~Chapter 8~

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Sasuke stood by naruto's body, there was no signs of body movement only his chest moving up and down signaling that he's breathing. Sasuke sat in a chair next to his waiting for something to happen he didn't exactly know what but he waited. He fell asleep with his hand interlocking with narutos and his head resting on the side of the bed... He suddenly jumped up at the sudden feeling on his head, his hair was being touched more like being played with. His eyes widened at the idiot smiling at him eyes closed.

"naruto..." his eyes softens while he stood up gaining a curious look from the blonde but was soon answered with a hug from the raven. Naruto just smiled through the pain of his body and hugged him back. Tears fell down boths faces but not one let out a sound, sasuke tried to keep his cries silent so that the blonde could cry his heart out of what he's been through. "naruto what did they-" he was cut of by naruto pushing him away gently not because of care but because he was to weak of not eating and pain in his insides to push him harder. Sasuke was shocked at this sudden action and tried moving his hand towards narutos face but was clapped away by naruto." I'm still feeling weak I wanne rest sasuke." naruto says not making eye contact but sasuke resieved narutos meassage in that sentence. "just come tomorrow okay" naruto said while putting his arm up in a gesture of hand shaking.

Sasuke stood there not knowing what's going on with his dope but went in to shake his hand anyway. "naruto.." sasuke stood there in front of naruto mustering all his energy and guts to ask him, while naruto only looked at him to continue. "can I.. maybe.. kiss you... I know you've been through terrible stuff but I've missed yo-" he was cut of by narutos "sure" sasuke just didn't notice naruto's genuine smile while he asked and that smiled stayed sasuke thinking the opposite of course, he knows this idiot better then the idiot himself but chose not to say anything only to do what he asked of naruto.

Sasuke's hand slowly cuped his face moving in for a kiss his other hand holding naruto's. But the door was opened by hinata. Sasuke looked at her deadly scolding hinata in his head for ruining this moment... She quickly turned around allowing him to continue. Their lips connected and they both enjoyed this long awaited kiss they faught for dominance but naruto lost because he gave up on fighting for it since he was weak he thought that as an excuse for losing the fight. They separated a couple of minutes later. "see you later" sasuke said poking narutos head with his fingers. There was a deadly silence in the room.

Not either one of them talked, no sound was heard exept hinatas shoes walking towards naruto and the people walking outside. Her arms wrapped around him shocking him. She embraced him holding him tightly one hand on his head the other on the shoulder, naruto sunk into the embrace and the words she said to him caused him to brake down in tears. "stop this act... I know what happened sakura told me about how she found out with the scans...so please let it out"

The kids heard the news from iruka and kakashi while they were walking to the hokage office ready to file their report of the mission they just finished. "can we visit dad yet?" sarada asked looking at the two elder males walking beside kawaki. "not today" iruka said patting her head in a way to ease her sadness.

Kakashi on the other hand could only think of how naruto is doing or if he's holding up okay. Kawaki and boruto faught yet again about a stupid thing that isn't even worth fighting for all the way to the hokage tower with the rest of the team listening and giving comments to boost this fight and their ego. They arrived and knocked on the door. A quiet yet stern voice said they could enter and that's what they did.

The kids kept this meeting as formal as possible hoping they could ask him to grant them permission to see their father. When they finally gathered all their energy they asked in unisen "please grant us permission to visit father" they all bowed respectfully and waited for his answer they waited a long while, their backs started hurting from the continues bowing position. "no" he said stern while going through a pack of papers not looking at them.

They shot straight up questioning, yelling while asking him why not while kakashi and iruka looked at each other and tried to calm them down. It took them a long time to get the kids from yelling more spesifiek the boys that were present sarada just looked at her father with hateful eyes. "look it's not that I don't want you to see him, it's just that he's been through a lot and couldn't deal with it when he was unconscious" he kept looking at his papers while signing and putting it on piles he sorted out as important, less important and not important. The kids looked at him all of their eyes filled with mixed emotions and questions about what happened exactly.

When boruto tried asking about it sasuke just spoke over him and said "look you'll see him when he's better now leave I have a lot of work to do" the kids just turned around walking to the door still with the same eyes, kakashi and iruka followed but sasuke asked the to stay behind.

They looked at him and awaited for him to say why he asked them to stay behind. He stood up and walked to the front of his desk leaning on it while showing them a paper. "sakuras report on narutos physical body" it was in deed a medical report written in her own handwritting. He took the paper and placed it on his desk, his arms folded and head down, eyes closed. "according to it naruto has suvered internal bleeding and tissue damage she could heal most of that of course but she discovered something else as well..." he looked at them eyes searching for any signs of afraidness or even sadness and he could pick up on both emotions.

"he had internal beading down there witch means he was... raped" he said that word with utmost hatred "over and over by the scoundrels that kidnapped him" the other two males looked at him shocked. They couldn't even say anything the room went silent their thoughts filling it. "there's more" they both looked at him questioning him of what more could there be. "his physical body is healing but his spiritual body isn't" his eyes softens when he said that last part knowing he implied death in it. Iruka looked at him before letting his emotions get the best of him "how do you know that uchiha" sasuke just looked shocked at the sudden surname being used.

"it was obvious and ino confirmed it" iruka just stood there not wanting to believe sasuke's words not wanting to except it. He stormed out the office leaving sasuke and kakashi alone there. "did you speak to him" kakashi asked looking at sasuke not leaving his sights on him while he walked back to his chair. "i did" sasuke said letting his face rest on on his hands. "and.." kakashi trying to fish for something that they wouldn't have noticed if they met naruto in person "he's faking it... And lied to my face about it with a smile" he said not feeling to look at Kakashi. He just stood there and looked out the window "maybe he won't lie to iruka"

Iruka walked through the hospital doors asking the lady at the reseption to see naruto but she refused. It took them a full 30 min to settle it and call sukara who allowed him to see naruto only if she attends it. She went down personally to resolve this after the phone call. They were walking to gether to narutos room. "how is he?" iruka asked woriedly about naruto. Sakura answered by better then they thaught he would be with the healing part but she didn't mention his spiritual part. "what about his mental condition?" he asked while they stopped in front of the door.

"Iruka.." she said her hand stopping on the door knob. "don't mention anything about the mission or rumors you heard... Im allowing this because maybe you can get something that he wouldn't tell any of us". She said that not looking at him only at the door eyes full of concern, fear and sadness with a hint of anger. She opened the door and they both walked in. She closed the door and both looked at naruto sitting straight up in bed looking out the window admiring the clouds in the sky, his head turned towards them and gave a big smile that faded as quickly as it appeared he.

He looked at them shock filled their eyes when they saw his dead filled eyes staring at them "I'm really nothing without him, huh" he said looking at them then turning to the window "why didn't you take me with you" he said tears falling from their eyes while they watch a silhouette of naruto sitting there...he finishes his sentence with "just kill me already would ya" that sentence caused their hearts to break while iruka finally asked "who are you talking about?" he was moving closer but sakuras hand stopped him from moving closer wanting to hear his answer of who should kill him. His head swiftly turned towards them and that emotionless smile appeared again. "sasuke who else"

Sorry for the short chapter I just wanted to update for you guys☺️
I'm just really busy at the moment so hope you enjoyed it😉

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