~Chapter 1 ~beginning

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Oh and it's gonna have pov so let me know if you don't like it and kawaki is part of the family he just doesn't share blood ya know the in boruto kinda 😉❤️
Narutos pov

I just finished getting everything from the grocery store and I'm heading back to my house. As I was walking through the streets and people greeting me I see one black headed girl with light purple eyes. I grinned and sneaked up behind her knowing she scares easely and made a load annoying sound to scare her. As expected she jumped and let out a soft little scream and slowly turned around. I was bawling over in laughter but not yet on the ground I wipe a tear of my eye and look up. And I wish I didn't she has activited her byakugan glaring her death stare at me. I gulp and asks for apology for startling her but she just softly smiles and says she knew it was me and softly laughed it of. She said goodbye to the person she was talking to and asked to join me and of course I said yess.

As we walked to my house we talked and catched up. She just returned from her last mission with Kiba and Chino so I wanted to catch up with her. "naruto..." hinata says softly while I unlock my front door "yeah hinata,what's up? " I asked taking of my shoes and she did the same "umm I-I just wanted to ask if you're doing okay" I look up and she looks me straight in the eyes showing warry and fear for me I guess. "yeah of course I'm fine hinata" I say walking towards her and tap her on the shoulder giving her a big smile. "I don't -" "papa!" a little girl said interrupting hinata and while running in the house and jumping on me. "papa I unlocked it I unlocked it" hima says and I look up asking her to show me witch she did of course but struggled to fully unlock it. My eyes grow wide and then softens hugging her tight and congratulating her. "congrats himawari" hinata says opening her arms for a hug. Hima being hima went from my arms to straight to hinatas and both laughing. "I guess you gotta ask your father to help you fully develop it huh" I say cheekily while rubbing the back of my head. Hinata gaze never leaving mine sending me a signal I know to well. I look at her giving her a nob "let's take you back to school Hima" hima letting go of hinata and nodded in agreement.

Himawari running and jumping playfully and greeting everyone. "he's not gonna have time right?" I ask hinata knowing what look I'm giving of she taps my shoulder softly and says "maybe, maybe not but you already know the answer don't you." she says. We both made eye contact and she was right I already know the answer to my question I guess I just wanted to get a different answer. We where near her school and giving Hima to one of the teachers." sakura and I are gonna have pork bowl care to join... You and the kids" she asked smiling with her eyes closed. I can't turn it down especially not hinatas cooking. "of course would seven pm work or-" "yeah sakura is just gonna be late but that time will be great" she says that and hugs me "then we three need to talk okay" she says while turning round and leaving me there in front of the school. I only have one thing on my mind WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO NOW

The only thing I thaught was training. The kids get home at 3 and we need to be at hintas at seven. I do have time it's only 9am. I take of my orange jacked leaving me only with my pants and shoes on. I start training and pushing myself as hard as I can. I'm creating shadowclones to fight against aswell as try to improve my Chakra control if that's even possible at this moment I just start of with my normal routine of exerciseing witch is 50 pullups. 50 lunges. 3 mile running . 30 seconds of shadowboxing, 30 seconds of burpees, 30 seconds of shadowboxing again, 30 seconds of jump squats and again with a 3 mile run. I sit on the training ground getting my breath and drinking watter. After what I think was ten minutes I get up and start with knew jutsus shikamaru and choji taught me with our last training session. It's around four witch means the kids are already out of school. I dry my face up with the towel. '' Aaaaahhhh It's him" I hear screeching from the only people screeching the fan girls. They all came running and asking for autographs and taking pictures. I'm half naked at the moment whyyy are the like this.

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