~Chapter 4~ is..he

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Narutos pov

I've been here for a long while. I barely eat, only if that pervert is done beating the crap out of me and cutting my skin open as if it was paper. He tore and cutted my shirt open to see the blood when he's cutting. Over the past couple of days there's only been two guys here one being pervert and second a tall weird looking Grey haired guy asking me questions about sasuke and his defense systems. I really don't know much about it only what anbu's are where when the time comes. Yeah I know I'm second in command but that's sais thing not mine, mines training and working them till they can't anymore and sai's the head, the brains but I sometimes doubt if he actually has one.

They both walk in together giving of irritation and murderous vibes how those two mix I don't know but they both are giving it of. "what crawled up your asses today?" I ask still grinning while struggling to say that sentence with my ribcage being beaten up. They look me up and down trying to figure out If I'm being serious or stupid. "sometimes I can't figure out if you're stupid or a idiot" the greyo states rubbing his two fingers across the bridge between his eyes "sasuke says that all the time" I mumble unaware of saying it aloud "huh say that again" greyo says walking towards me. He's getting close to close for comfort. "wha-" "don't act dump say that louder I want to know if what I heard was correct" wait his serious what did I say-oh that "what crawled-" interrupted by his hand punching into my face his hand around my neck slamming me hard against the wall, tightening his grip.

Suffocating me while doing so, I could do nothing my hands where tied and I felt so so weak so powerless. I gave in "he c-calls me t-tha-t all t-the t-tim-e," I try to say with his hand still around my neck. He let's go after what I tried to say leaving me falling over trying to catch breathe. "you know him don't you" he says smiling brighter then what I've seen a pervert smile "and maybe as friends" he says getting his hopes up for a response I kept looking down at the ground trying to gain my breath. "wait are you two lovers?" my eyes widen and my body tenses up. "I'm right aren't I" before he could come any closer another guy walks in and tells them their boss wants to talk with them emphasizing the word emediately.

They both nobbing waiting for him to leave before going crazy pushing and shoving eachother to go first yelling at each other to go first. They didn't even realize their fighting caused them to get to close to me. Pervert pushes greyo to go first by he's to quick and trips him to fall backward to me both falling in the oppesite direction. Pervert landed on my leg causing me to scream from the pain of his body hitting my beat up leg aswell as the screwed in devise. The guy from before came in yelling at them to hurry up both jumped up and hurried to him to go to the boss.

I hate this why am I still here couldn't they just kill me of at the beginning?. My leg is starting to feel weird. I look over at it and the devise that's stuck to leg starts making sparks it suddenly stops allowing some of my Chakra to come back. It's only enough to make 2 shadowclones but that should be enough. With all the strength I have I try to jump to get my hands closer. (meaning his jumping up against the wall to make his chains around his arm longer to make the jutsu sign keep in mind his chains are connected so while his jumping he tries to jump high knee that way giving his chains length) I managed to form the hand sign and somend them. They immediately nobbed and ran to the door the idiots didn't even lock it and left. I hope they make it. You know that feeling of when you do something to quick while your body is in agony yeah that came rushing in. I bit my tongue trying not to scream from it how stupid can I be.

3rd person

Menma and sarada are running from roof to roof trying to see if they can spot naruto but they can't. They meet up with the rest of the kids including memory. "well?" menma stood in front of everyone eyes closed and arms crossed (in a way that proves he's sasukes sun) all of them looked down signifying that they all found no traces of either one's parent. "what now" hima asked and all the others looked at each other and nobbed to come up with an excuse to send hima to some where else.

"hima would you mind waiting at home and let us know if they return?" sarada calmly states hoping hima would do so. It took a long while until hima agreed and left. But now they have to do what she says for a week starting after they find their parents. This kid is something else always getting her way with them ." oii.. What about shikamaru he's hokage-samas right hand man" memory says letting her elbow rest on saradas shoulder.

"it could but we need someone he fears he won't tell us just because we ask" sarada says fixing her classes to look smart in what she says. "fine aunty temari it is who's coming with" boruto asks sticking his fist out and smiling aswell as grinning. "fine but since you came up with it you ask" kawaki states knowing full well temaris temper is almost as death threatening as sakuras and probably naruto of how he gets when they're insulting his ramen.

"no" temari states while going on with her normal duties. "wha-why?" boruto says throwing a fit. The rest just swet dropped at his current action. "because you're safer not knowing" she states while walking through the market place the rest following her like baby ducklings following its mama. They're irritating her with their pestering about to help them and help asking shikamaru for information.

"you damn uzumaki bloodlines" she yells her eyes turning red and punching boruto since he was closer. All of them scared of her and decided to bail and go with plan B witch was to threaten his life. Shikamaru was finishing his work that sasuke left him. He put down the pack of papers he read threw closing his eyes laying his head back. When he opened them menma was kneeling down on the table sword pointing at his throat. Memory and sarada at the sides of him holding kunais at his throat aswell while kawaki and boruto stood next to the table leaning on it while looking at him all of them giving of murderous chakra witch made shikamaru gulp at the sudden chakra and action they took.

"you're definitely sasuke kids alright" he says still sitting in the chair trying to avoid death itself. "where's our father?" menma asked pointing the sword closer to his neck almost peering his skin. "well sasuke went on a-" "not him our father shikamaru" boruto cuts him of death staring him to death while shikamaru thinking oh fuck why did naruto let sasuke fuck him and make these children. "he means naruto" kawaki states with a hidden message meaning answer him. Shikamaru knowing sasuke will kill him if he tells them whats happening so he came up with a plan."what a drag uchimakis, fine I'll show you... Now please take away the sharp tools" he says taping on the sword menma was holding to his throat. They all nobbed following him to a secret tunnel in the mountains. They're Hella sceptical about this but followed him anyway hoping they can trust shikamaru.

They followed him to an enormous room with nothing in it. It looks like training grounds. "where is h-" kawaki was cut short when shikamaru interrupted him "shadow possession jutsu" and got ahold of all five childrens shadows. Anbu suddenly appeared next to shikamaru and aswell as each of the kids. "shikamaru what the hell" sarada screams while being detained by the anbu aswell as the others. Memory activated her byakugan trying to get free of his jutsu but she failed. The anbu finished tying them up and putting dampeners on them. "so if you wanne talk let's talk" shikamaru says while sitting on a chair one of the anbus brought him.

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