~Chapter 16~

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The letter was scent to both sasuke and sakura on that same day hinata and naruto agreed to do it his way.

"sasuke!" sakura screamed while busting his door open and running in with her shoes stil on. She ran up the stairs to were his home office sat and opened it not so gently. "sakura if you're gonna break down my door and house the least you can do is take of your shoes" he calmly states while getting up and walking towards the doors closing it while she takes of her shoes.
"did you receive a letter from them?" he looked at her then at his desk. He nodded and walked towards it opening the top right shelf revealing the same letter she had in her hands

"it's a formal meeting and I believe we are the main attraction"
Her green eyes shone, shining with a glimmer of hope and something in between "I read it" she held her open letter to her head while the other stretched over her stomach "great now I don't have to read it, hokage work is more than enough" she took that as a sign to sum up the letter seeing how he only got to the invite part "they're inviting us to dinner at a mansion somewhere on earth" thanks to their time difference naruto thaught to rather hold it at one of his mansions or stations on earth to lessen the time wasted on meeting each other "when did he have mansions on earth" sakura questioned while grabbing a chair and pulling it out for her to sit at seeing how sasuke already took his seat in his chair.

"don't know we'll ask him when we get there now continue sakura" he sat back in his chair relaxing in it while she continued explaining everything she remembered
"lastly they are sending some of their 'people' so to speak to help us get dressed and"
"dressed why should we get dressed?" sasuke asked while sitting right up focusing on sakura "well they are leaders sasuke..." he just made a weird comment and sakura rolled her eyes and continued. There will be guards coming to retrieve them as well as they will take a portal as transportation.

"sasuke I think they're here" this caught the childrens attention. They all ran towards sakura and stopped to see 5 normal looking ninjas in the door way. They looked at her confused not knowing what's going on and she knew she would have to tell them but the sad truth was, they wouldn't be going along.
"morning you guys can go up the stairs and the first door to your right" they nodded and headed up two of the men stayed down keeping an eye on sakura as she walked to the living room her kids following and so did they. She sat down on the middle coach screaming at sasuke to join her. The two guards stayed in the door entry and moved only when sasuke came down and entered. He sat next to sakura. "we are going to be leaving for a few days so ino and ten ten will check up on you and temari agreed to let you stay with her" "where are you going?" kawaki interrupted her at the other children agreed with him and questioned her aswell. Sasuke got a little annoyed at this and she noticed and placed a hand on his calming him down. He looked at her and she softly smiled at him.
"we are going to go meet naruto and hinata" this just rallied them up even more now. Angry at them for keeping it a secret "shut it" sasuke screamed while getting up. The guards at the entry turned around to look at the commotion in the room "they only invited me and sakura not you, and I don't know why but if you're gonna keep asking questions I will give you the hard truth" she stood up beside him while they quilted down "then give it" memory said while looking at him directly in the eyes. Menma looked at his father "we can handle it".
Sasuke knew they couldn't and he knew sakura couldn't either and deep down neither could he. He bit his lip before saying something he knew he would regret later on "they're not coming back and that's a fact, they have a family of their own" he didn't look at them nor at sakura he walked towards the guards mumbling
"love only goes that far before it shatters and besides I think they fell for each other" he hated those words and he could hear the kids sniffing in the back but couldn't hear sakura "are they happy" she asked causing him to turn around. She didn't shed a tear nor any sort of emotion.
"are they?" she walked towards the guards in the door frame not showing any sign of sadness "ma'am we can't -" sasuke stood beside her "she didn't ask if you can she asked if they are happy" he stared at them with that kind of stare you threaten someone with. They looked at each other before looking at sakura and sasuke "it's time for you to get dressed it's almost 2" they both held their arms sideways in a motion for them to get upstairs to the others. They walked past them not glancing at them and holding their heads up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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