~Chapter 2~mission

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Naruto pov

I ran over the houses to quickly get to the hokage tower. I walked in where his secretary nobbed for me to go to his office. Why do I feel so tressed out. I stopped at his door not wanting to open it, not wanting to be in there with him "come in you dobe" I hear him say I chuckle at the nickname and a weird feeling in my stomach appeared. I open the door and walk inside. His sitting behind his desk looking Hella fine if I do say so myself. I walk to his desk waiting for a response to why I'm her "sasuke-" I started but couldn't finnish "naruto you and temari will both be going on a mission tomorrow at 8 am so be ready by then and wait for her at the gate she'll explain the mission then" his gaze never leaving me while I look down.

"can't you just tell me" my gaze still focused on a random spot on the ground witch I'm pretending interest me. "sure it's a retrieve mission from suna its only a scroll so it's not to dangerous" he says reassuring me about the mission. I bowed and headed to the door. I reached my hand out wanting to open the door but his hand stops me and turns me around so that I face him "teme" I asked looking in those pools of darkness, where I can always find my happy place "dobe" he says that word with love and with I think maybe hunger he keeps looking at my mouth then to my eyes "what do I have something on my mouth?" I asked him his gaze not leaving mine "no,and that's the problem dobe" "what do mean?" he looks at me as if trying to figure something out. A knock interrupted us and sasuke's body suddenly leaving mine, with the cold air blowing against me.

He went to the door but quickly turns around and plants a kiss on my forehead and went to the door again. Shikamaru came in and said that temari is waiting with sakura and hinata and I nobbed. Sasuke sat behind the table looking at me, knowing his watching my every movement I walk to the door while shikamaru steps out giving me spece to leave. I stopped in the middle of the door. Knowing both are looking at me. "sasuke" I hear him say a hm to let me know i should continue "I love you, you big asshole" with that I left leaving him in shock hopefully while shikamaru grinned at my statement.

"SAKURA!!" i yelled when going bursting into her house "HINATA!!" yelled that aswell. Both shook and sat up straight when I came in the living room I started really fast with "okay so I went to his office and I was like you called and he was like yes we talked about the mission bla-bla so I bowed and walked to the door then he stopped me, he stopped me! , so he pushed me against the wall we both sayed our nicknames something about me having something on my mouth and him saying I don't and that's the problem and shikamaru ca-""naruto breathe" hinata said still focusing on me and giving me a soft sweet smile. I breathed in and started again with same pace as before "shikamaru knocked causing both of us to separate which I wish he didn't, so he came in saying temari's here do I left" "okay calm down naruto and tr-" i cut her of by saying "oh and I told him (clears throat) I love you you big asshole" both looking shocked at me while I just fall on the sofa with my head beried in a pillow.

"and I have a mission aswell..." I slowly look up from the surprising comfy pillow "what's the problem with that naruto" sakura asks still holding her arm over hinatas shoulder "it's supposed to be easy" I say my tone slightly getting annoyed "I can handle higher rank mission and he fucking knows it" I say turning on my back with my arms over my face. Both girls probably thinking I'm crazy over one easy mission but I really need something to test my abilities ya know. "or is it because I'm joining you naruto" I take my hands of my head only to be dead staired at by temari leaning in the middle wall looking straight at me. "noo of course not" I said knowing full well she was joking about that and trying to make me laugh witch I didn't. Temari came sitting down next to me still allowing me to lay on the sofa only with my head on her lap. We all talked for what felt like hours about our kids and who we see them with, and made adult jokes which some I snapped others I just acted as if I knew what they meant.

3rd person

It's currently 5 minutes before 8 and naruto's heading to the gate where temari was already waiting for him. They both greated eachother aswell as the guards on petrol and started heading out jumping from tree to tree at a fast pase both keeping up with each other wanting to reach suna in less then 4 days. They jumped and ran for the entire day with no in-between breaks. They searched for a while to find a clearing where they could camp untill they get their energy back. Both already exhausted from the long journey. Temari started the fire going, while naruto searched for anything to eat in the woods. Half an hour passes by and both of them are still enjoying the rabbits naruto manneged to catch. Neither one was on guard or ready for what was to come...

A rustling was heard from the bushes behind them witch cause them both to go into a fighting stanse with their backs against each other and kunais in their hands. It was quiet...to quiet for a forest at night time. Boths Chakra was not close to fully recharged. Both could already sense the other Chakra signatures in the forest surrounding them. Naruto and Temari both gave a slight nob of understandment of what's about to go down. Kunais came flying out of trees aswell as the bushes heading straight for them. They dodged and reflected them instantly but doing so separated from each other causing the enimy ninjas to surround each one. "temari!" naruto screamed while deflecting a kunai that headed straight for her head.

Temari nobed as a thanks and started to attack the ninjas same as naruto both getting injured from them. Somehow they both got reunited with cuts all over their body "you wanted something dangerous naruto" temari said grinning and still deflecting the kunais thrown at her "yeah I kno-" he tried to Finnish but couldn't. Temari turns her head as fast as she could to see why naruto stopped. She saw naruto being stung by a dart in the neck probably poison or a sleeping drug she couldn't tell. She rushed to catch her now falling partner. "run" was all temari heard when naruto pushed her away from the kunais being thrown.

They both were a few feet away from each other. Naruto slowly gets up grunting from his stiff body protesting from the sudden movement "listen temari run, tell the hokage about this and tell him it was planned" naruto says each word with pain while getting his kunais out "now run!!" he screams at her while throwing and deflecting kunais. Temari stood up with a worried expression for naruto both clearly not in the shape to fight them all of. She looks at naruto again before leaving but naruto doesn't let her leave without a bright smile and a slight nob. She starts running in konohas direction with tears leaving her eyes knowing there's a chance naruto won't make it.

Temari was in a perfectly far away distance where they couldn't track her down. Naruto knew that and smiled a soft smile before giving in to the darts effects and drops his kunais and his body fell to the ground. Naruto thaught for himself that he should've told sasuke about what he's feeling, and what sasuke means to him. His only wish was to say goodbye to his friends, his lover and his children. He leis there with the enimy ninjas surrounding him with 2 thaughts on his mind first being that he knows his family and friends would find his dead body in his own pool of blood in the middle of the forest with no signs of life and second being that sasuke lied to him,it was a dangerous mission after all.

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