~Chapter 6~

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They both came in after what I presume was an hour. My entire body is numb I literally can't move an inch only my head can move. Pervert came closer and started to unlock my chains keeping the dampener on. I fell to the ground but he catched me and carried me to the door. They both didn't say anything while we walked to a room. He walked inside and layd me on the bed in the middle of the room. Both smirking and taking of their shirts. "ready for a threesome" pervert says walking towards me. "fuck of" I said looking at him not showing fear but...is it wrong to be scared. Of course I'm not I'm an uzumaki if I can handle sasuke this won't be that hard to face... Right? They took of their pants leaving only their boxers on. They told me their names pervert is garel and greyo is yota for incase I need something to scream was yotas words. They both came on the bed one taking of pants and the other my shirt. "yota look I'm hard already" he says laughing while pointing at his manhood. Garel laughed insanely. He sat on top of me rubbing his manhood against mine in attempt to harden us both. Yota forced me to look at him while he moved in and kissed me. I refused to give him entrance into my mouth. He separated giving garel a pity full look, he suddenly punched my stomach hard causing me to open my mouth from the pain. Yota took this opertunity to enter my mouth, forcely kissing me and biting down on my lip causing blood to leak out. Garel got hard rather quickly. He took of my boxer and entered one finger causing me to gasp from the sudden action he took. Yota noticed and started to put one of his fingers in. I got wet  and regretted it but what could I do,.they seemed pleased while licking their fingers of these discusting pics. They wanted to enter me but got in a argument of who's thing is bigger and garel won his is quite smaller then sasu-stop naruto don't go their. Geral said get ready While he entering me not going slow nor wanting. It hurts it really does I started to cry while yota sat on my chest. "aww don't cry... Suck" he indicates moving his thing towards my face. He forcefully stuck it in my mouth. I am not sucking it but he sure as hell is fucking my mouth. I hate this, I don't want this, I just wanne die already can't that happen, can't the poisen work faster and kill me already.... It's been half an hour they've done the same things to me over and over not stopping. I don't have tears left I don't have energy left. My eyes were dull I know because I lost any hope of escaping this torture. Someone knocked on the door. They asked to give them a minute while they dressed. They gave him clearance to come in "boss wants everyone on the roof now" he says running out. They nobbed. Before they left garel put on my boxers and both ran out. A lady came in and said she's just here to put my trousers on witch she did but not leaving without slicing a piece on my shoulder open and laughed while getting out.
I hope you all burn.
_________________⚠End ⚠________________

3rd person

They stood in front of the building. The only thing separating them from it was a cliff with a river flowing down under. "chakra?" sasuke asked looking at hinata "alot of them sasuke one heading our way" she states they all looked at the building. A man appeared on the walls of it (okay so you know those walls around a castle well its the same structure only the walls are connected to the building, spreading around it fully connected to it aswell with doors. Hope it makes sense) "well well well... Uchiha Sasuke we finally meet" the old man grins at Sasuke. "you have something that belongs to me... Give him back and I'll go easy on you" sasuke says his sharingan already activated. Two guys ran from one of the side gates and each standing at his sides. "see you can't bargain Uchiha we have Naruto Uzumaki... And these two had a little fun with him while we waited" he grins at his own statement while sasuke stood there frozen "sasuke" tsunade whispers at him in a way saying take action you dumb brat?. Pakkun was already waiting sasuke's orders while he listened from a bush just faraway enough "pakkun go give him the chakra boddels and tell him to jump" sasuke whispers. pakkun left sneaking away while they're all destracting the other guys.

Pakkun snuck in successfully without being seen and trying not to be seen. He sniffed around trying to catch a snif of something from naruto. A few minutes passed and got ahold of narutos blood on a kunai a lady was holding while walking past him, he hid of course. When he saw no one he ran and followed the trace to a slightly open door. Pakkun carefully opened it making sure the room is clear. He saw naruto laying on the bed with no movement he feared the worst while jumping on the bed. It was covered in blood and a slimy texture witch pakkun immediately knew what it was thanks to his nose. "hey kid.." he waited for a response "pakkun?" naruto asked with a low voice. He was happy naruto was alive. He took the chakra tools and inserted it in narutos stomach. "listen can you move" he asks "they poisoned me my body's weak I couldn't even...move" his voice cracking while finishing that sentence. Pakkun thinking of something he could do for him. "oky listen up I'll help you, you focus on walking and getting to sasuke" pakkun said while trying to move his body of the bed. "I can't move pakkun" naruto says with absolute no hope in his voice. "you can I injected you with chakra meant to support your body so get your ass up and go to your husband" pakkun states helping naruto. His limbs could barely move but he tried. He got help from the walls and furniture to stand and walk out the door. Pakkun kept the cost clear while naruto made his best efforts to follow pakkun directions to the exit.

Naruto fell to his knees more then ones trying to walk. He kept leaning on the wall for help. Naruto stopped by a door lifting his hand slowly trying to open it "stop get your energy before you open it... Just remember to jump" he states still ungaurd by narutos side. A few minutes passed and naruto decided to open the door pakkun following. The bos outside shocked to see him walking and orders them to get him "naruto jump" pakkun screamed. Sasuke calling narutos name could be heard but all naruto focused on was jumping of the building. Pakkun tried to keep them away while naruto went to the edge. He jumped with everything he had but could feel his body going back to its state as before. Pakkun disappeared when naruto jumped. Naruto facing the sky thinking its the end for him thinking of his kids and...and his lover.

Sasuke formed his sasuno and catches naruto. He held him so that narutos body was against his and their faces inches away. "naruto" sasuke says refusing to shed a tear while rubbing his cheek. naruto on the other hand cried, happy that his in sasukes arms now. He looked at narutos upper body witch was wide open with a lot and I mean a lot of blood and cuts and stab woonds. "who?" he asked cold and stern...he's angry. Naruto looks at him in those deep dark pool of light where narutos always happy and answered "the two next to him" naruto says resting his head on sasuke's shoulder while sasuke turns to them he let's naruto down slowly giving him to tsunade and the others. They immediately tried healing him. "it's no use he'll die of the poison" yota laughs and what he clearly shouldn't have done. Sasuke slowly turns towards them "see you got it wrong the person who'll die is you" sasukes sasuno makes the fire jutsu sign and starts burning the entire building. He burnt it while listening to all the screams and cries from everyone inside. He didn't stop untill everything and I mean everthing was in ashes. "you don't mess with someone that's mine" he says and turns towards them.

"it's poison" naruto states while looking at  sakura, karin, and tsunade. All three afraid of the poison naruto explained everything about what they told him about the poison and how long it will take. "naruto.." sasuke says while walking towards him and sitting down allowing naruto to lay on his lap. "teme" naruto says smiling. Naruto suddenly started to cauph and blood started to come out. Tsunade yelled "go we need to get him to the hospital!" sasuke gave him to kakashi and summond auda. Only sasuke, naruto, sakura and tsunade got on his back and immediately went to konoha. The rest ran on foot. The only thing on their minds was -

Naruto please survive this...

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