~Chapter 10~

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She smiled the entire time walking to her house. She opened the door took of her shoes and walked to the living room. Her smile faded as she saw two back packs laying on the counter. She sighed and went to freshen up. She stood under the shower not thinking about anything only empty thaughts. It was half four in the morning and she headed out avoiding the uchimaki compound and the rest of her friends. Naruto just got out the shower, he dried himself of and sneaked out the window in his hospital gown thing. He met up with hinata who already took the two guys out who was laying unconscious on the ground. Hinata gave him the bag and clothes to put on.



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Hinata was already wearing her outfit. A sleaveless black turtleneck shirt and a black maks to cover her mouth and nose. She has thight but not to thight fitted black pants on. A black anbu vest over her shirt. Long fitted black gloves that goes above her elbow and on both arms armor. black fighting shoes (Google fighting shoes and you'll see what I mean) . She also has a sword on her back.

Naruto has a the same type of tight fitted shirt on that covers his mouth, nose, neck and not his arms

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Naruto has a the same type of tight fitted shirt on that covers his mouth, nose, neck and not his arms. He has long black sleeves on but is different towards hinata hers is like princess type of gloves narutos goes the same length but at his fingers are open. He wears a type of loose anbu pants and black fighting shoes.

"naruto hinata you better move quick you have ten minutes to exit you can sense the other shakras right, shikamaru and choji are on their way" inos voice was heard in boths heads. They said at the same time "yes" they started running past the gate and into the forast looking for the line shikamaru drew marking the en of the shield. "mama" "father" they stopped at the words and turned around seeing their children and beloveds running after them. In the distance they saw shikamaru and choji running after them "oh fuck" naruto said while looking at them.

Hinata looked behind her with her byakugan activated and saw the line a few miles away from them. "naruto I can see it" she turned towards him dis activating the byakugan. He looked at her and nobbed they wanted to start running but memory and sarada hugged their parents and didn't let go. "what are you guys doing" sakura asked while walking towards her wife putting her hand on her arm worriedly "yeah you should be in bed uzumaki" sasuke said angrily while walking towards naruto who was currently rubbing his neck "I know I know". The kids all looked the same at them with curiosity. "5 min" inos voice echoed thro hinata and narutos head. They looked at each other and then at shikamaru and choji who just arrived.

"we need to do go and do something" naruto bended down and looked at his kids causing confused stares of sakura and sasuke. Hinata bended down aswell "and we'll be gone a long while oky" they baught enough time for shikamaru to do his jutsu and trap them. They all were confused and sad. But sakura and sasuke was furious "naruto hinata what the hell!!" sasuke screamed while looking at them getting up "hinata what's going on" they walked to their bags and looked at their families again "3 minutes hurry" ino said again. They smiled "this isn't goodbye" hinata said while looking at her family her wife and daughter. "it's only see you later" naruto finishes while looking at his family and smiling. "2 minutes" ino said again. Bother their faces turned dark causing the rest to be shocked at how cold they look.

They started to run to the line that was getting closer. Shikamarus jutsu worn out and sakura and sasuke immediately started running after them trying to catch up. "1 minute" they were pretty close but they would need to pivk it up to reach it. They looked behind to be met by sakura and sasuke chasing hem. They caught up really quickly "30 seconds" they were almost at the line and sakura and sasuke have almost catched up
"15 seconds" they are almost there


A barrier suddenly separated them and sakura and sasuke who ran straight into it. They quickly got up and walked towards the barrier. Both places their hands on it seeing how thick and in breakable it is. Sakura tried pushing it sasuke tried amatarasu and chidori but nothing worked. They looked at naruto and hinata. Sakura starting to let out tears and sasuke letting some escape. Naruto and hinata looked at each other and then walked towards the invisible force placing their hand on it. Sakura and sasuke did the same and all looked in their lovers eyes with different emotions sakura and sasuke's with sadness and betrayel hinata and narutos with sadness and happiness.

Hinata and naruto took their hands of and started to walk away. "hinata don't go please if you love us please... Stay" sakura fell to her knees looking down at her hands. "naruto why are you doing this?" bother turned around "sakura of course I do... Get up oky this isn't worth those tears, take care of yourself "hinata says with her soft voice smiling at her happily." it's a mission sasuke that I need to go on... You had yours now it's mine" naruto says while looking at sasuke trying to not run to him and hug him and tell him the truth about what's going on....both looked at their lovers and said

"I love you don't forget it"

I know I know it's kinda confusing but the next chapter will clear things up😉
And sorry I forgot to publish chapter 9 so i'ma publish both tonight.

And I know this story is taking a big twist and you might not like it and for that I'm sorry but I'm surprised as much as you probably are, and trust me you would wanne know what's going on its awesome and sad at the same time❤️

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