~Chapter 5~

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Shikamaru sat in his chair looking at all 5 kids observing them while they're try their best to escape from the rope and dampeners. "old geezer" boruto screams at shikamaru while trying to get free from them. "where's our parents?" memory asked sitting still being the only one that's not trying to get free. "what a drag stop moving then I'll explain" shikamaru said putting his hand on his forehead rubbing his upper nose.

They stopped right away and sat up looking at him to continue. "see you're in the anbu training grounds meaning you won't be able escape with all the anbus here got that" shikamaru states pointing his finger at them. "your father-" he was swiftly interrupted by menma "use his name". Shikamaru shocked that they want him to call their father sasuke and not father but he did it. "fine sasuke went after naruto with both your parents memory, aswell as tsunade, karin and kakashi" he says this while standing up and walking over to a anbu that just arrived. Shikamarus face showed clearly that that news wasn't pleasant.

"shikamaru" sarada says stern and not soft all kids eyes were on him. "fine they left because naruto has got kidnapped" he says looking at them.. Their eyes widening in shock, while sarada starts getting tears in her eyes wondering if he's alive or dead in fact all of them are wondering this unanswered question. "I have not received word from sasuke or the others in 5 hours meaning they haven't gotten far so make my job easier and stay put, I don't want to go hunt you down while trying to find naruto" he says stirn while walking to the only exit from witch they came.

"you're doing nothing!" boroto screams while tears start to fall. "he's right you're only sitting in sasukes office" menma proving his statement. Shikamaru stops in his tracks, clenching his fists before yelling. "shut up!". Everyone in the room shocked at his sudden raise in voice and sadness filling that voice. "you brats don't know anything" he says not turning to look at them. He continues still having everyone's attention "do you think I want to lose naruto again huh...you brats know absolutely nothing of how many times naruto almost died for us so keep that fucking mouths shut of yours, especially you boruto" he finishes and leaves,leaving the kids with those words words with a lot of meaning and depth in them. The anbu immediately gathered around the kids and the entrance preventing them from any attempt of escaping.

Narutos pov

They came back both with grins of evil. Pervert was weird he didn't want to punch me out of joy and greyo didn't ask me anything. "blondi..." greyo says mixing something in a bowl and smashing it all. "what's your name" he asks focusing on smashing the stuff. He's never asked this I just didn't think he cared since I'm they're captive. Should I tell him, will he use me as leverage if he finds out who I am. I can just say my name and surname not my married surname. But then what if he's heard of sasuke Uchiha marrying me.

I can't risk it. I don't even know how sasuke will react when they use me as leverage (he's imagining sasuke burning and blowing things up)... "blondi? Name." he says lifting the knife he was cutting the other weird looking plants. "uzumaki naruto" I said regretting it but grinning idk why I just grinned. Pervert gasped while asking him if he doesn't know, not to my surprise greyo shook his head not knowing. "there's a rumor going around.." he stops smirking while saying "that naruto Uzumaki the war hero is married to sasuke Uchiha the formar Rouge ninja well not anymore but you know what I mean that's the rumor in towns these days" my eyes widen at the fact towns are gossiping about us.

Greyo stopped what he was doing and mixed the plants he just smashed with a little bit water. "well naruto" he said my name suductively and smirked. He let a few kunais soak in the substance before continuing. "you could've told us you were into men" he takes out one of the kunais that was drenched in those stuff and pervert doing the same. They're walking towards me, both having kunais in hand. "see the kunais are drenched in poison..."he stops speaking when my eyes widen in fear of his statement "see it works slowing first it paralyzes its pray" he struck the kunai in my arm causing me to scream in pain.

"and then numbing of your heart meaning blood will move slower and slower through your body causing you emence pain" he smiles evelish while pervert struck the other one in my leg causing yet another scream. "don't look so shocked, the numbing takes Maksim 5 days minimum 3 but the paralize part" he smirks looking at me up and down. I'm getting sick in my stomach from him "takes 1 hour...then lets have some fun mhm" he walked over at me rubbing my my cheek then gesturing for pervert to follow him outide. I-I don't know what to do c'mon you shadowclones find them please, do it quick I'm begging you I don't want to find out what they will do to me while paralyzed.

3rd person

The clones both trying to get out, sneaking past the armed ninjas but manneged to get free. One immediately started getting in sage mode while the other stands guard it took a few seconds for him to enter sage mode. Both nobbing. They started to run from tree to tree while naruto 1 was searching for chakra signals while naruto 2 gave of a little of his own if sasuke were out there searching he'd sense it. They were along way from the place before sensing familiar chakras. They're completely exhausted from the nonstop running but kept the pase to get to the chakra signals

Sasukes pov

We stopped to get some rest before continuing our run we got a lead from one of the workers saying some guys went north carrying a blond guy. They aren't good at leaving no witneces but yet again it could be their way of attracting my attention. Well they have it and they're gonna regret getting it. I'm running ahead followed by Lee. This guy's getting on my nerves. I stopped causing everyone else to stop aswell. I looked to them but most importantly to hinata when the words "it's his chakra" came out of her mouth confirming it, I instantly ran and spead up leaving them behind. But of course they're following me.

We kept following his chakra for 10 minutes maybe but to our surprise it was shadowclones. "listen he's in danger head north keep running straight ahead don't turn for anyone" one of them said before fanishing leaving only one left "what do-" he interupted me with "he's.. Me... I...us huh" he tries figuring out what to refer the original naruto but we all gave him death stares witch caused him to gulp "he's badly injured and can't use his chakra because of the dampenor, I'll lead you but I can dissepeer any mome-" "lead now we'll continue if you" I said stern causing him to run the way he came from it took him less then 30 min to fanish leaving us on our own.

We ran for another hour before I noticed that sakura stopped. Most of them stopped aswell on a few branches away from her. Hinata tried going to her but sakura just held her hand up saying to stop. I went closer to her on the opposite branch asking her what's wrong. "promise me.." she starts letting a tear fall while looking down, she's clenching her fist tightly "promise me you're gonna start loving naruto!" she screamed lifting her head up for everyone to see her face full of tears and puffy "what do yo-" "you know nothing about him, me, hinata shikamaru, temari, sensei, Lee, tsunade even karin knows more about him then you" she interrupted me.

I stood there looking at her shocked at her sudden out burst. "you haven't noticed anything on naruto's body yet have you? ... Do you even know about his sca-" "sakura!!" tsunade screamed "enough!... Let's continue naruto's waiting" kakashi continues while gesturing everyone to continue. Sakura just punched the tree and ran past me I stood there thinking. Why did they interrupt her, is naruto happy with me, is she right. Don't I show it I love him. I can't loose that idiot not now not ever. I ran towards them getting in the front of them of everyone looking back at sakura.

Sakura I'll make things right between him and me I promise

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