~Chapter 7~

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Konoha was quiet. People were buying their normal groceries. Children were playing and learning in the academy. Oh how I wish it was this quiet in the hospital. The nurses are running around getting the things tsunade instructed them to get. Tsunade screaming from the medical room to hurry up.

This is happening quite to often she thinks to herself. It's been 2 days since they found naruto. He's been seizing every couple of hours according to tsunade. Sakura was working on the antidote with the help of a few other medic nins sasuke asked to be sent here for help from other villagers. He's been stuck up in his office ever since that day. He's not left once to see how his children are doing only to go shower and get new clothes. The kids were all hiding how they felt. They're not crying nor sulking or even putting on a sad face they're pretending to be happy but a few of them aren't even showing any emotion.

"hey" was heard from the backside. The kids stopped in their tracks to turn around to see who it was. It was hinata walking towards them waving and smiling. They just looked at her not saying a word nor wanting to. "what do you guys want for dinner" she asks them kindly while putting her hands in front of her. "ramen" menma says stern, cold and with zero emotions. The rest agreed with him by nobbing their heads. Hinata thinking about how sasuke traits are so well passed down. "okay... are you guy-" "himawari" sarada says turning around to crouch down holding her arms out for hima to hug her while running this way.

The rest forced a smile on their faces when she hugged her. They excused themselves and went back to their house after leaving temari standing their. She snapped back to, and started walking to the hospital. She waited for the lady to show her to sakura. She was busy trying to figure out a way to make the antidote and trying hard. "sakura" hinatas gentle voice filled the once quiet room. Sakuras head shot up and looked at her wife standing in the door way smiling with closed eyes at her.

The rest escused themselves since it was break time. Hinata walked to sakura giving her the food she made. Sakura just pushed the food away and kept working on the antidote. "sakura" hinata says stern while looking at sakura busy with dropping the antidote on the poison she extracted from naruto. "I need to help him" she says while putting it under the microscope. "I did it before in less time" she states,a tear falling from her eye. She rubbed it away and looked through the lence. "sakura but that poison was different" hinata says while sitting on a chair.

Sakura immediately stood straight and yelled for the team to get back here. She yelled aswell to get the antidote she made back then. Hinata just sat there watching the entire desplay from sakura yelling and the nins obaying her orders. Sakura walked to hinata and placed a kiss on her fore head leaving hinata with a questioned look on her face. "thanks Hina" sakura winked while the nins ran inside with the previous antidote.

A few hours went by and the hospital halls were filled with sakura screaming and running through them to naruto's room, his body laying unconscious on the bed. She walked closer to him with the antidote and the others walking behind her. She insirted the antidote like back then but this antidote was stronger, advanced and adapted to narutos poison witch means one wrong move and he dies on the spot.

Tsunade was this time here aswell and helped her in any way she could. Sakura started sweating from the pressure of her best friends life laying in her hands. 1 hour passed and she was finely done and exhausted from the persistent use of chakra and consintrations. The room filled with hoo rays and she's amazing and Tsunade congratulating her. Naruto was in the clear zone but still wasn't moving or even opening his eyes.

Sakura looked at him her eyes softening and saying "lets leave, he needs the rest" everyone walked out side the room and hinata entered. Her eyes widened at the site of sakura falling on her knees from exhaustion with tears falling down her face. Hinata fell beside her and placing her hand on Sakuras shoulder saying "you're amazing" with that sakura hugged hinata tightly "so who's telling sasuke" both laughing quietly before leaving naruto on the bed.

A knock was heard from the door and sasuke told them to enter. Sakura entered with a sad smile on her face. Sasuke's heart dropped at the site of Sakuras sad expression. Narutos docter has a sad expression on her face that's not good he thinks to himself. Keeping his voice in check he asked "sakura what happened" sakura enjoying this moment to torture sasuke even if it's just for a moment.

"sasuke..." she looked at him and started to let a tear fall. He stood up slamming his fist on the table "sakura stop fucking with me what happened!!" he screamed at her leaving her in shock "sasuke when did you check up with your kids" her voice filled with sadness and anger avoiding his question "what does that have to do with naru-" he was interrupted by sakura slamaing the wall with her fist, her body still facing sasuke "because those children are the joy of his life, they are the only ones thats ceeping naruto alive" her eyes widened at what she just said and sasukes aswell. "what did you just say" he asked only anger in his voice his sharingan flaring at her.

"I - I can't sasuke I promise-" "sakura it's an order from your hokage now what do you mean!?" she couldn't resist he has both his killer intent showing and that's scary for sakura. "he tried suicide sasuke" she says looking down. Yet again his eyes widened at her words. The word 'suicide' filling his head. She walked to the door and stopped "I found an antidote, he's recovering..." a silence filled the room. "tell your kids that, none of us will" she walked away leaving sasuke standing there with regret.

The kids were all home, all five of them were sitting in the living room. Menma and sarada were talking about assignments that were given out. Boruto and kawaki fighting over nonsense and hima listening to them. The door opened and closed. They all stopped doing what they were doing and stared at the door waiting for the person to enter the living room. When they saw who it was anger filled the eldest kids while hima ran to hug said person. He crouched and hugged his youngest daughter back and stood up facing the stares the rest gave him. "dad" sarada said trying to sound happy but failed. "sakura found a cure" their eyes widened at his sudden words.

That sakura cured their 'mama' so to speak. "he's still unconscious... And no visitors are allowed" he said that last part with sadness witch the kids immediately picked up. Sasuke looked at them one last time, giving a smile and walked to the stairs. "oii hokage" boruto yelled walking after him the rest looking at each other before following him. Sasuke looked at him questionly asking him to continue. "do you love dad?" he said not leaving the eye contact he and sasuke made.

Why is he asking this? Is he stupid? Sasukes' mind filled with questions. He turned around walking up the stairs "you can put it like that" that answer angered the boys and all three yelling "give us a clear answer" sasuke stopped in his tracks and turned his face to look at them "yes I love that idiot" with that he left them standing at the bottom. They all went on as normal after a couple of long minutes passed by.

A few moments later temari knocked on the door and gave them food that she cooked extra especially for them but she didn't know sasuke was there as well. He walks down the stairs on his way out when he sees temari giving boruto a bag probably with food in it he thaught and walked towards her. "sasuke?!" she yelled softly and sasuke just looking at her and doing his signature hn. "I didn't know yo-" she was swiftly interrupted by him while he walked past her leaving the house "I'm leaving anyway" putting his hand up in a wave and with that he disappeared with a confused temari and disappointed kids looking in the direction where he was walking.

It's busy he thinks to himself while walking with his hands in his pocket through the hospital halls to where the nurse told him naruto was resting. The rules of no visiters was easily dismissed with him being hokage and everything. He stands in front of the the door uncertain if naruto wants to see him or not. "It's been a couple of days maybe he'd want to see" he unintentionally said that out load "just go in" sakura walked towards him placing a hand on his shoulder. "go in talk to him and come out it's not that hard" she states leaning forward to open the door and gently pushing him inside. He closed the door behind him and anxiously walked to narutos bedside and sat on the chair. He held his lovers hand tightly. "I'm sorry" with those words he let out a small cry that he didn't even know he had.

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