|Warm Touch|

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~Smut warning~

~Y/N's pov~

He kissed me slowly. His lips were soft.
"Sorry".~he pulled away but without knowing I kissed him back. He pushed me against the wall. Our tongues explored each others mouths. I ran my hands to his hair and he ran his hand down on my body. I bite his bottom lip. Our tongues fought and he won. He pulled us off the wall and brought us to the bed. I sit on his lap, I smiled against his lips. I started moving on his lap when I heard him groaned. I stoped moving but Tae grabbed my hips. "Don't stop".~he said. I started moving again and I saw him with his head back in pleasure. I ran my hands from his hair to his shirt felling his abs. He pulled me away and he taking his boxers off. "Get on your knees"~he said and I did what he said. I slowly brought him on my mouth and started sucking. We kept eye contact. His hands came down in my hair. He started moving my head, I started sucking harder when he groaned. He was close but before he could cum he pulled me away. "I want to be in you when i cum".~he said and i stood up. He took off my panties. I lowered myself onto his hard dick slowly and enjoyed the felling. I moaned because of his size and then I felt pleasure. Taehyung moaned to my ears and I started going faster on him. He started kissing my neck, i moaned and hold his shoulder to go faster. When we both came he climbed on top of me and started kissing me deeply. He find my sweet spot, I moaned. Then he lifted my shirt and took it off. Leaving me in my bra. He started kissing down the crevice between my breasts. I moaned and he smirked. He kept moving down planting kisses down my stomach to where i needed the most. I could feel the cool of lip ring and he pleasured me with his tongue and fingers. He stuck two fingers inside me and started pumping while he using his tongue to click my clit. "Fuck Tae".~I moaned out his name making him know that I was close. He started pumping faster and added another finger. My legs shaking out of pleasure. He pulled out his fingers.
"Cum for me Y/N".~Tae said and I came on his hand. He pulled me closer to him. He looked at me asking for permission and i nodded. Without warning he put his dick inside me. He moved his dick in and out. At first he went slowly but then he went faster. Tae started rushing into me hitting me g-spot causing me to moan. I ran my fingers down his back leaving marks. Tae~when I moaned his name he trusting faster and harder. We both moaned to the pleasure and he came inside me.


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Tae had to go work so I was alone in my house. I saw Jungkook called me yesterday but i didn't pick up. Hobi will be home late because he had to go with Tae. I called Jin over to help me with the dinner, and he said yes. When he arrived we started cooking. "What was wrong yesterday"?~Jin asked. I told him everything what Jungkook did. He hugged me and said:"I'm so sorry Y/N"~i nodded. We continued cooking but I wanted to tell him what happened with Taehyung.
"Jin"?~I said quietly. He looked at me. "Yes"?~he asked. "I slept with Taehyung yesterday".~his eyes widened and he put his hands on my shoulder. "It's okay Y/N, i understand why you did it.

When we finished with the dinner we sat down and started eat

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When we finished with the dinner we sat down and started eat. I heard a doorbell so I stood up and went to the door. When I opened the door I saw Jungkook, my heart skipped a beat. I saw he was angry but before I could asked him what did he want he grabbed my arm and took me inside. Jin saw him and said: "I have to go now bye"~ and he ran out. Jungkook looked at me with angrily and sadly at the same time. "You slept with him"~he yelled. "What are you talking about"?~I asked him. "You fucked with Taehyung"."Who told you this"?~i asked confused. "Taehyung"~my eyes widened. "You fucked with him, don't you"?~he asked again.

"I saw you with that girl Jungkook". "It was a fucking kiss Y/N, but you fucked with him".~he said and looked at me. "I though you loved me".~I said to him. "I just used you Y/N".~he said with a poker face. He wanted to left but I grabbed his hand. "If you go through that door we're done forever".~I said.

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now