|Need you|

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~Y/n's pov~

I know this voice, wait? Jungkook? I stood up from the floor and run to him. I can't believe he is still here. I thought he was gone."Y/n, Why are you here"?~Jungkook asked."I came for you, when I read your letter I ran to here. I love you too Jungkook, please don't leave me".~I said him."I won't Y/n"~he said and kissed my forehead. We looked into each others eyes, his eyes were puffy and red like he was crying all day. He kissed me slowly, the kiss was soft."I love you"~he whispered between the kiss. God, I love the way he kissed me. We pulled away and I called Hobi. He said they went to the others home so we left the airport with Jungkook and went home.

We arrived and the boys was already in the living room so we sat down next to them."I'm glad you stayed"~Jin said."Yeah, me too"~the boys said except Taehyung. He got up and left the living room. I went after him but he slammed the door in front of me. I knocked but he did't respond so I went in. I sat next to him."What's wrong Tae"~I asked."I'm afraid he will hurt you again, I don't want to see you sad".~he said."He won't, I promise.~I said him and he hugged me. We went out and Tae went to Jungkook."If you dare to hurt her again, I will kill you".~Tae said to Jungkook and hugged him.

I was in the kitchen when the boys came in with cake."Happy Birthday Y/n".~they said to me and gave my present. Then all the boys hugged me. Jungkook kissed me and he bit my lips. Oh no, I know what will happen next."I will make you feel good"~he whispered in my ear.
"We go to sleep"~the boys said."Okay good night"~Jungkook said and winked. They left me alone with him. I tried run away from him so I stood up and went to his room. But before I could  he pushed me against the wall. He started kissing my neck leaving marks. He found my sweet spot but I stayed quiet. Then he moved to my lips and started kissing me harder. I didn't kiss him back. I pulled away."Kiss me back"~ he said."Jungkook the others will hear us".~I said. "Then moaned my name loudly so they will know who you belongs to".~he smirked.

~Smut warning~

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~Smut warning~

Then he grabbed me and lifted me into his arms.
He took me to his room, he sat down on the chair with me on his lap. He started to move my hips and I felt his member growing. I was tired so i stood up and wanted to leave but Jungkook pulled me closer to him and his hands ran down on my body."Stop being a tease".~He warned me.
He pushed me to the bed and started took of my clothes leaving me with bra and my panties. He started kissing me tight. His hand started moving on my panties."So wet for me Y/n".~Jungkook said. He kissed me again and he moved his hands under my panties."Jungkook what the fuc-". But before i could finish, his finger was into me. He looked into my eyes deeply and went faster.
"Please don't stop".~I wanted moaning but I covered my mouth with my hand."Let them out, i wanna hear your beautiful moans".~Jungkook said I pulled my hand away. He added another finger and another. My legs shook and I was crazy for his touch. I was close but before i could cum he pulled out his finger."i wanna be in you when i cum". And without warning he spread my legs and pushed his dick inside me leaved no time to adjust. He put his hands around my waist going even harder than before. My hands went down on his abs."Keep your hands up there and let me pleasure you, don't make me punish you."~Jungkook said. He continued thrusting his dick in me."Fuck".~I moaned out."Do you like that? Right there"?~He asked and I nodded. He grabbed my neck."Look at me and use your words baby"."Fuck yeah...faster".~I groaned.
"As you wish".~he put his hands on my shoulders and went faster. My mind was a mess."Ahh Jungkook".~I moaned his name and I know he liked it."I like it baby".~He moaned and kissed me harder. We was closer. I started moving my hips to go faster."Fuck Y/n, you are so good".~He moaned then he came inside me. He lay down next to and kissed my forehead."It was good Y/n, I love you".~Jungkook said and put his head on my chest."I love you too". Then we both fell asleep.

 Then we both fell asleep

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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 •Jeon Jungkook•Where stories live. Discover now