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~Y/n's pov~

I pulled away. He looked at me."Y/n"~he started speaking."Y/n I know i messed up but i love you so much. I can't live without you. Please give me a second change."~he started crying. "jungkook".~I sighed."I love you too, but i need time. When we broke up you didn't call me. It's hurt because you cheated on me and you said  you just played with me. And then you was the one who broke up wit me".~i wiped his tears away. "Okay"~he sad with a sad smile. Few minutes later we landed and got out.

Hey, Y/n and Hobi are you sleep to our house today"?~Namjoon asked."Yes, if you okay with that Y/n".~Hobi said."Ofc I am".~i said.
"Then lets go i wanna sleep".~Yoongi said we laughed. We arrived and Jin said he wanted make dinner so i helped to him."The dinner is ready".~i said the boys and they sat down. Jungkook sat on my right side and Tae on my left. We started to eat."How are you doing lately"?~Namjoon asked."I'm fine, thanks. What about you guys"~i asked them. "We are doing great, just we missed you.~Jimin said."Yes thank you for today".~Jin said and i smiled.
"I want to watch a movie.~Tae said."Again Taehyung? I wanna sleep."~Suga said and went to his room. Taehyung looked at me. I knew what he wanted. "Okay I'll watch the movie with you."~i said and he hugged me. "I love you Y/n"
"I love you too Tae".~i hugged him back.

~Jungkook's pov~

(Flash back)

I saw she was afraid so i held her hand. "Y/n look at me".~I said and she slowly looked at me. She looked into my eyes with her beautiful eyes." It's okay I'm here".~I said without break the eye contact. Her hands shook and she still cried. I hugged her as strong as i could. When she calmed down we pulled away. I started staring at his mouth. I wanted to kiss her for the last time. I leaned closer to her face, our face were inches apart. I slowly kissed her soft lips but she didn't kiss me back. She pulled away and said that she needs time. I understood why she said that, I messed up and I knew that. But i was hoping she would give me a second change.


Jimin, Tae and me played video games when Y/n told us to go eat. She always helps Jin make dinner. We stood up with the boys and went to the kitchen. I saw a free chair next to Y/n so i sat down next to her. Tae sat down on her left side. He's always with her and she happy with Tae. Maybe i should let her go. We started eat when Namjoon asked her how she was. She said she was fine so she already forget me? "I want to watch movie."~Tae said."Again Tae. I wanna sleep."~Yoongi said and he went to sleep. Then Tae looked at Y/n. "Okay I"ll watch the movie with you"~she said. Tae stood up and hugged her. "I love you Y/n".~Tae said. "I love you too Tae".~Y/n said with a big smile. I was jealous and when she said she love him too my heart broke into a hundred pieces. We sat down and Tae played him fav romantic movie. I sat next to Y/n. I felt something on my shoulder and I saw Y/n fell asleep.

~Y/n's pov~

We went to the living room and sat down.
I sat between Tae and Jungkook again. We started watching the movie. It was sad because the film was about the love. And we just broke up with Jungkook. Tae already fell asleep on mu shoulder and I was sleepy too so I slowly fell asleep.

 Tae already fell asleep on mu shoulder and I was sleepy too so I slowly fell asleep

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I wake up at 4 in the morning. And I felt a hand around me. I turned around and I saw....

Jungkook. I felt safe next to him so I fell asleep again.

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now