~Chapter 13~

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Shin grinned with excitement while everyone else was confused "no Shin no he said we shouldn't try anything" hanami said trying to get him to forget his crazy plan. "ughhh but he's right here let's atleast get some juicy intail" he pleaded with her but failed shui just sat there confused but listening "on who? Naruto?" sakura asked while sitting on the opisite bed same as memory and menma.

"yeah he forbid us to warn you and that he'd kill us if we talked to you but that idiot got banged up pretty good so here we are... Now for intail" he said sneakily rubbing his hands together waiting for it
... But failed to realize he gave it away "you idiot" hanami just gave up on hitting him seeing no point in it anymore and just kicked him of the bed. "banged up who did he fight" real concern was heard in sasukes voice.

Hanami knew who and what this man in front of her meant to naruto. She stood up and stood before him her eyes dead serious she held her hand out to sakura so that she could stand as well "I'm sorry I know what I'm about to say will hurt you..." she looked at both of them and then at the kids and back to them "we are not from here our timelines differ so remember that... Me and Shin are a few years older then you memory and shui is 5" she waited a while before continuing "I am naruto's daughter and shui is naruto's daughter aswell  this idiot over here he is hinatas son aswell as..." she paused and looked at sakura urging her to speak
"but he has naruto's blood cells how is he -?" sasuke interrupted her and grabbed hanamis shoulders tightly "are you saying my husband fucking left me to sleep with hinata and another fucker" his sharingan flared and looked deep into hers.

Shin took an kunai he found while walking to her and held it to sakuras neck "I don't care who the fuck my dad was to you but let her go or I kill her" he grins before continuing "it wouldn't be my first kill uchiha" sasuke looked over and both of them shared an intense glare before leting her go so did shin, shui climbed of and stood infront of sakura "please don't hate mama" she started crying infront of everyone sakura looked at the girl and it reminded her of herself one time "shui stop" shin said while picking her up and whipping the tears of.

"look they are injured and are being healed up we came to warn you of a danger heading your way naruto gave us a list of potential weaknesses of the threat" she gave him a paper that had the list on it but in sasukes mind he was wondering how could it defeat naruto "calm down it didn't harm him it poisoned him, the thing didn't stop no matter what they treid, it's determined to get here hinata took a few hits to before it paralyzed her...." they looked at the girl who started to tear up but quickly wiped it away to not show weakness.

"our job is done here we caused you enough pain we're leaving" shin said while putting his hand on her shoulder while still carrying shui. "you didn't, I'm happy they are alive and well" sakura said smiling sasuke had the oppesite expression on his face. Shin looked at him not knowing what to say "look I would love to get blackmail material to hold against my dad but your not in the mood... I'll just say this he did love you and his kids here" he looked at the kids everyone with upcoming tears sasuke focusing not on what he actually said but at the three words 'did love you' this made him wonder if his husband or ex husband fell out of love and left because of that because he couldn't realize it in time maybe his line of thaught was interrupted by a very angry boruto "then why did he leave, why hasn't he come back yet, huh!?"

"he made a new family and left us you took our place" "enough boruto" sasuke screams at boruto "I can't tell you i'm sorry" shins face fell down sad and hurt by what he said the words ringing in his ear on a loop. "look at me shin, hanami and shui" sakura says while bending down to their level "you didn't take their place, don't blame yourselfs oky you just made them happier" sakura tried comforting them by softly patting their heads.
An anbu barged in the room screaming that someone was at the gate and asked for sasuke the hokage and that that person seemed extremely mad. Shin put shui down and all three ran after sasuke followed by sakura and the other kids.

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