked.
"Hm baby what's your plan"?~he asked.
"Nothing you pervert".~I replied.
"We will see, I'm on my way".~he said and hung up.

I was in the living room watching Tv when Jungkook arrived. He ran to me and kissed me everywhere."What's wrong with you"?~I asked.
"Hm nothing, I just missed you".~he replied.
"Jungkook, you saw me in the morning.~I said.
He pulled me closer and kissed me deeply. Oh now I know what he wants."Jungkook".~I said and he looked at me."Can you stand a day when you don't want to sex with me"?~I asked. He rolled his eyes and lay down next to me.

We watched the Tv when Hobi called me. I went out and picked up. "We're on our way, get ready".~Hobi said and hang up. I went back to Jungkook and sat down on his lap. He looked confused."Baby, I thought you don't wa-before he could finish I kissed him. He took me to my room and put me down on the bed. Jungkook started kissing my neck and I moaned. He wanted to attach my bra but someone came home. I know it was Hobi and the boys. We went out and the boys hid in the house. I thought someone came home".~Jungkook said. He went to the kitchen but Jimin scared him. "Happy birthday bro"~Jimin said and the others came forward."Happy birthday".~they said and hugged him. I went to him and hugged him then he kissed me.

The boys had already given him the present. It was my turn."Happy birthday baby". I sad and gave him his present. He opened the box and he saw the Pregnancy Test. His eyes widened and looked at me. "Is it true"?~he stood up and asked me."Yes, I'm pregnant".~I said."WHAT"?~the others asked except Hobi. The boys stood up and hugged each other.

"Its a girl or a boy"

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"Its a girl or a boy".~Jungkook asked."Cut the cake".~Hobi said and Jungkook did what he said.
"IT'S A GIRL".~Jungkook said happily. He ran to me and kissed me."Im so happy Y/n, thank you".
"I love you".~I kissed him back. "I love you too".

 "I love you too"

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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now