~Chapter 15~

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"watch out" hinata screamed at naruto before pushing him away taking the hit of a giant hand slamming her in the floor screaming in agony of the impact blood spilling out of her mouth when she fell the second time. "HINATA!" Naruto screamed reaching a hand out before being slammed against the floor as well. He didn't spit blood out no he stood up ferious looking at the giant as if it was his next target which he was. But a grown diverted his attention from the giant towards were the sound came from. Hinata trembled as she treid standing up. She looked up holding her right arm tightly. She tripped over her own feat and started falling face down.

An arm wrapped around her waist catching her before she fell and helping her to her feat not releasing the hold on her. Naruto looked in her eyes staring at them as if he was lost. "naruto" she said softly snapping him out of it. His hand turned a bright colour healing her wound focusing soly on healing her. She groaned of the pain but endured it. The samurai treid protecting them while he healed her and succeeded successfully.
"papa" a little girl yelled while running to him. He bent down wrapping her in his arms tightly "morning princess" he says while kissing her cheak jokingly "dad!" the other two said aswell causing him to reach out his arm for them to run into and that they did he felt at peace weirdly you would think, stupid, and idiotic but he did more then ever.

"we told them"

"I heard"

He rubs their head and looks at hinata ushering her to get closer to him and that she did he hugged her tightly trying to remember this moment "I'm glad your safe when you left i-" she cupped his face "I'm alive and that's all that matters right" he nobs she turns to the samurai fighting and standing in a protective circle around them "listen up" she yells and immediately everyone knelt before them "we damage that thing" she points at the giant and starring deeply with authority at them "and then we leave it to the konoha village, got that" she demanded more than asked and they all replied to her obediently, naruto looked at them "behind me" and that they did, they immediately appeared behind both of them. He looked at Hugo and Mei who immediately understood what he wants from them and grabbed the kids by the waist gently picking them up before searching for something nobbing in their direction and taking of, taking them to a save distance.
"ready" she asked while taking out her sword.
"always" he smiled goofly in response
Smiles plastered on their faces as narutos entire body started to glow and hinata outer boby shone purple giving of deadly chakra.

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Out of breath, panting, shaking ,falling down on their knees as the giant moved passed them only using two legs to walk and the sense of smell as a navigator. Cries of victory and happiness were heard from the samurai on the battlefield. A giant portal appeared with a ton of medics and extra armed men for if there were danger somewhere. "where's the princess?" a medic questioned the samurai she was helping up, groaning from the pain in his leg he was gently forced to stand on. She bent down cutting the fabric from his leg to reveal the gruesome wound. She didn't show any sign of hesitation and immediately started to heal him and then bandage it for it was not fully yealed nor closed up yet. She stood up giving him a confused look for the deadly silance between them earlier. He pointed in the distance "a few meters there, they destracted them for us to hit blows but... There is damage you need to go" she gasped and orederd a team to follow her but not leaving without hitting the poor thing for not telling her earlier.

Naruto sat down using a rock for back support, grunting of his body's protest and looking at hinata who used her sword as a leaning tool to keep her straight up and not falling down. Both of their clothes were torn and dirty from the fighting. Hinata slowly made her way towards him trying not to make a sound that was forcefully trying to leave her mouth out of pain. She managed to stand before him both looking in eachothers eyes before his hand interrupted the gaze. He offered his hand for her to settle down beside him and she grasiously took it and sat resting her head on his shoulder both enjoying the silance after they just almost died. Smoke slowly started to come from narutos body and she closed her eyes feeling him taking her hand in his "your healing great" she sleepily says while feeling the warmth of his chakra spreading from her hand upwards "yeah so are you" she softly chuckle at his comment and murming a thanks to you and he heard that and softly pushed her with his elbow.

"I saw her Naruto" he looked at her who still kept her eyes shut reminding her of something "and... Did you feel t-"
"nothing" she said tears leaving her eyes "I felt nothing" her grip on his hand tightened and so did his in a way of reasurens for her. "but w-" he was cut of by the medic team screaming their names while running towards them at a remarkable speed. He sighed while standing up not letting go of her hand. "later" they both nob in agreement and waved to the medics who came as fast as lightning and out of breath.


"you were reckless" the leader of the naruto's personal squad states while the others agreed and protest when naruto treid to stand up from his bed. He and hinata was told to stay in bed for atleast a few days and he took it as in a few hours. "uh huh" he didn't care what they said while he stood up and pushed them of him while trying to get his clothes. They treid persaying him to get in bed some even treid ordering him to get in bed which he gladly ignored "naruto" hinatas voice soft and lethal through the air causing all them to stop doing what they were doing "seeing how you love disrupting my sleep, dear husband" she said that last word with clear meaning behind it "I'll gladly join jou" she stated while getting out of bed revealing her night gown and that's when all those tough men blushed a deep red and turned around facing the opposite direction of her.

Naruto just stood laughing at her while yelling at them to get out. "fine we'll do it" he says while closing the door and walking towards her. She smiles at him hope shinning in her eyes, hope to reattach bonds "but only to tell them to forget about us.." her smile faltered aswell as her hopes. She fell to her knees in defeat "we have children there naruto_" he bent down, placing a hand on her cheak "and so do we, but here, now, we have a kingdom, a legacy, people depending on us" he was right if they leave now enemies of all over will come for their people and even if the option of living on earth was plausible it would be unfair to the clan to move them for their own desires and they both knew the risks and both accepted it the day they stood before them...

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