~Chapter 9~

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They stood there in silence watching this shell of naruto sitting there not saying anything or doing anything only looking outside at the sky filled clouds. "who should've taken you with them?" sakura asked while moving forward very curious to what narutos answer is going to be. his gaze turned to her in a curious why as if it was obvious who he was talking about" kurama" they both looked at him with shocked faces and then turning towards each other. Their shocked faces soon turned to fear as what he meant by that. But Iruka being Iruka wanted to be certain if what they were thinking was tru. "naruto... He's dead" sakura shocked that he would even tell naruto that again "Iruka!" she yelled holding on to his arm tightly preventing him from moving towards naruto again. They both shared a gaze one with curiousness the other with silent tears. "yeah" his voice didn't crack or even shed a hint of being afraid , longing, sadness there was nothing in his voice nor in his eyes. They looked at him again sakuras grip getting tighter around irukas arm. "I know I didn't loose my brein iruka so please leave I was busy" iruka pulled his arm away from sakuras grip and walked up to naruto he gripped both his shoulders and shook him lightly. "what the hell naruto what's wrong with you?" iruka asked while a tear started to roll down his cheak and another following on the other side. Naruto just looked at him saying nothing at all. A few seconds past by and naruto finally slapped his hands of his shoulder ."nothing... So just leave iruka" naruto holding his hand out to sakura "sakura wanted to check up on me" he looked at him coldy eyeing him up and down "your in the way" irukas eyes widen while sakura passed him and took narutos hand. She got the things on the bed table nearest to her and started to prepare a vitamin injection. Irukas face was looking down, he started to clench his fist, "I'll kill sasuke for what he has done to you!" he screamed from the top of his lungs scaring sakura, but mostly because of what he said he turned around and walked towards the door reaching for the nob. "what did you just say" when he turned his head his face was met with narutos fist slamming into it. Naruto was now standing on top of him and iruka laying on the ground holding his cheak. Sakura ran to naruto tapping his shoulder knowing naruto might hit her to. "lets do your injections oky" her voice filled with fake happiness and her eyes with great sadness for her best friends lost in emotions. "iruka I'm saying this as the head of the hospital evacuate this room." she helped naruto to the bed and helped him to sit on it. Iruka stood up and walked out of the room mad and sad at the same time but mostly shocked at narutos actions.

..... It's been a couple of days and naruto slowly started to get back to his old self his kids went to visit him every day aswell as hinata.......

Extra info you need to kinda make sense of what's to happen...
Somethings been of between naruto and hinata according to sarada and memory....

"papa!" hima screamed while running through the hospital halls and opening every door seeing if it was narutos room. Hinata calmly walking behind her with memory walking beside her with a look of disappointment. "himawari he's on the floor above us room 4D SO STOP SCREAMING!" momory said with annoyance in her voice. Hima was the entire day with her. "continue hima, just wait at the elevator for us oky" hinata says softly while putting her hand on memorys arm while hima runs and continues with what she was doing. Hinata gave her daughter a look saying 'give her chance'. Hinata continues to walk and memory follows her again. Hinata starring at the buzy little baby running around. She looked with awe at the child "she kept budding in on my training and kept asking questions about what type of jutsu it was and what's my chakra nature" she says crossing her arms and looked away from her mother who was now looking at her. Hinata then turned her gaze at the hima who was waiting for them at the elevator. "she looks up to you your older then her siblings so it's natural" memory looked at her mother and then at hima "i always watched naruto train... He inspired me the most that time and he still does" hinata didn't look at memory while saying that she only stared at the distance ahead. "what took you so looong aunty hinata" hima says while motioning for hinata to pick her up. Hinata picked her up and they all went in the elevator.

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