~Chapter 11~

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Right now naruto and hinata are running through the wouds. Hinata running in the lead taking a few glanzes at naruto who showed no emotion at all. She suddenly stops in her tracks standing on a branch looking at naruto who slowly approached her with eyes of curiosity and worry. "your eyes aren't hard to read" hinata states while looking at him intensely. She's feeling mixed emotions of regret and the feeling of this needs to happen. "hehe yeah I know" naruto says while rubbing the back of his neck and smiling cheakishly. Hinata bends down and sits on the branch with her legs together and her arms crossed. Naruto following her movements and bends down and sits with one leg hanging over the branch and his other leg currently the resting place for his arm. "we should've told them" hinata says while laying her head on narutos shoulder. "no... It's beter they don't find out" naruto says while laying his head on hinatas head "and besides we aren't following our plan we're following his plan and they won't betray us hinata" naruto closes his eyes remembering that moment they told them...

Shikamaru, Ino and Choji standing in front of narutos bed with hinata by his side. "absolutely not you just got back and you're definitely not healed yet!" shikamaru screams at naruto while hinata just looks at naruto worried for his reaction "shikama-" hinata was cut of by ino interrupting her "its suicidal, crazy, irresponsible and-" she looks at hinata her eyes filled with anger and fear for them "why the hell would you allow this huh, HINATA!!" ino lost her cool witch was something she shouldn't have done "ino" narutos cool voice floated thro the air and caused ino to step back a little "she and I decided on it" naruto said while asking hinata for water that stood next to her. They looked at him with alot of questions.

"naruto... I'm in but explain first the reason for this idiotic plan" shikamaru said while leaning against the table. Choji and ino questioning him while looking at him then naruto then at shikamaru again "hinata is the byakugan princess meaning she has a close connection to the otutsuki..." he looked at them hoping they would realize what he's meaning but they didn't "who else is an otutsuki?... Hagoromo I'm gonna connect to his chakra and bring kurama back with the help of hinata" they all looked shocked at them shifting their gaze between the both of them. All three questioning the stupidity of naruto and this plan "it needs to happen" hinata states while sitting next to naruto but not close and not far away from him either . "look I'm asking for your help" naruto states while looking at shikamaru determination in his eyes holding his hand out. Shikamaru responds by clapping it away and screaming at them both "your idiots his chakra won't bring kurama back and hinata won't be able to help this is suicidal naruto. I thaught you of all people would've talked him out of it" shikamarus gaze sternly on hinata with blame in them.

Hinata looked down at her hands fiddling with them. Hinata wanted to say something but couldn't manage to. In one swift naruto grabbed shikamarus arm and knee budded him in the stomach causing him to bend over luckily with no blood spilling out of his mouth. "shikamaru... Listen close and listen well I am not the same as before... I'm weak I learned that the hard way" ino bended down to help shikamaru and choji to,all three looking at him knowing what's really going on "this may be a suicide mission but I-I miss him and so does the others, I'm asking as a friend for help, I've always helped you it's time you help me" naruto stood up and reached his hand out again, hinata stood up and bended down in front of them "I'll try my best to help and keep him safe" hinata smiled with eyes closed, they looked at her wondering what's this got to do with hinata. After a few seconds shikamaru took narutos hand and agreed. "what's it in for you hinata?" ino asked while lightly putting her hand on her shoulder while shikamaru and the others work talked about a strategy.

Hinata looked at ino and then to naruto smiling a soft carrying smile and looked back at ino "to fulfill my destiny" she looked at ino whose face was shocked "what destiny?" hinata wanted to say something but was interrupted by shikamaru calling them. They all sat on the floor interested in the plan shikamaru came up with. "it's perfect" naruto says while smiling and patting his back "sasuke won't be able to use his sharinggan on it" choji states. Everyone stood up and packed everything they used away. Ino still with a burning question in her "hinata-" she says standing infront of her "why are yo-" she was interrupted by naruto "there's an empty throne awaiting her..." all eyes on her while naruto reaches his arm out and rests it over her shoulder. "this stays between us" naruto stated firmly and they all agreed. They said their goodbyes and left only with worry in their mind.

-end of flashback-
It was getting late and they weren't even far away enough yet. Hinata slightly tugged narutos arm to wake him up from his daydream "we need to keep moving" she states while getting up naruto nobbing to her words and both started running again.

At this moment all of the attention turned to shikamaru and the rest. Sasuke, menma and saradas sharinggan was out while memory's byakugan flared. They stood their grounds knowing they helped naruto out. "SHIKAMARU!!" Sakuras voice was heard. She's walking towards them and her fists ready to slam in their faces. "SHANARO" She tries to hit him but tsunade and kakashi both running to stop her leaving the others free to what they want. Memory was ready to attack aswell as the hokage and the others "stop this at once!!" karin screamed while standing infront of them blocking their way to the 3. Sasuke and karin shared death stares same as sakura and tsunade.

"let's go the hokages office and sort this out as adults not in the front of the town passage" kakashi states while walking towards Ino and the other. Them all agreeing after everyone calmed down. At the hokage tower. "explain shikamaru my patience isn't well at this point" sasuke states while sitting in narutos chair. Sakura standing next to him and kakashi on the other side tsunade stood with the kids.

They stood there all three looking at each other nobbing not saying anything at all. "ino please what's happening why did they leave?" sakura asked looking at her best friend hoping she would answer her but she didn't they tried this for an entire 15 minutes but sasuke grew more and more impatient "if you don't tell us I'll let them enter your minds and get the information for us" sasuke states pure hatred in his voice "what a drag" shikamaru says while putting his hands in his pockets. "sasuke did you forget who is the strongest in that type of jutsu I can protect our minds against it" ino says sheepishly grinning while looking at them.

Sakura getting irretated with them "ino for fucks sake tell me why my fucking wife took of with naruto!" sakura screams while punshing the table infront of her. Ino looked at her while tears started to fall from her face. Memory grabbed tsunades hand and held it tight. Ino look at shikamaru and choji both shaking their head in disagreement "I'm sorry..." ino  looked down and started moving slowly towards shikamaru. "if your worried they like each other don't be, they just -" choji got slapped by ino hard in the face. Him holding his head in pain and ino screaming at him shikamaru standing there in the same position as before disepointed in the idiots around him.

"ENOUGH" sasuke screams his sharingan activated "tell us and I'll look past this and I won't send you to prison" "you can do that but not for long right... You can only put us there for a few months we can do with bonding time" shikamaru interrupts him causing him to get angrier. "shikamaru we're friends right what's happening" sadness could be heard in her voice. Sakura placed her hand on sasuke's shoulder "please they are our loved ones" sadness and concern was in her voice yet again nothing else but that... All three said in unison "I'm sorry we can't" with that sasuke ordered the anbu to take them to jail for 4 months for their betrayed.

And just like that the village lost 2 great shinobe and a family lost an important member....

Hope you guys get a little info out of this and btw I already wrote a few chapters and it's not going how I wanted it to so I'm rewriting that aswell

Please be patient ❤️

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