~Chapter 3~

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3rd person

Temari was close to konoha. She could already see the gate and started speeding up if that was possible. Her entire body was coffered in blood and some not being her own, she shakes her head trying not to think of what happened back there and kept her focus on reaching sasuke. She reached the gate with guards and medic nins running to her but she totally ignored them and ran past them to the hokage tower.

The medic ninjas running after her to the hokage tower. She runs in and past the secretarie straight to sasuke. she kicks the door open shocking everyone in the room. She looks up saying "it was an ambush they knew we were heading to suna" she falls to the ground on her knees with the medic nins running In and starting healing her. Sasukes looks her at her body seeing the blood and cuts, she's barely staying awake he asks her "where's naru-" but was cut of by temari saying "they have him" and falls unconscious. Sasukes eyes widen with her words knowing full well he sent his husband on this? mission.

The medics rushed temari to the hospital. Sasuke not even looking at the people in the room, staring of in the distance wondering what to do. "sasuke?" Kakashi says snapping him out of his thoughts and back to reality. "get sakura, Lee, hinata, karin, tsunade and Kakashi your coming to..." he looks to the his left were the anbu appeared and continues "Get them to that gate in less then 10 minutes" he instructs the anbu next to Kakashi both nobbing and leaving the office.

Sasuke looks down facing his desk a tear trying to leave his eyes but quickly wipes them away "fuck naruto..." he says, his voice breaking a little. He pulls himself together and heads to the gate where his waiting for everyone to hurry their asses up. Kakashi and tsunadi are the first following with hinata and Lee and lastly sakura and karin. All of them nobs and starts heading out following the path sasuke marked out for temari and naruto for an easier route,one of Kakashis hounds are sniffing and trying to find any unknown trases that they don't sense or pick up along the way.

Narutos pov

My body...I can't feel my body. What happened to me. I think hard trying to remember what happened when everything came flashing in an instant. Temari is she alive..wait how am I alive?. I try to move my arms but I couldn't it felt like they were chained up against something aswell as my feet. "yess boss we have him" someone with a dark edgy creepy (he says that in his goofy inner voice)
Voice while what I believe was a door bacause of the creeks that came from the direction.

His foot steps stopped, it took them a while to continue but this time in my direction, wait why is it coming my direction. I jumped, ran, hoola hoops what ever I could in my mind while screaming what should do. I started to wiggle the chains trying to find a weak spot witch I didn't but what I gained was a creepy ass laugh coming from the bozo "hehe so you're awake already" that didn't sound as an question more like a statement. I slowly open my eyes trying to get a clear look to who it was but my vision was still hazy and blury. "can't see me huh" again why does this dude need to state everything like he's a mind reader. "it'll clear up in a sec, then lets have a talk okay blondi" coming from someone who sounds weird I'd doubt if that talk was gonna be a friendly chat and why call me blondi of all nicknames.

He was right my vision started to clear up and I could look around without seeing weird blury stuff. I was right my hands are tied to the wall aswell as my feet with a weird divise sticking to it. My body wasn't hanging from the wall, it kinda was but more like in a tighten possion. I try to wiggle the devise thing of of my leg but failed handsomely in doing so cause it's practically stuck, glued on or something. "it's a Chakra dampener, it's bolted to your leg blondi" the creepo says while standing up from his leaning position on the table again with blondi seriously dude.

"yeah kinda figured that out" I said looking him dead in the eyes, grinning hiding the fact that I have no idea or clue what's going on. I know they're looking for me I just need to not die while I'm... Umm.. Uh Stuck? or am I hanging? either way I'm not leaving soon. "cocky... I like it" he says coming closer and closer sharpening a sharpy tool in his hand it wasn't a kunai something else. "here's the deal blondi, boss wants you're hokage down and needs his weaknesses so this is going one of two ways wanne hear them?" still sharpening the uhh Sharpe tool thingy yeah thingy let's call it a thingy.

Me not realizing I zoned out trying to figure out what it was he continues "one you cooperate and be a good blondi and tell us or two I beat you to an almost death and you still tell us m'kay "he says that last part with a smile why is everything of this dude so creepy. "okay... "his eyes widen but smiles again "wait seriously it's thi-" I cut him short" try me "I said not leaving his eyes while grinning. "to cocky kid" his smile fades and turns into a devilish smile "soo path two huh" he walks to the counter he was laying on before and gets a pack of tools out. Leaving the thing from before on the table next to the pack.

⚠ Blood warning ⚠

My eyes widen at the tools all clearly meant for torture. "see kid" he says while getting a small sharp looking knife out and sharpens it "if boss wants answers i'ma give him answers" he starts walking to me. I close my eyes brasing for impact
but it's not coming I slightly open my eyes when my arm was suddenly being sliced open from my upper shoulder to my elbow. I let out a pained filled scream. H-how I'm still wearing my clothes. "ahh see I like that it sound nice" he grabs my chin forcing my eyes open and pulling my face to his only a few centimeters away from his "your screams sound nice" he continues. He leaves my face and goes back to the table to clean the knife. He takes of his shirt and walks back to me and gets in a fighting stanse "hey blondi, remember I need answers" he smiles again this time punching my stomach over and over again. I could feel the warm liquid leaving my mouth with every hit.

Each of his hits more painful then the next he's enjoying this he laughs everytime I try to not scream. It's probably ten min if not more where he none stops hit my stomach and chest. I'm not letting a scream escape my mouth except grouning of pain with each hit I'm not giving him my screams. He stops finally allowing me to catch my breathe "aww not screaming for daddy blondi?" he pouts while saying that and leaves my hanging body full of red and purple punch marks.

"didn't feel like it" I spit the blood out of my mouth making him angry "alright, alright but call me daddy and I'll let you of the hook this time" he grins hoping I'd call him that, I'm not gonna call him that cause it'll probably boost his perverted ego to punch me harder. See you perverted psycho there's a problem of all the people in the world "there's only one person I call daddy and it's not you" his eyes that was glimmering turns dull. Wait did I... wait wait! did I say that out load fuck I punch my inner self on the four head for this "hehe ooh blondies got a lover"i smirk at his statement giving him a fuck you sign with my fingers. That riled him up for sure he once again came up to me with a fast pace. Not stopping until he punches my face hard causing me to caugh out blood from the impact.

Sasuke pov

It's been 10 hours and we're still heading to their campsite. We've been jumping and jumping with sakura providing for those who's almost out. Some fell behind but I didn't look back I need to get there and see the damage of the battlefield. How could this have happened I picked out a safe mission for naruto, he was supposed to easely handle this mission with temari. But looks like I was wrong I'm so sorry naruto. I start picking up space knowing the others are falling behind. Lee keeps up with me determined to get there as soon as possible probably trying to get to his friend MY HUSBAND. "sasuke head straight I can see their campsite" hinata yells from where sakura was they both running at the back with their own responsibility for supplying chakra and keeping her eyes out for something strange.

I didn't even look at her and headed straight as she said where their campsite was...Destroyed, blood pools everywhere, kunais laying spreed out. I looked to my right where a massive pool was, bigger then the others. It's... noo... My sharinggan started to flair up, pulsing while my anger grew. I could feel a hand touching my shoulder, Karins hand clearly trying to calm me down while Kakashi gave pakkun the signal to sniff out any signs of enimy or naruto smells/traces he could track. It's been to long since someone was here I doudt there'll be a sent to track down "found one its faint but tractable" pakkun says getting a head start while sniffing. We all immediately followed him not thinking twice. We all asked if he was sure about where we were headed but he confirmed its narutos blood smell mixed with another,another fuckers hands on naruto, they will pay for this just you wait you fuckers.

Am I moving to fast with this I feel like I'm doing this to quickly. 😅🦋❤️

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