~Chapter 14~

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Hinata started to get real worried and so did the other kids. She looked at kugo worried spread all over his face. And then at the three kids "kugo home. Now" she demanded trying not to be to mean but also strict. "yess miss" he says while fiddling in a bag trying to find something. After a long while he takes out a larger stone than the one before and throws it on the ground causing a big portal to open.

Sakura watched this scene from afar not knowing what to do. Sasuke and the other kids doing the same "hinata what happened to nar-" he was cut of by an upcoming samurai through the portal bowing before hinata "my queen it's urgent" he states while getting up looking at the kids close to hinata and then at the leaf Shinobu before him "shut it Mei" she states while taking of her cloak and handing it to mei who graciously accepted it. Revealing her battle uniform.

(the picture above) Her entire body has visably changed with muscles that formed from the severe training they had as well as wounds and bandages, most of her outfit was torn. Her arm pieces were completely of on the one side and the other side it  was only torn so that little pieces hanged there. Bandages were wrapped over some of the clothing to stop the bleeding and you could see the blood stains on her clothes. This caused a major shock to everyone present even the kids. Except Mei who was of course the one who sawed and tended to her wounds. "hinata" sakura shacky voice was heard and followed by the three kids "mom.." concern was heard from them and they beat the others to it "what happened mo-" "sweaty stop, it's not the time for sympathy especially not for me" she says her back still turned to the others leaving them more curious. Finally memory said something "mom what happened to you" this caused hinata to stop in whatever she was doing. She hasn't heard her daughters voice in so long, she quickly got rid of a thaught that started to amurge and kept on doing what she was doing "hinata what happened?" sakura says as well but hinata ignored it and whispered something to Mei "dam it hinata what happened to you? Don't ignore me you are my fucking wife" she just kept ignoring sakura for who knows why and talked to both Mei and kugo this caused sakura to fill with rage she ran to hinata and held her fist up trying to hit a punch but before she could two guards appeared out the portel and tackled sakura to the ground causing her to scream. And this is when she finally turned around.

"you left us hinata you left me the village your dreams everything..." sakura says softly accepting that the two guys brought her down. Tears started to fill her eyes yet again and this time sakura let it flow. "hinata let sakura go" sasuke angrily states while moving in front of his and sakuras kids. Anger was clearly in his eyes.

Dreams? Such a funny definition of what I used to have she thought along to herself

Hinata just waved her hand. The two men immediately went to her side moving off of sakura, giving her a scroll. She accepted it and opened it up revealing information on the threat "listen well hokage..." she said that word with as much tease as possible. She looked at him gaining his focus aswell as sakura who still couldn't stop the tears but for a good reason "it's immune to wind, electricity, water chakra so be careful when it comes, don't underestimate it his weak spot is the diamond shape on his tongue which is the trick place to get to... Naruto managed to touch it but barely before it yanked him out and threw him.." sasukes eyes widen in shock and fear. " and no if it's out of our time zone we won't interfere " she said that part sternly making sure her point gets along.
She gave the scroll back to the men and started walking to the portal. "so what...is that it huh hinata you come back just to ruin everything again? You left us and disappeared with naruto and now after three years I find out you have a new fucking family with him.. And what are you queen or something" a snicker cam from sakura "you?...Hinata you couldn't even stand up for yourself but you're ruling a nation now with that asshole" shin could see her mother's hands starting to shake and so could hanami.

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